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发表于 2012-2-17 09:52:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Constructor functions for smooth terms in a GAM

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Smooth terms in a GAM formula are turned into smooth specification objects of  class xx.smooth.spec during processing of the formula. Each of these objects is converted to a smooth object using an appropriate smooth.construct function. New smooth classes  can be added by writing a new smooth.construct method function and a corresponding  Predict.matrix method function (see example code below).

In practice, smooth.construct is usually called via smooth.construct2 and the wrapper function smoothCon, in order to handle by variables and centering constraints (see the smoothCon documentation if  you need to handle these things directly, for a user defined smooth class).




is a smooth specification object, generated by an s or te term in a GAM  formula. Objects generated by s terms have class xx.smooth.spec where xx is given by the  bs argument of s (this convention allows the user to add their own smoothers).  If object is not class tensor.smooth.spec it will have the following elements:     
是一个光滑的规范对象,产生一个s或te长期在GAM公式。所产生的对象s条款有类xx.smooth.spec其中xxbss(本公约允许用户添加自己的平滑)参数。 object如果是不是一流tensor.smooth.spec它将具备以下要素:

termThe names of the covariates for this smooth, in an array.  

bs.dim Argument k of the s term generating the object. This is the dimension of the basis  used to represent the term (or, arguably, 1 greater than the basis dimension for cc terms).  bs.dim<0 indicates that the constructor should set this to the default value.  
bs.dim论证ks长期生成的对象。这是用来代表任期(或可以说,1比cc条款的基础上,尺寸更大)的基础维度。 bs.dim<0表明,构造应设置为默认值。

fixedTRUE if the term is to be unpenalized, otherwise FALSE.  

dimthe number covariates of which this smooth is a function.  

p.orderthe order of the smoothness penalty or NA for autoselection of this. This is argument  m of the s term that generated object.  

bythe name of any by variable to multiply this term as supplied as an argument to s.  "NA" if there is no such term.  
bythe任何by变量乘以这个词作为s的参数提供的名称。 "NA"如果有没有这样的术语。

labelA suitable label for use with this term.  

xtAn object containing information that may be needed for basis setup (used, e.g. by "tp" smooths to pass optional information on big dataset handling).  

idAny identity associated with this term &mdash; used for linking bases and smoothing parameters. NULL by default, indicating no linkage.  
idAny的身份与这个词相关 - 用于连接基地和平滑参数。 NULL默认情况下,表示没有联动。

spSmoothing parameters for the term. Any negative are estimated, otherwise they are fixed at the supplied value. Unless NULL (default), over-rides sp argument to gam.     If object is of class tensor.smooth.spec then it was generated by a te term in the GAM formula,  and specifies a smooth of several variables with a basis generated as a tensor product of lower dimensional bases.  In this case the object will be different and will have the following elements:     

marginis a list of smooth specification objects of the type listed above, defining the bases which have  their tensor product formed in order to construct this term.  

termis the array of names of the covariates that are arguments of the smooth.  

byis the name of any by variable, or "NA".  

fxis an array, the elements of which indicate whether (TRUE) any of the margins in the  tensor product should be unpenalized.  

labelA suitable label for use with this term.  

dimis the number of covariates of which this smooth is a function.  

mpTRUE if multiple penalties are to be used.  

npTRUE if 1-D marginal smooths are to be re-parameterized in terms of function values.  

idAny identity associated with this term &mdash; used for linking bases and smoothing parameters. NULL by default, indicating no linkage.  
idAny的身份与这个词相关 - 用于连接基地和平滑参数。 NULL默认情况下,表示没有联动。

spSmoothing parameters for the term. Any negative are estimated, otherwise they are fixed at the supplied value. Unless NULL (default), over-rides sp argument to gam.   

For smooth.construct a data frame or list containing the evaluation of the elements of object$term, with names given by object$term. The last entry will be the by variable, if object$by is not "NA". For smooth.construct2 data need only be an object within which object$term  can be evaluated, the variables can be in any order, and there can be irrelevant variables present as well.  
为smooth.construct一个数据框或列表包含评价object$term元素与object$term的名字。最后一个条目会的by变量,如果object$by不"NA"。 smooth.construct2data只需要内object$term可以评估,变量可以是任何顺序的对象,有可能是不相关的变量,目前以及。

an optional data frame or list containing the knots relating to object$term.  If it is NULL then the knot locations are generated automatically. The structure of knots should be as for data, depending on whether smooth.construct or smooth.construct2 is used.



