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R语言 Rpad包 RpadHTML()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-27 23:40:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Rpad utilities

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Rpad utilities to generate HTML output.


  HtmlTree(tagName, ...)
  H(tagName, ...)
  ## Default S3 method:
HtmlTree(tagName, ..., standaloneTag = FALSE, collapseContents = TRUE)
  Html(x, ...)
  HTMLtag(tagName, ...)
  HTMLradio(variableName, commonName = "radio", text = "", ...)
  HTMLcheckbox(name, text = "", ...)
  HTMLselect(name, text, default = 1, size = 1, id = name, contenteditablewrapper = TRUE, optionvalue = text, ...)
  HTMLinput(name, value = "", rpadType = "Rvariable", contenteditablewrapper = TRUE, ...)
  HTMLlink(url, text, ...)
  HTMLimg(filename = RpadPlotName(), ...)
  HTMLembed(filename, width = 600, height = 600, ...)
  print.condition(x, ...)


a string specifying the desired output format, like "html", "text", or "none"

specifies the text to be displayed in the HTML output.

is a string specifying the HTML nodeName ("H1" or "DIV" for example).

is a logical that specifies whether the HTML tag is a standalone tag, meaning it has no ending tag (<br/> for example).

is a logical that specifies whether vector tag contents are collapsed (merged).

参数:variableName, commonName
specify attributes of the radio element. commonName specifies the common radio elements that are grouped together (the name attribute of the radio element)&ndash;this gets translated into the R variable with the same name. variableName is the string result assigned to commonName when this radio item is selected (the value attribute of the radio element).
指定属性的无线元件。 commonName指定的通用无线电元件组合在一起(的无线电元素的name属性)被转换成R变量具有相同的名称。 variableName是字符串结果分配给commonName项目被选中时,这台收音机的无线电元素(属性)。

is the name attribute in HTML that is translated into the R variable with the same name.

is the initial value of the input box.

is the URL for the <A> element.

is a logical that specifies whether a wrapper is placed around the output to disable editing. Internet Explorer needs this to make links and input elements active.
是一个逻辑,用于指定是否将被置于一个包装输出禁用编辑。 Internet Explorer需要链接和输入元素活跃。

参数:default, size, id, optionvalue
specify parameters of a select box. default specifies which of the options is selected initially.
指定参数的选择框。 default指定最初选择的选项。

参数:filename, width, height
are parameters of an IMG or EMBED object.

is the "rpadType" attribute of an INPUT element. Normal values are either "Rvariable" or "Rstring" but other values of "rpadType" should also be possible.

== To define ==

arguments are passed on as HTML arguments for the given tag.



HTMLon and HTMLoff specify how Rpad interprets results (either HTML or text). Rpad output sections are normally rendered as plain text with a fixed-width font, so text script outputs are formatted properly. The output blocks can also contain HTML codes for displaying images or for formatting blocks. To change to HTML formatting, use HTMLon() (which sends '<htmlon/>' to the output). To turn HTML mode off, use HTMLoff() (which sends '<htmloff/>'). HTMLon and HTMLoff only apply to the existing Rpad input section; they don't carry over into the next.
HTMLon和HTMLoff指定RPAD如何解释结果(HTML或文本)。 RPAD输出部分通常呈现为一个固定宽度的字体的纯文本,这样的文本脚本输出的格式正确。输出块也可以包含HTML代码,用于显示图像,或进行格式化块。要更改为HTML格式,使用HTMLon()(发送“<htmlon/>输出)。要打开HTML模式,使用HTMLoff()(发送“<htmloff/>”)。 HTMLon和HTMLoff只适用于现有的RPAD输入部分,他们不结转到下一个。

HtmlTree and it's shortcut H generates HTML (or other XML-like syntax) for an arbitrary tag with the specified name and arguments.  Unnamed parameters to H are content, and named parameters are tag attributes.  By using nesting, it's a good way to generate HTML (or any XML) with properly formed tags. If tagName is NULL, then the contents are created without a surrounding tag. For vectors, each vector element becomes surrounded by tags, so H("div", c(1,2,3)) results in <div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div>.
HtmlTree和它的快捷H生成HTML(或其他类似XML的语法)的任意标记具有指定名称和参数。未命名的参数H的内容,参数和命名参数标签的属性。通过使用嵌套,这是一个很好的方法来生成HTML(或XML)格式正确的标签。如果tagName是NULL,则创建的内容没有标签。对于向量,每个向量元素变得包围的标签,所以H("div", c(1,2,3))结果<div>1</div><div>2</div><div>3</div>。

