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发表于 2012-2-17 10:23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Objects With Fields Treated by Reference (OOP-style)

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The software described here supports reference classes whose objects have fields accessed by reference in the style of “OOP” languages such as Java and C++. Computations with these objects invoke methods on them and extract or set their fields. The field and method computations potentially modify the object. All computations referring to the objects see the modifications, in contrast to the usual functional programming model in R. Reference classes can be used to program in R directly or in combination with an interface to an OOP-style language, allowing R-written methods to extend the interface.
这里描述的软件支持引用类的对象通过引用访问字段中的“面向对象”的语言,如Java和C风格+。计算这些对象调用它们的方法和提取或设置各自的领域。字段和方法计算潜在的对象进行修改。所指的对象全部计算修改,对比度通常在R参考类功能的编程模型可以用来设计研发直接或结合与一个面向对象的语言风格的接口,允许R  - 写方法扩展接口。


setRefClass(Class, fields = , contains = , methods =,
     where =, ...)

getRefClass(Class, where =)


character string name for the class.  In the call to getRefClass() this argument can also be any object from the relevant class;  note also the corresponding reference class methods documented in the section on “Writing Reference Methods”.  

either a character vector of field names or a named list of the fields.  The resulting fields will be accessed with reference semantics (see the  section on “Reference Objects”).  If the argument is a list, the elements of the list can be the character string name of a class, in which case the field must be from that class or a subclass.  The element in the list can alternatively be an accessor function, a function of one argument that returns the field if called with no argument or sets it to the value of the argument otherwise. Accessor functions are used internally and for inter-system interface applications. Their definition follows the rules for writing methods for the class: they can refer to other fields and can call other methods for this class or its superclasses. See the section on “Implementation” for the internal mechanism used by accessor functions.  Note that fields are distinct from the slots, if any, in the object.  Slots are, as always, handled by standard R object management.  Slots for the class can be included (as the representation= argument) in the ... argument.  

optional vector of superclasses for this class.  If a superclass is also a reference class, the fields and class-based methods will be inherited.  

a named list of function definitions that can be invoked on objects from this class.  These can also be created by invoking the $methods method on the generator object returned.  See the section on “Writing Reference Methods” for details.  Two optional method names are interpreted specially, initialize and finalize. If an initialize method is defined, it will be invoked when an object is generated from the class.  See the discussion of method $new(...)  in the section “Reference Object Generators”.  If a finalize method is defined, a function will be registered to invoke it before the environment in the object is discarded by the garbage collector. See the matrix viewer example for both initialize and finalize methods.

the environment in which to store the class definition.  Defaults to the package namespace or environment for code that is part of an R package, and to the global environment for code sourced directly at the session top level.  

other arguments to be passed to setClass.  


setRefClass and getRefClass both return a generator object for the class. This is itself a reference object, with methods to generate objects from the class and also for defining new methods and for help-style documentation. See the section on “Reference Class Generator Objects” for details. Note that Class in the call to getRefClass() can be an object from the corresponding class, and that a similar reference class method $getRefClass()  is available as well.

setRefClass defines the class and stores its class definition. getRefClass requires that the class has been defined as a reference class.
setRefClass定义类和存储的类的定义。 getRefClass要求类已作为参考类的定义。

参考对象----------Reference Objects----------

Normal objects in R are passed as arguments in function calls consistently with functional programming semantics; that is, changes made to an object passed as an argument are local to the function call.  The object that supplied the argument is unchanged.

The functional model (sometimes called pass-by-value) is suitable for many statistical computations and is implicit, for example, in the basic R software for fitting statistical models. In some other situations, one would like all the code dealing with an object to see the exact same content, so that changes made in any computation would be reflected everywhere. This is often suitable if the object has some “objective” reality, such as a window in a user interface.

