R representation of message type field descriptor.
类对象----------Objects from the Class----------
Objects typically are retrieved from FieldDescriptor
pointer: external pointer to the FieldDescriptor c++ object
pointer:外部FieldDescriptorC + +对象的指针
name: name of the field within the message type
full_name: Fully qualified name of the field
type: Fully qualified name of the type that contains this field
show signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"): small description
显示signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):小介绍
as.character signature(x = "FieldDescriptor"): returns the debug string of the field descriptor. This is retrieved by a call to the DebugString
as.character signature(x = "FieldDescriptor"):返回的字符串描述符的调试。这是通过调用检索到DebugString
toString signature(x = "FieldDescriptor"): same as as.character
的toString signature(x = "FieldDescriptor"):as.character
$ signature(x = "FieldDescriptor"): used to invoke pseudo methods
$signature(x = "FieldDescriptor"):用于调用伪方法
containing_type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : returns a Descriptor of the message type that contains this field descriptor.
containing_type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):返回一个描述符的消息类型包含此字段描述。
is_extension signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : indicates if this is an extension.
is_extensionsignature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):如果这是一个扩展。
number signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : gets the declared tag number of this field.
数signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):得到这个字段声明的标签号码。
type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : type of this field.
类型signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):这个字段的类型。
cpp_type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : c++ type of this field.
cpp_type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):C + +这个字段的类型。
label signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : label of this field.
标签signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):这个域的标签。
is_required signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : is this field required.
is_required signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):这一领域。
is_optional signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : is this field optional.
is_optional signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):这个领域是可选的。
is_repeated signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : is this field repeated.
is_repeated signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):重复这一领域。
has_default_value signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : indicates if this field has a default value.
has_default_valuesignature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):如果此字段的默认值。
default_value signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : the default value of this field.
DEFAULT_VALUE signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):这个字段的默认值。
message_type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : the Descriptor for the associated message type. Generates an error if this field is not a message type field.
message_typesignature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):相关的消息类型的描述符。如果这个字段是不能产生一个错误的消息类型字段。
enum_type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor") : the EnumDescriptor for the associated enum type.Generates an error if this field is not an enum type field
enum_type signature(object = "FieldDescriptor"):EnumDescriptor的关联枚举type.Generates一个错误,如果该字段是不是一个枚举类型的字段的
Romain Francois <francoisromain@free.fr>
<h3>See Also</h3> Descriptor
## Not run: [#不运行:]
# example proto file supplied with this package[例如此包提供与原文件]
proto.file <- system.file( "proto", "addressbook.proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
# reading a proto file and creating the descriptor[读一本原始文件,并创建描述符]
Person <- P( "tutorial.Person", file = proto.file )