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发表于 2012-2-17 09:55:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Read R Code from a File or a Connection

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


source causes R to accept its input from the named file or URL or connection.  Input is read and parsed from that file until the end of the file is reached, then the parsed expressions are evaluated sequentially in the chosen environment.


source(file, local = FALSE, echo = verbose, print.eval = echo,
       verbose = getOption("verbose"),
       prompt.echo = getOption("prompt"),
       max.deparse.length = 150, chdir = FALSE,
       encoding = getOption("encoding"),
       continue.echo = getOption("continue"),
       skip.echo = 0, keep.source = getOption("keep.source"))


a connection or a character string giving the pathname of the file or URL to read from.  "" indicates the connection stdin().
一个连接或一个字符串,文件或URL路径读取。 ""表示连接stdin()。

TRUE, FALSE or an environment, determining where the parsed expressions are evaluated.  TRUE corresponds to the user's workspace (the global environment) and FALSE to the environment from source is called.
TRUE,FALSE或环境,确定评估的解析表达式。 TRUE对应于用户的工作区(全球环境)和FALSEsource被称为环境。

logical; if TRUE, each expression is printed after parsing, before evaluation.

logical; if TRUE, the result of eval(i) is printed for each expression i; defaults to the value of echo.

if TRUE, more diagnostics (than just echo = TRUE) are printed during parsing and evaluation of input, including extra info for each expression.
如果TRUE,更多的诊断(比echo = TRUE)是印刷过程中的输入,包括每个表达的额外的信息的分析和评价。

character; gives the prompt to be used if echo = TRUE.
字符;提供要使用的提示,如果echo = TRUE。

integer; is used only if echo is TRUE and gives the maximal number of characters output for the deparse of a single expression.

logical; if TRUE and file is a pathname, the R working directory is temporarily changed to the directory containing file for evaluating.

character vector.  The encoding(s) to be assumed when file is a character string: see file.  A possible value is "unknown" when the encoding is guessed: see the "Encodings" section.

character; gives the prompt to use on continuation lines if echo = TRUE.
字符;给出提示使用续行,如果echo = TRUE。

integer; how many comment lines at the start of the file to skip if echo = TRUE.
整数;多少在文件开头的注释行则跳过echo = TRUE。

logical: should the source formatting be retained when echoing expressions, if possible?



Note that running code via source differs in a few respects from entering it at the R command line.  Since expressions are not executed at the top level, auto-printing is not done.  So you will need to include explicit print calls for things you want to be printed (and remember that this includes plotting by lattice, FAQ Q7.22).  Since the complete file is parsed before any of it is run, syntax errors result in none of the code being run.  If an error occurs in running a syntactically correct script, anything assigned into the workspace by code that has been run will be kept (just as from the command line), but diagnostic information such as traceback() will contain additional calls to eval.with.vis, an undocumented internal function.
请注意,运行通过source代码的在几个方面不同于在R命令行输入。由于表达式是不是在顶层执行,自动打印不这样做。所以,你需要包括明确print你想要的东西要打印通话(记得,这包括策划lattice,帮助Q7.22)。由于完整的文件被解析之前,它的任何正在运行,正在运行的代码没有语法错误的结果。如果在运行一个语法正确的脚本发生错误,将被分配到工作区的代码已经运行的任何保留(就像在命令行),但诊断信息,如traceback()将包含额外的调用 eval.with.vis,无证的内部功能。

All versions of R accept input from a connection with end of line marked by LF (as used on Unix), CRLF (as used on DOS/Windows) or CR (as used on classic Mac OS) and map this to newline.  The final line can be incomplete, that is missing the final end-of-line marker.
R的所有版本都接受输入行结束(在Unix上使用)由LF标志着连接,CRLF(DOS / Windows的使用)或CR(如经典的Mac OS),并将其映射到换行符。最后一行可以是不完整的,缺少的最终行标记。

If keep.source is true (the default in interactive use), the source of functions is kept so they can be listed exactly as input.

Unlike input from a console, lines in the file or on a connection can contain an unlimited number of characters.

When skip.echo > 0, that many comment lines at the start of the file will not be echoed.  This does not affect the execution of the code at all.  If there are executable lines within the first skip.echo lines, echoing will start with the first of them.
当skip.echo > 0,在文件开头的注释行不会被回荡。这并不影响在所有的代码的执行。如果有第一skip.echo行内的可执行线,呼应将开始他们的第一。

If echo is true and a deparsed expression exceeds max.deparse.length, that many characters are output followed by  .... [TRUNCATED] .  
如果echo是真正的和1 deparsed表达超过max.deparse.length,许多字符是由 .... [TRUNCATED] 输出。


By default the input is read and parsed in  the current encoding of the R session.  This is usually what it required, but occasionally re-encoding is needed, e.g. if a file from a UTF-8-using system is to be read on Windows (or vice versa).

The rest of this paragraph applies if file is an actual filename or URL (and not "" nor a connection).  If encoding = "unknown", an attempt is made to guess the encoding: the result of localeToCharset() is used as a guide.  If encoding has two or more elements, they are tried in turn until the file/URL can be read without error in the trial encoding.  If an actual encoding is specified (rather than the default or "unknown") in a Latin-1 or UTF-8 locale then character strings in the result will be translated to the current encoding and marked as such (see Encoding).
本段其余部分适用于file如果是一个实际的文件名或URL(而不是""也不是连接)。如果encoding = "unknown",试图猜测编码:localeToCharset()为指导的结果。如果encoding有两个或两个以上的元素,它们依次尝试,直到没有在审判编码错误的文件/ URL可以读。如果实际encoding指定(而不是默认或"unknown")中的Latin-1或UTF-8语言环境,然后在结果字符串将被转换为当前的编码和标记等(看到Encoding)。

If file is a connection (including one specified by "", it is not possible to re-encode the input inside source, and so the encoding argument is just used to mark character strings in the parsed input in Latin-1 and UTF-8 locales: see parse.


The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

参见----------See Also----------

demo which uses source; eval, parse and scan; options("keep.source").

sys.source which is a streamlined version to source a file into an environment.

"The R Language Definition" for a discussion of source directives.  


## If you want to source() a bunch of files, something like[#如果你要源()一堆文件,类似]
## the following may be useful:[#以下可能是有用的:]
sourceDir <- function(path, trace = TRUE, ...) {
    for (nm in list.files(path, pattern = "\\.[RrSsQq]$")) {
       if(trace) cat(nm,":")           
       source(file.path(path, nm), ...)
       if(trace) cat("\n")

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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