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R语言 rTOFsPRO包 mainRTOFsPROcModular()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-28 23:26:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         Signal processing for TOF MS
                                         TOF MS的信号处理

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


This function links and executes the scripts     for signal processing of the linear TOF spectra          to produce aligned peak intensity matrix (and peak positions)    that can be used for further statistical analysis




– Name of the file containing processing  parameters and options
- 名称的文件,其中包含的参数和选项的处理



======================================================================<br> PROCESSING STEPS INCLUDE (in a loop over spectra)                <br> <br> Set up:                                                                <br> Load "OptionsAndParameters.txt" file                        <br> <br> Load Data:                                                        <br> Load Data and MetaDataSet parameters                        <br> "multiple files" Loop begins (See note 1)                <br> <br> Background Correction. Options include:                                <br> RC (charge accumulation model)                                <br> Analytical (Gaussian, Exponential, linear) model        <br> None (default)                                                <br> <br> Preliminary alignment. Options include:                                <br> Global alignment (using correlation between pivot peaks)<br> TOF offset adjustment (from metaData)                        <br> None                                                        <br> <br> Downsampling and Filtering. Options include:                        <br> Integrative downsampling (IDS) only                        <br> IDS and Optimal Linear Filter (default)                        <br> IDS and Nonlinear Filter                                <br> IDS and Matched Filter                                        <br> IDS and MAV Filter                                        <br> <br> Pedastal removal. Options include:                                <br> MAV of local minima                                         <br> None (default)                                                <br> <br> Peak Picking. Options include:                                        <br> Trivial        (1st difference with local minim SNR, Note 2)        <br> W &amp; M (Maximum Likelihood Method) (needs extra lib)        <br> (call commented off: lib available from wecook@wm.edu)        <br> <br> Alignment. Options include:                                        <br> Align to average spectra                                <br> W &amp; M global binning (call commented off:                 <br> seprate lib available from wecook@wm.edu)                <br> <br> ========================================================================<br>
================================================== ==================== <BR>处理步骤包括:(在一个循环谱)参考参考设置:<BR>负载“OptionsAndParameters.txt的的“文件<BR> <BR>加载数据:<BR>加载数据和MetaDataSet参数,<BR>”多个文件“循环开始(见注1)的参考<BR>背景校正。选项包括:,参考RC(电荷积累模式)参考分析(高斯,指数,线性)模型<BR>无(默认)<BR> <BR>的初步走线。选项包括:<BR>的全球对齐方式(使用支点峰之间的相关性)参考TOF偏移调整(元数据)缩减像素采样和过滤<BR>的无<br> <br>。选项包括:中西医结合下采样<BR>(IDS)只<BR> IDS和最优线性滤波器(默认)参考IDS和非线性滤波的参考IDS和匹配滤波器参考IDS和MAV过滤器参考参考Pedastal去除。选项:参考MAV的局部极小参考无(默认)<BR> <BR>的峰值采摘。选项包括:<BR>的琐碎(第一差与当地的微量SNR,注2):参考W&M(最大似然法)(需要额外的库),参考(呼叫评论:LIB从wecook WM。 EDU),参考<BR>对齐。选项包括:参考对齐平均光谱参考W&M全球分级(调用评论的:<BR> seprate库可从wecook@wm.edu的)<BR>参考======= ================================================== ===============参考


<table summary="R valueblock"> <tr valign="top"><td>alignedPeakList</td> <td>  A Structure list of 2 element: "peaks" and "data", where "peaks" is a vector of aligned peak positions, and "data" is a list  (addressable by spectrumName) of "Intensities","PositionShifts", "PositionUncertainties", and"IntensityUncertainties"vectors.</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>alignedPeakListMetaData</td> <td>  A data.frame containing string values  for experimental meta-data, with rows and columns  addressable by spectrumName and attributeName</td></tr> </table>
<table summary="R valueblock"> <tr valign="top"> <TD> alignedPeakList</ TD> <td>一个结构列表中的2个元素:“峰”和“数据”,其中“峰“是一个向量对准的峰值位置,和”数据“的”强度“的列表(寻址spectrumName)中,”PositionShifts“中,”PositionUncertainties“,并”IntensityUncertainties“矢量。</ TD> </ TR> <数VALIGN =“顶”> <TD>alignedPeakListMetaData </ TD> <TD>包含字符串值的实验元数据,数据框的行和列寻址由spectrumName和属性名称</ TD> </ TR > </ TABLE>


Best used in "setup" or "tutorial" mode with small data sets < 50 spectra<br> IMPORTANT: For new data, edit "OptionsAndParameters" file and specify the path to <br> new working directory, containing data, by changing "TOFfileDIR" (see "Examples")<br> ========================================================================<br> Note 1. Due to the large size of data files, in "compression" mode     <br> raw tofList data can be loaded and partially processed by IDS from     <br> multiple files. The "multiple TOFs loop" includes blocks from "Load    <br> data" through "Downsampling and Filtering".At the end of the loop, the <br> downsampled spectra and their meta-data are concatenated and the         <br> original tofList is removed.                                                 <br> ========================================================================<br> Note 2. Basic peak picking algorithm adopted from Cromwell toolbox.         <br> (Copyright 2005.) Originally developed by MD Anderson and distributed  <br> under "BSD" Mathworks license: bioinformatics.mdanderson.org&ndash;   <br> cromwell.html. Local minima SNR threshold and baseline-dependent         <br> noise model for each preliminary filtering option was added here.         <br> ======================================================================<br> Note 3. For more details on options and parameters, as well as,        <br> individual signal processing routines, and example description         <br> see "rTOFsPRO_overview" manual document in inst &ndash; Doc                           <br> ======================================================================<br>
最好用小数据集在“设置”或“教程”模式<50光谱<BR>的重要:对于新的数据,,编辑“OptionsAndParameters”文件,并指定参考新的工作目录的路径,包含数据,通过改变“TOFfileDIR”(见“实例”)参考====================================== ================================== <br>注意1。由于大尺寸的数据文件,在“压缩模式<BR>的原始的tofList数据可以加载和部分处理由IDS从<BR>的多个文件。 “多的Tofs回路”包括块的“负载<BR>数据”,通过“缩减像素采样和过滤”。在循环结束,<BR>的缩减像素采样的光谱和它们的元数据串联和<BR>的原tofList被除去。参考=============================================== ========================= <br>注意2。基本高峰采摘算法采用从克伦威尔的工具箱。参考(版权所有,2005年。)最初开发MD安德森和<BR>的“BSD”Mathworks公司许可证:bioinformatics.mdanderson.org与<br>的cromwell.html下。本地最小SNR阈值和基线的依赖<BR>噪声模型每一个初步的筛选选项,添加在这里。参考=============================================== ======================= <BR>注3。的选项和参数的详细信息,以及,<BR>个人的信号处理程序,以及示例说明<BR>看到“rTOFsPRO_overview”手册在研究所的文件 - 文件参考========== ================================================== ==========参考


Dariya Malyarenko, William and Mary Research Institute, dimaly@wm.edu


[2]Gatlin-Bunai, C. L., et al., J Proteome Res (2007) 6, p.4517; <br> [3]Tracy, M.B., WMBrukerParser R-package (2009):


directory <- system.file("Examples", package = "rTOFsPRO")
OptionsAndParametersFileName <- paste(directory,"/OptionsAndParametersPCAqc11.txt", sep="")
outList <- mainRTOFsPROcModular(OptionsAndParametersFileName)

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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