Apply an Oracle Data Mining model
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
This function applies a previously created ODM model to score new data.
sql.log.file = NULL)
Database ODBC channel identifier returned from a call to RODM_open_dbms_connection
Database table/view containing the training dataset.
ODM Model name
Columns to carry over into the output result.
File to append the log of all the SQL calls made by this function.
This function applies a previously created ODM model to score new data. The supplemental_cols parameter should be assigned in such a way as to retain the connection between the scores and the original cases. The simplest way to do this is to include a unique case identifier in the list, which provides the ability to identify the original row information for a score. If only some of the information from the original data is needed (for example, only the actual target value is needed when computing a measure of accuracy), then it is only this information which should be identified by the supplemental columns.
A list with the following components:
<table summary="R valueblock"> <tr valign="top"><td>model.apply_results</td> <td> A data frame table containing: For classification: class 1 probability numeric/double ... ... class N probability numeric/double supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M prediction
<table summary="R valueblock"> <tr valign="top"> <TD> model.apply_results</ TD> <TD>的数据框表,内容包括:分类:类1的概率数字/双... ... N级的概率数字/双补充塔1 ...补充M列预测
For regression: supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M prediction numeric/double
For anomaly detection (e.g. one-class SVM): class 1 probability numeric/integer (class 1 is the typical class) class 0 probability numeric/integer (class 0 is the outlier class) supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M prediction integer: 0 or 1
异常检测(例如,一类SVM)等级:1级概率数字/整数(1级是典型的类)类数字/ 0的概率整数(0级是离群类)补充第1列...补充M列预测的整数:0或1
For clustering: leaf cluster 1 probability numeric/double ... ... leaf cluster N probability numeric/double supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M cluster_id </td></tr> </table>
对于聚类:叶簇的概率数字/双... ...叶簇Ň的概率数字/双补充塔1 ...补充M列CLUSTER_ID </ TD> </ TR> </ TABLE>
Pablo Tamayo <a href=""></a>
Ari Mozes <a href=""></a>
Oracle Data Mining Concepts 11g Release 1 (11.1)
Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1)
Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1)
Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference 11g Release 1 (11.1)
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference (Data Mining functions) 11g Release 1 (11.1)
参见----------See Also----------
RODM_create_svm_model, RODM_create_kmeans_model, RODM_create_oc_model, RODM_create_nb_model, RODM_create_glm_model,
## Not run: [#不运行:]
DB <- RODM_open_dbms_connection(dsn="orcl11g", uid= "rodm", pwd = "rodm")
### Classification[##分类]
# Predicting survival in the sinking of the Titanic based on pasenger's sex, age, class, etc.[在泰坦尼克号沉没的基础上pasenger的性别,年龄,阶级,等预测生存]
data(titanic3, package="PASWR") # Load survival data from Titanic[加载生存“泰坦尼克”]
ds <- titanic3[,c("pclass", "survived", "sex", "age", "fare", "embarked")] # Select subset of attributes[选择的属性子集]
ds[,"survived"] <- ifelse(ds[,"survived"] == 1, "Yes", "No") # Rename target values[重命名目标值]
n.rows <- length(ds[,1]) # Number of rows[行数]
random_sample <- sample(1:n.rows, ceiling(n.rows/2)) # Split dataset randomly in train/test subsets[随机拆分数据集火车/测试子集]
titanic_train <- ds[random_sample,] # Training set[训练集]
titanic_test <- ds[setdiff(1:n.rows, random_sample),] # Test set[测试集]
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_train") # Push the training table to the database[推训练表到数据库]
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_test") # Push the testing table to the database[将测试表到数据库]
svm <- RODM_create_svm_model(database = DB, # Create ODM SVM classification model[ODM SVM分类模型]
data_table_name = "titanic_train",
target_column_name = "survived",
model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
mining_function = "classification")
# Apply the SVM classification model to test data.[应用SVM分类模型测试数据。]
svm2 <- RODM_apply_model(database = DB, # Predict test data[预测测试数据]
data_table_name = "titanic_test",
model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
supplemental_cols = "survived")
print(svm2$model.apply.results[1:10,]) # Print example of prediction results[打印示例的预测结果]
actual <- svm2$model.apply.results[, "SURVIVED"]
predicted <- svm2$model.apply.results[, "PREDICTION"]
probs <- as.real(as.character(svm2$model.apply.results[, "'Yes'"]))
table(actual, predicted, dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted")) # Confusion matrix[混淆矩阵]
perf.auc <- roc.area(ifelse(actual == "Yes", 1, 0), probs) # Compute ROC and plot[计算ROC和图]
auc.roc <- signif(perf.auc$A, digits=3)
auc.roc.p <- signif(perf.auc$p.value, digits=3)
roc.plot(ifelse(actual == "Yes", 1, 0), probs, binormal=T, plot="both", xlab="False Positive Rate",
ylab="True Postive Rate", main= "Titanic survival ODM SVM model ROC Curve")
text(0.7, 0.4, labels= paste("AUC ROC:", signif(perf.auc$A, digits=3)))
text(0.7, 0.3, labels= paste("p-value:", signif(perf.auc$p.value, digits=3)))
RODM_drop_model(DB, "SVM_MODEL") # Drop the model[掉落的模型]
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_train") # Drop the training table in the database[删除该培训数据库中的表]