In addition, commonly used languages, including Java, C++ and many others, support a version of classes and methods assuming reference semantics. The corresponding programming mechanism is to invoke a method on an object. In the R syntax that we use for this operation, one invokes a method, m1 say, on an object x by the expression x$m1(...).
此外,常用语言,包括Java,C + +和许多人一样,支持假设引用语义类和方法的一个版本。相应的编程机制是一个对象上调用方法。在R的语法,我们使用此操作,调用一个方法,对象m1表达xx$m1(...)说,。

Methods in this paradigm are associated with the object, or more precisely with the class of the object, as opposed to methods in a function-based class/method system, which are fundamentally associated with the function (in R, for example, a generic function in an R session has a table of all its currently known methods). In this document “methods for a class” as opposed to “methods for a function” will make the distinction.

Objects in this paradigm usually have named fields on which the methods operate. In the R implementation, the fields are defined when the class is created. The field itself can optionally have a specified class, meaning that only objects from this class or one of its subclasses can be assigned to the field. By default, fields have class "ANY". Fields may also be defined by supplying an accessor function which will be called to get or set the field. Accessor functions are likely when reference classes are part of an inter-system interface. The interface will usually supply the accessor functions automatically based on the definition of the corresponding class in the other language.

Fields are accessed by reference. In particular, invoking a method may modify the content of the fields.

Programming for such classes involves writing new methods for a particular class. In the R implementation, these methods are R functions, with zero or more formal arguments. The object on which the methods are invoked is not an explicit argument to the method. Instead, fields and methods for the class can be referred to by name in the method definition. The implementation uses R environments to make fields and methods available by name. Additional special fields allow reference to the complete object and to the definition of the class.  See the section on “Inheritance”.

The goal of the software described here is to provide a uniform programming style in R for software dealing with reference classes, whether implemented directly in R or through an interface to one of the OOP languages.

编写参考方法----------Writing Reference Methods----------

Reference methods are functions supplied as elements of a named list, either when invoking g$methods()  on a generator object g or as the argument methods in a call to setRefClass. They are written as ordinary R functions but have some special features and restrictions. The body of the function can contain calls to any other reference method, including those inherited from other reference classes and may refer to fields in the object by name.

Fields may be modified in a method by using the non-local assignment operator, <<-, as in the $edit and $undo methods in the example below. Note that non-local assignment is required:  a local assignment with the <- operator just creates a local object in the function call, as it would in any R function. When methods are installed, a heuristic check is made for local assignments to field names and a warning issued if any are detected.

Reference methods should be kept simple; if they need to do some specialized R computation, that computation should use a separate R function that is called from the reference method. Specifically, methods can not use special features of the enclosing environment mechanism, since the method's environment is used to access fields and other methods. Reference methods can not themselves be generic functions; if you want additional function-based method dispatch, write a separate generic function and call that from the method.

The entire object can be referred to in a method by the reserved name .self, as shown in the save= method of the example. The special object .refClassDef contains the definition of the class of the object. These fields are read-only (it makes no sense to modify these references), with one exception. The .self field can be modified in the $initialize  method, because the object is still being created at this stage. (Assignments to this field, as to all fields, need to use the non-local assignment operator.) This is the preferred way to assign S4-style attributes to the object, if you need to do so; but remember that these attributes will not behave according to reference semantics, unlike fields.
整个对象可以在一个方法,保留的名称.self,save=方法的例子所示。特殊对象.refClassDef包含对象的类的定义。这些字段是只读(修改这些引用,它是没有意义的),但有一个例外。 .self场$initialize方法可以修改,因为对象仍在此阶段创建。 (分配到这一领域,各个领域,需要使用非本地赋值运算符)。这是首选的方式给中S4中样式属性的对象,如果你需要这样做;但要记住,这些属性将根据引用语义行为,不同领域。

The methods available include methods inherited from superclasses, as discussed in the next section.

Documentation for the methods can be obtained by the $help  method for the generator object. Methods for classes are not documented in the Rd format used for R functions. Instead, the $help  method prints the calling sequence of the method, followed by self-documentation from the method definition, in the style of Python. If the first element of the body of the method is a literal character string (possibly multi-line), that string is interpreted as documentation. See the method definitions in the example.