There are built in methods for objects with the following classes: tp.smooth.spec (thin plate regression splines: see tprs);  ts.smooth.spec (thin plate regression splines with shrinkage-to-zero); cr.smooth.spec (cubic regression splines: see cubic.regression.spline; cs.smooth.spec (cubic regression splines with shrinkage-to-zero); cc.smooth.spec (cyclic cubic regression splines); ps.smooth.spec (Eilers and Marx (1986) style P-splines: see p.spline); cp.smooth.spec (cyclic P-splines); ad.smooth.spec (adaptive smooths of 1 or 2 variables: see adaptive.smooth); re.smooth.spec (simple random effect terms); mrf.smooth.spec (Markov random field smoothers for smoothing over discrete districts); tensor.smooth.spec (tensor product smooths).
有建于对象的方法有以下类:tp.smooth.spec(薄板回归样条:见tprs)ts.smooth.spec(薄板收缩到零的回归样条); cr.smooth.spec(立方米回归样条:见cubic.regression.spline;cs.smooth.spec(立方米收缩到零的回归样条);cc.smooth.spec(循环三次回归样条);ps.smooth.spec (艾勒斯和马克思(1986)风格的P-样条:见p.spline)cp.smooth.spec(循环的P-样条);ad.smooth.spec(1或2个变量自适应平滑:看到<X )adaptive.smooth(简单的随机效应的条款);re.smooth.spec(离散区的平滑马尔可夫随机域平滑);mrf.smooth.spec(张量积平滑)。

There is an implicit assumption that the basis only depends on the knots and/or the set of unique  covariate combinations; i.e. that the basis is the same whether generated from the full set of covariates, or just the unique combinations of covariates.

Plotting of smooths is handled by plot methods for smooth objects. A default mgcv.smooth method  is used if there is no more specific method available. Plot methods can  


The input argument object, assigned a new class to indicate what type of smooth it is and with at least the  following items added:

The model matrix from this term. This may have an "offset" attribute:  a vector of length nrow(X) containing any contribution of the smooth to the model offset term. by variables do not need to be dealt with here, but if they are then an item by.done must be added to the object.
从这个词的模型矩阵。这可能有一个"offset"属性:长度nrow(X)矢量包含任何贡献的顺利抵消长期模型。 by变量并不需要在这里处理,但如果他们是那么一个项目by.done必须添加到object。

A list of positive semi-definite penalty matrices that apply to this term. The list will be empty  if the term is to be left un-penalized.

An array giving the ranks of the penalties.

The dimension of the penalty null space (before centering).

The following items may be added:

The matrix defining any identifiability constraints on the term, for use when fitting. If this is NULL then smoothCon will add an identifiability constraint that each term should sum to zero over the covariate values. Set to a zero row matrix if no constraints are required. If a supplied C has an attribute "always.apply" then it is never ignored, even if any by variables of a smooth imply that no constraint is actually needed.  

An optional matrix supplying alternative identifiability constraints for use when predicting. By default the  fitting constrants are used. This option is useful when some sort of simple sparse constraint is required for fitting, but the  usual sum-to-zero constraint is required for prediction so that, e.g. the CIs for model components are as narrow as possible.  

if this is non-NULL then the penalty coefficient matrix of the smooth will not be  rescaled for enhaced numerical stability (rescaling is the default, because gamm requires it).  Turning off rescaling is useful if the values of the smoothing parameters should be interpretable in a model,  for example because they are inverse variance components.   

the degrees of freedom associated with this term (when unpenalized and unconstrained). If this is null then smoothCon will set it to the basis  dimension. smoothCon will reduce this by the number of constraints.
与这个词相关的自由度(当unpenalized和约束)。如果这是null,则smoothCon将其设置的基础层面。 smoothCon将减少人数的限制。

0 if this term should not be used as a tensor product marginal, 1 if  it can be used and plotted, and 2 is it can be used but not plotted. Set to 1 if NULL.

Set to FALSE if this smooth should not be plotted by plot.gam.  Set to TRUE if NULL.

smooths may depend on fewer "underlying" smoothing parameters than there are elements of S. In this case L is the matrix mapping the vector of underlying log smoothing  parameters to the vector of logs of the smoothing parameters actually multiplying the S[[i]].  L=NULL signifies that there is one smoothing parameter per S[[i]].  
平滑可能依靠较少的“底层”平滑参数比有S元素。在这种情况下L其实乘以S[[i]]映射底层日志平滑参数平滑参数的日志向量的向量是矩阵。 L=NULL意味着每S[[i]]有一个平滑参数。

