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发表于 2012-2-17 10:03:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Logical Operators

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


These operators act on logical and number-like vectors.


! x
x & y
x && y
x | y
x || y
xor(x, y)



参数:x, y
logical or "number-like" vectors (i.e., of type double (class numeric), integer, complex or raw), or objects for which methods have been written.



! indicates logical negation (NOT).

& and && indicate logical AND and | and || indicate logical OR.  The shorter form performs elementwise comparisons in much the same way as arithmetic operators.  The longer form evaluates left to right examining only the first element of each vector.  Evaluation proceeds only until the result is determined.  The longer form is appropriate for programming control-flow and typically preferred in if clauses.

xor indicates elementwise exclusive OR.

isTRUE(x) is an abbreviation of identical(TRUE, x), and so is true if and only if x is a length-one logical vector whose only element is TRUE and which has no attributes (not even names).
isTRUE(x)是identical(TRUE, x)的缩写,所以是真正的当且仅当x是TRUE长度一个逻辑向量,其元素是“没有属性(甚至没有名称)。

Numeric and complex vectors will be coerced to logical values, with zero being false and all non-zero values being true.  Raw vectors are handled without any coercion for !, &, | and xor, with these operators being applied bitwise (so ! is the 1s-complement).

The operators !, & and | are generic functions: methods can be written for them individually or via the Ops (or S4 Logic, see below) group generic function.  (See Ops for how dispatch is computed.)
运营商!,&和|是通用的功能:方法可以为他们单独或通过Ops(或S4Logic,见下文)的书面组通用功能。 (见Ops如何计算调度。)

NA is a valid logical object.  Where a component of x or y is NA, the result will be NA if the outcome is ambiguous.  In other words NA & TRUE evaluates to NA, but NA & FALSE evaluates to FALSE.  See the examples below.
NA是一个有效的逻辑对象。凡组件x或y是NA,结果将是NA如果结果是模棱两可的。换句话说NA & TRUE值NA,但NA & FALSE值FALSE。见下面的例子。

See Syntax for the precedence of these operators: unlike many other languages (including S) the AND and OR operators do not have the same precedence (the AND operators are higher than the OR operators).


For !, a logical or raw vector of the same length as x: names, dims and dimnames are copied from x.

For |, & and xor a logical or raw vector. The elements of shorter vectors are recycled as necessary (with a warning when they are recycled only fractionally). The rules for determining the attributes of the result are rather complicated.  Most attributes are taken from the longer argument, the first if they are of the same length.  Names will be copied from the first if it is the same length as the answer, otherwise from the second if that is.  For time series, these operations are allowed only if the series are compatible, when the class and tsp attribute of whichever is a time series (the same, if both are) are used.  For arrays (and an array result) the dimensions and dimnames are taken from first argument if it is an array, otherwise the second.

For ||, && and isTRUE, a length-one logical vector.

S4方法----------S4 methods----------

!, & and | are S4 generics, the latter two part of the Logic group generic (and hence methods need argument names e1, e2).
!,&和|S4仿制药,后两个Logic组通用的一部分(因此方法需要参数名e1, e2)。


The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

参见----------See Also----------

TRUE or logical.

any and all for OR and AND on many scalar arguments.

Syntax for operator precedence.


y <- 1 + (x <- stats::rpois(50, lambda=1.5) / 4 - 1)
x[(x &gt; 0) &amp; (x &lt; 1)]    # all x values between 0 and 1[0和1之间的所有x值]
if (any(x == 0) || any(y == 0)) "zero encountered"

## construct truth tables :[#构造真值表:]

x <- c(NA, FALSE, TRUE)
names(x) <- as.character(x)
outer(x, x, "&amp;")## AND table[#和台式]
outer(x, x, "|")## OR  table[#或台式]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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