Reference classes inherit from other reference classes by using the standard R inheritance; that is, by including the superclasses in the contains= argument when creating the new class. Non-reference classes can also be included in the contains= argument.  The class definition mechanism treats reference and non-reference superclasses slightly differently. If the contained reference classes themselves have reference superclasses, these will be moved ahead of any non-reference superclasses in the class definition (otherwise the ordering of superclasses may be ambiguous). The names of the reference superclasses are in slot refSuperClasses of the class definition.
引用类继承自其他引用类使用标准的R继承,也就是说,包括在contains=参数的父类,创建新类时,。 contains=参数,也可以包括在非参考类。类定义的机制,将引用和非引用父略有不同。如果包含引用类本身具有一定的参考父,将提前在类定义(否则父的顺序可能是模棱两可的)任何非参考父。引用父类的名称是在插槽refSuperClasses类定义的。

Class fields are inherited.  A class definition can override a field of the same name in a superclass only if the overriding class is a subclass of the class of the inherited field.  This ensures that a valid object in the field remains valid for the superclass as well.
继承类的字段。 A类定义可以覆盖一个相同的名称在一个超领域,只有在重要的类是继承字段的类的一个子类。这将确保在该领域的有效对象超类以及仍然有效。

Inherited methods are installed in the same way as directly specified methods. The code in a method can refer to  inherited methods in the same way as directly specified methods.

A method may override a method of the same name in a superclass. The overriding method can call the superclass method by callSuper(...) as described below.

All reference classes inherit from the class "envRefClass", which provides the following methods.

Calls the method inherited from a reference superclass. The call is meaningful only from within another method, and will be resolved to call the inherited method of the same name. The arguments to $callSuper  are passed to the superclass version. See the matrix viewer class in the example.

Note that the intended arguments for the superclass method must be supplied explicitly; there is no convention for supplying the arguments automatically, in contrast to the similar mechanism for functional methods.

Creates a copy of the object.  With reference classes, unlike ordinary R objects, merely assigning the object with a different name does not create an independent copy.  If shallow is FALSE, any field that is itself a reference object will also be copied, and similarly recursively for its fields.  Otherwise, while reassigning a field to a new reference object will have no side effect, modifying such a field will still be reflected in both copies of the object. The argument has no effect on non-reference objects in fields.  When there are reference objects in some fields but it is asserted that they will not be modified, using shallow = TRUE will save some memory and time.
创建一个对象的副本。参考类,不同于普通的R对象,只是分配的对象,用不同的名称,不建立一个独立的副本。如果shallow是FALSE,任何领域,本身就是一个引用对象也将被复制,同样递归其领域。而重新分配一个字段到一个新的参考对象,否则将无任何副作用,修改,这样的字段仍然会体现在对象的两个副本。参数没有效果领域中的非参考对象。当有在某些领域的参考对象,但它是断言,他们将不会被修改,使用shallow = TRUE将节省一些内存和时间。

With one argument, returns the field of the object with character string name.  With two arguments, the corresponding field is assigned value.  Assignment checks that name specifies a valid field, but the single-argument version will attempt to get anything of that name from the object's environment.

The $field()  method replaces the direct use of a field name, when the name of the field must be calculated, or for looping over several fields.

Returns the result of coercing the object to Class (typically one of the superclasses of the object's class).  Calling the method has no side effect on the object itself.

These return respectively the generator object and the formal class definition for the reference class of this object, efficiently.

Import the object value into the current object, replacing the corresponding fields in the current object. Object value must come from one of the superclasses of the current object's class. If argument Class is supplied, value is first coerced to that class.

Initialize the fields of the object from the supplied arguments.  This method is usually only called from a class with a $initialize() method.  It corresponds to the default initialization for reference classes.  If there are slots and non-reference superclasses, these may be supplied in the ... argument as well.

Typically, a specialized $initialize() method carries out its own computations, then invokes $initFields() to perform standard initialization, as shown in the matrixViewer class in the example below.

This method is called when the object is printed automatically, analogously to the show function.  A general method is defined for class "envRefClass".  User-defined reference classes will often define their own method: see the Example below.

Note two points in the example.  As with any show() method, it is a good idea to print the class explicitly to allow for subclasses using the method.  Second, to call the function show() from the method, as opposed to the $show()  method itself, refer to methods::show() explicitly.

Apply the tracing and debugging facilities of the trace function to the reference method what.

All the arguments of the trace function can be supplied, except for signature, which is not meaningful.