Usually the returned object will also include extra information required to define the basis, and used by  Predict.matrix methods to make predictions using the basis. See the Details section for links to the information included for the built in smooth classes.
通常返回的对象还包括额外的信息,需要定义的基础上,Predict.matrix方法使用的基础上作出的预测。 Details部分内置顺利类中包含的信息的链接。

tensor.smooth returned objects will additionally have each element of the margin list updated in the same way. tensor.smooths also have a list, XP, containing re-parameterization matrices for any 1-D marginal terms re-parameterized in terms of function values. This list will have NULL entries for marginal smooths that are not re-parameterized, and is only long enough to reach the last re-parameterized marginal in the list.  
tensor.smooth返回的对象将此外margin以同样的方式更新列表中的每个元素的。 tensor.smooths也有一个列表,XP,重新参数化矩阵包含任何重新参数化的函数值的1-D的边际条件。这份名单将有边际NULL条目平滑,不会重新参数化,只有足够长的时间,以达到在列表重新参数化的最后边际。


User defined smooth objects should avoid having attributes names "qrc" or "nCons" as these are used internally to provide


Simon N. Wood <a href="mailto:simon.wood@r-project.org">simon.wood@r-project.org</a>


generalized additive mixed models. Biometrics 62(4):1025-1036

University Press.
then the built in &quot;ps&quot; class is probably a better bet. It's based on
Statistical Science, 11(2):89-121

参见----------See Also----------

s,get.var, gamm, gam, Predict.matrix, smoothCon, PredictMat


## Adding a penalized truncated power basis class and methods[#1受罚截断权力基础类和方法添加]
## as favoured by Ruppert, Wand and Carroll (2003) [#青睐Ruppert公司,魔杖和卡罗尔(2003)]
## Semiparametric regression CUP. (No advantage to actually[#半参数回归杯。 (没有实际的好处]
## using this, since mgcv can happliy handle non-identity [#使用此,自mgcv,可以happliy处理非同一性]
## penalties.)[#处罚。)]

## a truncated power spline constructor method function[#截断电源样条的构造方法功能]
## object$p.order = null space dimension[#对象p.order =空空间维度]
{ m <- object$p.order[1]
  if (is.na(m)) m &lt;- 2 ## default [#默认]
  if (m<1) stop("silly m supplied")
  if (object$bs.dim&lt;0) object$bs.dim &lt;- 10 ## default[#默认]
  nk&lt;-object$bs.dim-m-1 ## number of knots[#结]
  if (nk<=0) stop("k too small for m")
  x &lt;- data[[object$term]]  ## the data[#数据]
  x.shift &lt;- mean(x) # shift used to enhance stability[转移使用,以提高稳定性]
  k &lt;- knots[[object$term]] ## will be NULL if none supplied[#将NULL,如果没有提供]
  if (is.null(k)) # space knots through data[通过数据的空间结]
  { n<-length(x)
  if (length(k)!=nk) # right number of knots?[结的权数?]
  stop(paste("there should be ",nk," supplied knots"))
  x &lt;- x - x.shift # basis stabilizing shift[基础稳定的转变]
  k &lt;- k - x.shift # knots treated the same![节处理相同!]
  for (i in 1m+1)) X[,i] <- x^(i-1)
  for (i in 1:nk) X[,i+m+1]<-(x-k[i])^m*as.numeric(x>k[i])
  object$X&lt;-X # the finished model matrix[完成的模型矩阵]
  if (!object$fixed) # create the penalty matrix[创建罚款矩阵]
  { object$S[[1]]<-diag(c(rep(0,m+1),rep(1,nk)))
  object$rank&lt;-nk  # penalty rank[刑罚排名]
  object$null.space.dim &lt;- m+1  # dim. of unpenalized space[暗淡。 unpenalized空间]
  ## store "tr" specific stuff ...[#店“TR”具体的东西...]
  object$knots<-k;object$m<-m;object$x.shift <- x.shift

  object$df&lt;-ncol(object$X)     # maximum DoF (if unconstrained)[最大的自由度(如果不受约束)]

  class(object)&lt;-"tr.smooth"  # Give object a class[放弃反对一类]

## prediction method function for the `tr' smooth class[#TR顺利类预测方法的功能]
{ x <- data[[object$term]]
  x &lt;- x - object$x.shift # stabilizing shift[稳定的转变]
  m &lt;- object$m;     # spline order (3=cubic)[为了样条(3 =立方米)]
  k&lt;-object$knots    # knot locations[结的位置]
  nk&lt;-length(k)      # number of knots[结数]
  for (i in 1m+1)) X[,i] <- x^(i-1)
  for (i in 1:nk) X[,i+m+1] <- (x-k[i])^m*as.numeric(x>k[i])
  X # return the prediction matrix[返回的预测矩阵]

# an example, using the new class....[例如,使用新的类....]
dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,scale=2)
# another example using tensor products of the new class[另一个例子,使用张新类产品]
dat <- gamSim(2,n=400,scale=.1)$data
b <- gam(y~te(x,z,bs=c("tr","tr"),m=c(2,2)),data=dat)

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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