Html converts an R object to class HtmlTree. Methods are defined for matrices and data frames. For data frames, all ... arguments are passed to format before conversion to an HTML representation. Unnamed parameters to H that have a method defined for Html are automatically converted. For example, H("div", data.frame(a=1:2, b=1:2)) is the HTML representation of the data frame wrapped by a div tag.
Html将的R对象类HtmlTree。方法被定义为矩阵和数据框。对于数据框,...参数传递给format之前转换为HTML表示。未命名的参数,以H有一个方法定义Html会自动转换。例如,H("div", data.frame(a=1:2, b=1:2))是包装的div标签中的数据框的HTML表示。

For conversion of a wider selection of R objects to HTML, use HTML from the R2HTML package. HTML differs from Html in that HTML uses cat to directly send output whereas Html returns a character string. HfromHTML captures the output of HTML and returns it as a character string of class HtmlTree. This is useful for nesting HTML inside of H trees.
对于更广泛的选择R对象以HTML的转换,使用HTML:从该R2HTML的包。 HTML不同于Html,HTML使用cat直接发送输出,而Html返回一个字符串。 HfromHTML的HTML捕获输出,并返回的字符串类HtmlTree。这是非常有用的嵌套HTML内H树木。

ROutputMode changes how R behaves with automatic printing. Possible values are: "text" (the default), "html", or "none". "text" is like at the command line: values returned in the script are automatically printed (without an explicit print statement) in standard text format. With "html", values returned are automatically printed, but HTML output is generated by using the HTML method from R2HTML (if available) instead of the print method. ROutputMode applies to all subsequent Rpad input section, including a rollover back to the beginning when a page is run several times.
ROutputMode变化,R如何表现自动打印。可能的值有:“文本”(默认值),“HTML”,或“无”。就像是在命令行“文本”:在脚本中返回的值将自动打印(没有一个明确的print语句),在标准文本格式。 “HTML”,返回的值将自动打印,但的通过使用HTML从R2HTML方法(如果有的话),而不是print方法产生的HTML输出。 ROutputMode适用于所有随后的RPAD输入部分,包括一个过渡,刚开始的时候一个页面多次执行。


All of the HTML code generation routines return a character string of class HtmlTree. With automatic printing, the string is sent to the output (with cat). This has the effect that the HTML is displayed in Rpad. Note that if a HTML generation function is used inside of a loop or other scenario where the function results are not automatically printed, then you need to enclose the function with cat or print.

HTMLargs returns a string with the arguments as "a='arg1' b='arg2'", and so on. Note the use of single quotes. This will affect how quoted strings should be passed as elements.
HTMLargs返回一个字符串“a =ARG1B =ARG2”的论点,等。注意使用单引号。这将影响到引号的字符串应该如何被传递的元素。


Tom Short, EPRI, (<a href="mailto:tshort@epri.com">tshort@epri.com</a>)

参见----------See Also----------

R2HTML for other useful HTML routines that can be used in Rpad.


  a <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = (1:10)^3)

  # generate some GUI elements[产生一些GUI元素]
  # - normally done in an Rpad input section with rpadRun="init"[ - 通常是在RPAD输入部分rpadRun =“初始化”]
  HTMLon() # switch to html mode[切换到HTML模式]
  HTMLselect("favoriteAmericanState", state.name) # generate the select box[生成的选择框]

  H("div", "Hello world") # a simple div: "&lt;div&gt;Hello world&lt;/div&gt;"[一个简单的div:“<DIV>你好世界</ DIV>]
  H("div", class="helloStyle", "Hello world") # a div with a class[一个div类]
    # --&gt; "&lt;div class='helloStyle'&gt;Hello world&lt;/div&gt;"[ - > <div class=helloStyle>你好世界</ DIV>]

  # you can nest them:[你可以嵌套它们:]
  H("div", class = "myClass", dojoType = "tree",
    "This is some text in the div ",  
    H("em", "emphasized"), "plus some more",
    "and more",
    H("div", class = "anotherClass",
      "text in the div",

  HTMLoff() # switch to text mode[切换到文本模式]

  # fancy HTML output with R2HTML[花哨的HTML与R2HTML输出的]
  if (require(R2HTML)) {
    .HTML.file = "" # not needed in normal use[在正常使用中无需]
                    # kludge to pass R CMD check[的kludge通过R CMD检查的]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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