The reference method can be invoked on either an object or the generator for the class.  See the section on Debugging below for details.

Objects also inherit two reserved fields:

a reference to the entire object;

the class definition.

The defined fields should not override these, and in general it is unwise to define a field whose name begins with ".", since the implementation may use such names for special purposes.

参考类生成对象----------Reference Class Generator Objects----------

The call to setRefClass defines the specified class and returns a &ldquo;generator&rdquo; object for that class. The generator object is itself a reference object (of class "refObjectGenerator"). Its fields are def, the class definition, and className, the character string name of the class.

Methods for generator objects exist to generate objects from the class, to access help on reference methods, and to define new reference methods for the class. The currently available methods are:

This method is equivalent to the function new with the class name as an argument.  The ... arguments are values for the named fields. If the class has a method defined for $initialize(),  this method will be called once the reference object has been created.  You should write such a method for a class that needs to do some special initialization. In particular, a reference method is recommended rather than a method for the S4 generic function initialize(), because some special initialization is required for reference objects before the initialization of fields. As with S4 classes, methods are written for $initialize()  and not for $new(),  both for the previous reason and also because $new()  is invoked on the generator object and would be a method for that class.
这种方法是等效的功能new作为参数的类的名称。 “......参数是命名字段的值。如果类有$initialize()定义方法,该方法将被调用一次的参考对象已经创建。你应该写这样一个类,需要做一些特殊的初始化方法。参考方法,特别是为S4的通用功能的方法,而不是建议initialize(),因为一些特殊的初始化之前初始化字段的参考对象。S4类,方法的书面$initialize()不$new(),无论是前面的原因,也因为$new()发电机的对象上,将是这个类的方法调用。

The default method for $initialize()  is equivalent to invoking the method $initFields(...).  Named arguments assign initial values to the corresponding fields. Unnamed arguments must be objects from this class or a reference superclass of this class. Fields will be initialized to the contents of the fields in such objects, but named arguments override the corresponding inherited fields. Note that fields are simply assigned.  If the field is itself a reference object, that object is not copied. The new and previous object will share the reference. Also, a field assigned from an unnamed argument counts as an assignment for locked fields. To override an inherited value for a locked field, the new value must be one of the named arguments in the initializing call. A later assignment of the field will result in an error.

For technical reasons, the default method does not currently appear explicitly, but can be invoked by $callSuper(...)  from a method for $initialize().  Initialization methods need some care in design, as they do for S4 classes. In particular, remember that others may subclass your class and pass through field assignments or other arguments.  Therefore, your method should normally include ... as an argument, all other arguments should have defaults or check for missingness, and your method should pass all initialized values on via $callSuper() or $initFields() if you know that your superclasses have no initialization methods.

Prints brief help on the topic.  The topics recognized are reference method names, quoted or not.

The information printed is the calling sequence for the method, plus self-documentation if any. Reference methods can have an initial character string or vector as the first element in the body of the function defining the method. If so, this string is taken as self-documentation for the method (see the section on &ldquo;Writing Reference Methods&rdquo; for details).

If no topic is given or if the topic is not a method name, the definition of the class is printed.

With no arguments, returns a list of the reference methods for this class.

Named arguments are method definitions, which will be installed in the class, as if they had been supplied in the methods argument to setRefClass(). Supplying methods in this way, rather than in the call to setRefClass(), is largely for the sake of clearer source code when many or large methods are being defined. All methods for a class should be defined in the source code that defines the class, typically as part of a package. In particular, methods can not be redefined in a class in an attached package with a namespace: The class method checks for a locked binding of the class definition.

The new methods can refer to any currently defined method by name (including other methods supplied in this call to $methods().  Note though that previously defined methods are not re-analyzed meaning that they will not call the new method (unless it redefines an existing method of the same name).

To remove a method, supply NULL as its new definition.

Returns a list of the fields, each with its corresponding class. Fields for which an accessor function was supplied in the definition have class "activeBindingFunction".

The fields named in the arguments are locked; specifically, after the lock method is called, the field may be set once.  Any further attempt to set it will generate an error.

If called with no arguments, the method returns the names of the locked fields.