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_test") # Drop the testing table in the database[删除测试数据库中的表]
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]
### Regression[##回归]
# Aproximating a one-dimensional non-linear function[Aproximating一个一维的非线性函数]
## Not run: [#不运行:]
X1 <- 10 * runif(500) - 5
Y1 <- X1*cos(X1) + 2*runif(500)
ds <- data.frame(cbind(X1, Y1))
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "ds") # Push the table to the database[按下表的数据库]
svm <- RODM_create_svm_model(database = DB, # Create ODM SVM regression model[ODM SVM回归模型]
data_table_name = "ds",
target_column_name = "Y1",
model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
mining_function = "regression")
# Apply the SVM regression model to test data.[应用支持向量机回归模型的测试数据。]
svm2 <- RODM_apply_model(database = DB, # Predict training data[预测训练数据]
data_table_name = "ds",
model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
supplemental_cols = "X1")
plot(X1, Y1, pch=20, col="blue")
points(x=svm2$model.apply.results[, "X1"], svm2$model.apply.results[, "PREDICTION"], pch=20, col="red")
legend(-4, -1.5, legend = c("actual", "SVM regression"), pch = c(20, 20), col = c("blue", "red"), = c("blue", "red"), cex = 1.20, pt.cex=1.5, bty="n")
RODM_drop_model(DB, "SVM_MODEL") # Drop the model[掉落的模型]
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "ds") # Drop the database table[删除数据库中的表]
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]
### Anomaly detection[##异常检测]
# Finding outliers in a 2D-dimensional discrete distribution of points[寻找一个2D二维离散分布点中的离群值]
## Not run: [#不运行:]
X1 <- c(rnorm(200, mean = 2, sd = 1), rnorm(300, mean = 8, sd = 2))
Y1 <- c(rnorm(200, mean = 2, sd = 1.5), rnorm(300, mean = 8, sd = 1.5))
ds <- data.frame(cbind(X1, Y1))
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "ds") # Push the table to the database[按下表的数据库]
svm <- RODM_create_svm_model(database = DB, # Create ODM SVM anomaly detection model[ODM SVM异常检测模型]
data_table_name = "ds",
target_column_name = NULL,
model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
mining_function = "anomaly_detection")
# Apply the SVM anomaly detection model to data.[应用支持向量机的异常检测模型的数据。]
svm2 <- RODM_apply_model(database = DB, # Predict training data[预测训练数据]
data_table_name = "ds",
model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
supplemental_cols = c("X1","Y1"))
plot(X1, Y1, pch=20, col="white")
col <- ifelse(svm2$model.apply.results[, "PREDICTION"] == 1, "green", "red")
for (i in 1:500) points(x=svm2$model.apply.results[i, "X1"],
y=svm2$model.apply.results[i, "Y1"],
col = col[i], pch=20)
legend(8, 2, legend = c("typical", "anomaly"), pch = c(20, 20), col = c("green", "red"), = c("green", "red"), cex = 1.20, pt.cex=1.5, bty="n")
RODM_drop_model(DB, "SVM_MODEL") # Drop the model[掉落的模型]
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "ds") # Drop the database table[删除数据库中的表]
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]
### Clustering [##聚类]
# Clustering a 2D multi-Gaussian distribution of points into clusters[聚类一个二维多点高斯分布到聚类]
## Not run: [#不运行:]
X1 <- c(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 1), rnorm(100, mean = 8, sd = 2), rnorm(100, mean = 5, sd = 0.6),
rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 1), rnorm(100, mean = 10, sd = 1)) # Create and merge 5 Gaussian distributions[创建和合并高斯分布]
Y1 <- c(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 2), rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 1.5), rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.5),
rnorm(100, mean = 3, sd = 0.2), rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 1))
ds <- data.frame(cbind(X1, Y1))
n.rows <- length(ds[,1]) # Number of rows[行数] <- matrix(seq(1, n.rows), nrow=n.rows, ncol=1, dimnames= list(NULL, c("ROW_ID"))) # Row id[行ID]
ds <- cbind(, ds) # Add row id to dataset [添加行号数据集]
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "ds")
km <- RODM_create_kmeans_model(
database = DB, # database ODBC channel identifier[数据库的ODBC通道标识符]
data_table_name = "ds", # data frame containing the input dataset[数据框包含输入数据集]
case_id_column_name = "ROW_ID", # case id to enable assignments during build[情况编号,使任务在构建]
num_clusters = 5)
# Apply the K-Means clustering model to data.[应用的k-means聚类分析模型的数据。]
km2 <- RODM_apply_model(
database = DB, # database ODBC channel identifier[数据库的ODBC通道标识符]
data_table_name = "ds", # data frame containing the input dataset[数据框包含输入数据集]
model_name = "KM_MODEL",
supplemental_cols = c("X1","Y1"))
x1a <- km2$model.apply.results[, "X1"]
y1a <- km2$model.apply.results[, "Y1"]
clu <- km2$model.apply.results[, "CLUSTER_ID"]
c.numbers <- unique(as.numeric(clu))
c.assign <- match(clu, c.numbers) <- c("blue", "green", "red", "orange", "purple")
color <-[c.assign]
nf <- layout(matrix(c(1, 2), 1, 2, byrow=T), widths = c(1, 1), heights = 1, respect = FALSE)
plot(x1a, y1a, pch=20, col=1, xlab="X1", ylab="Y1", main="Original Data Points")
plot(x1a, y1a, pch=20, type = "n", xlab="X1", ylab="Y1", main="After kmeans clustering")
for (i in 1:n.rows) {
points(x1a[i], y1a[i], col= color[i], pch=20)
legend(5, -0.5, legend=c("Cluster 1", "Cluster 2", "Cluster 3", "Cluster 4", "Cluster 5"), pch = rep(20, 5),
col =, =, cex = 0.8, pt.cex=1, bty="n")
RODM_drop_model(DB, "KM_MODEL") # Drop the model[掉落的模型]
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "ds") # Drop the database table[删除数据库中的表]
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]
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