Fields that are defined by an explicit accessor function can not be locked (on the other hand, the accessor function can be defined to generate an error if called with an argument).

All code to lock fields should normally be part of the definition of a class; that is, the read-only nature of the fields is meant to be part of the class definition, not a dynamic property added later. In particular, fields can not be locked in a class in an attached package with a namespace:  The class method checks for a locked binding of the class definition.  Locked fields can not be subsequently unlocked.

Establish a traced version of method what for objects generated from this class.  The generator object tracing works like the $trace() method for objects from the class, with two differences. Since it changes the method definition in the class object itself, tracing applies to all objects, not just the one on which the trace method is invoked.

Second, the optional argument classMethod = TRUE allows tracing on the methods of the generator object itself, such as $new(). By default, what is interpreted as the name of a method in the class for which this object is the generator.
其次,可选参数classMethod = TRUE允许发电机对象本身的方法,如$new(),跟踪。默认情况下,what被解释为类中的方法,而这个对象是发电机的名称。

A number of systems using the OOP programming paradigm recommend or enforce getter and setter methods corresponding to each field, rather than direct access by name. In the R version presented here (and fairly often elsewhere as well), a field named abc of an object x would be extracted by x$getAbc() and assigned by x$setAbc(value). The $accessors  method is a convenience function that creates getter and setter methods for the specified fields.
一些系统使用面向对象编程范式建议或执行相应的每个字段的getter和setter方法,而不是直接通过名称访问。在这里(相当频繁,以及其他地方)的R版本,一场名为abc对象的xx$getAbc()提取和分配x$setAbc(value)。 $accessors方法是创建一个方便的功能,为指定的字段的getter和setter方法。


Reference classes are implemented as S4 classes with a data part of type "environment". An object generated from a reference class has this type. Fields correspond to named objects in the environment. A field associated with an accessor function is implemented as an active binding. In addition, fields with a specified class are implemented as a special form of active binding to enforce valid assignment to the field. A field, say data, can be accessed generally by an expression of the form x$data  for any object from the relevant class. In a method for this class, the field can be accessed by the name data. A field that is not locked can be set by an expression of the form x$data <- value. Inside a method, a field can be assigned by an expresion of the form x <<- value. Note the non-local assignment operator. The standard R interpretation of this operator works to assign it in the environment of the object. If the field has an accessor function defined, getting and setting will call that function.
落实S4类引用类的类型"environment"的部分数据。这从一个引用类生成一个对象类型。字段对应环境中的命名对象。实施积极的约束力与存取功能相关的领域。此外,与指定类的领域,实施了积极的约束力,执行有效的分配到外地的特殊形式。一个字段,说data,可访问的形式表达一般x$data从有关类的任何对象。在这个类的方法,字段可以访问的名称data。一个未锁定的领域可以设置表达形式x$data <- value。在一个方法,一个字段可以分配形式x <<- value中表达。注意:非本地赋值运算符。该运营商的标准R的解释工作,分配对象的环境中。如果该字段有一个定义存取函数,获取和设置,将调用该函数。

When a method is invoked on an object, the function defining the method is installed in the object's environment, with the same environment as the environment of the function.

系统间的接口----------Inter-System Interfaces----------

A number of languages use a similar reference-based programming model with classes and class-based methods. Aside from differences in choice of terminology and other details, many of these languages are compatible with the programming style described here. R interfaces to the languages exist in a number of packages.
一些语言类和基础类的方法使用一个类似的参考基础的编程模型。除了选择术语和其他细节的差异,许多这些语言兼容这里所描述的编程风格。 R接口的语言中存在的包数量。

The reference class definitions here provide a hook for classes in the foreign language to be exposed in R. Access to fields and/or methods in the class can be implemented by defining an R reference class corresponding to classes made available through the interface. Typically, the inter-system interface will take care of the details of creating the R class, given a description of the foreign class (what fields and methods it has, the classes for the fields, whether any are read-only, etc.) The specifics for the fields and methods can be implemented via reference methods for the R class. In particular, the use of active bindings allows field access for getting and setting, with actual access handled by the inter-system interface.

R methods and/or fields can be included in the class definition as for any reference class. The methods can use or set fields and can call other methods transparently whether the field or method comes from the interface or is defined directly in R.

For an inter-system interface using this approach, see the code for package Rcpp, version 0.8.7 or later.


The standard R debugging and tracing facilities can be applied to reference methods. Reference methods can be passed to debug and its relatives from an object to debug further method invocations on that object; for example, debug(xx$edit).

Somewhat more flexible use is available for a reference method version of the trace function. A corresponding $trace()  reference method is available for either an object or for the reference class generator (xx$trace() or mEdit$trace() in the example below). Using $trace() on an object sets up a tracing version for future invocations of the specified method for that object. Using $trace() on the generator for the class sets up a tracing version for all future objects from that class (and for all existing objects that have not yet invoked the traced method, because reference methods are cached lazily in the object when first invoked).

In either case, all the arguments to the standard  trace function are available, except for signature= which is meaningless since reference methods can not be S4 generic functions. This includes the typical style trace(what, browser) for interactive debugging and  trace(what, edit = TRUE) to edit the reference method interactively.
在这两种情况下,所有的参数标准trace功能是提供除了signature=这是毫无意义的,因为参考方法不能S4通用功能。这包括典型风格的交互式调试trace(what, browser)和trace(what, edit = TRUE)交互式编辑的参考方法。


John Chambers


## a simple editor for matrix objects.  Method  $edit() changes some[#简单的编辑器为矩阵对象。方法$(编辑)改变一些]
## range of values; method $undo() undoes the last edit.[范围值;美元撤消()方法撤消最后一次编辑。]
mEdit <- setRefClass("mEdit",
      fields = list( data = "matrix",
        edits = "list"),
      methods = list(
     edit = function(i, j, value) {
       ## the following string documents the edit method[#以下字符串的文件编辑方法]
       'Replaces the range [i, j] of the
        object by value.
         backup <-
             list(i, j, data[i,j])
         data[i,j] <<- value
         edits <<- c(edits, list(backup))
     undo = function() {
       'Undoes the last edit() operation
        and update the edits field accordingly.
         prev <- edits
         if(length(prev)) prev <- prev[[length(prev)]]
         else stop("No more edits to undo")
         edit(prev[[1]], prev[[2]], prev[[3]])
         ## trim the edits list[#修剪编辑列表]
         length(edits) <<- length(edits) - 2
     show = function() {
       'Method for automatically printing matrix editors'
       cat("Reference matrix editor object of class",
          classLabel(class(.self)), "\n")
       cat("Data: \n")
       cat("Undo list is of length", length(edits), "\n")

xMat <- matrix(1:12,4,3)
xx <- mEdit$new(data = xMat)
xx$edit(2, 2, 0)
stopifnot(all.equal(xx$data, xMat))

utils::str(xx) # show fields and names of non-trivial methods[非平凡的方法显示领域和名称]

## add a method to save the object[#添加一个方法来保存对象]
     save = function(file) {
       'Save the current object on the file
        in R external object format.
         base::save(.self, file = file)

tf <- tempfile()

## Not run: [#无法运行:]
## Inheriting a reference class:  a matrix viewer[#继承参考类:矩阵观众]
mv <- setRefClass("matrixViewer",
    fields = c("viewerDevice", "viewerFile"),
    contains = "mEdit",
    methods = list( view = function() {
        dd <- dev.cur(); dev.set(viewerDevice)
        matplot(data, main = paste("After",length(edits),"edits"))
        edit = # invoke previous method, then replot[调用以前的方法,然后重绘]
          function(i, j, value) {
            callSuper(i, j, value)

## initialize and finalize methods[#初始化和Finalize方法]
mv$methods( initialize =
  function(file = "./matrixView.pdf", ...) {
    viewerFile <<- file
    viewerDevice <<- dev.cur()
  finalize = function() {

## debugging an object: call browser() in method $edit()[#调试对象:调用浏览器()方法在编辑()]
xx$trace(edit, browser)

## debugging all objects from class mEdit in method $undo()[#调试类的所有对象方法mEdit的美元撤消()]
mEdit$trace(undo, browser)

## End(Not run)[#结束(不运行)]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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