Plot an nmGroupedData Object
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
The groupedData object is summarized by the values of the displayLevel grouping factor (or the combination of its values and the values of the covariate indicated in preserve, if any is present). The collapsed data is used to produce a new groupedData object, with grouping factor given by the displayLevel factor, which is plotted using the appropriate plot method for groupedData objects with single level of grouping.
## S3 method for class 'nmGroupedData'
plot(x, collapseLevel, displayLevel, outer, inner,
preserve, FUN, subset, key, grid, ...)
an object inheriting from class nmGroupedData, representing a groupedData object with multiple grouping factors.
an optional positive integer or character string indicating the grouping level to use when collapsing the data. Level values increase from outermost to innermost grouping. Default is the highest or innermost level of grouping.
an optional positive integer or character string indicating the grouping level to use for determining the panels in the Trellis display, when outer is missing. Default is collapseLevel.
an optional logical value or one-sided formula, indicating covariates that are outer to the displayLevel grouping factor, which are used to determine the panels of the Trellis plot. If equal to TRUE, the displayLevel element attr(object, "outer") is used to indicate the outer covariates. An outer covariate is invariant within the sets of rows defined by the grouping factor. Ordering of the groups is done in such a way as to preserve adjacency of groups with the same value of the outer variables. Defaults to NULL, meaning that no outer covariates are to be used.
一个可选的逻辑值或片面的公式,表明变项,外displayLevel分组因素,这是用来确定的网格图板的。如果等于TRUE,displayLevel元素attr(object, "outer")用来指示外协变量。外协变量是不变的定义分组因素的行集内。是在这样一种方式,保持与外部变量的值相同组邻接排列的团体。 NULL默认值,这意味着要使用无外协变量。
an optional logical value or one-sided formula, indicating a covariate that is inner to the displayLevel grouping factor, which is used to associate points within each panel of the Trellis plot. If equal to TRUE, attr(object, "outer") is used to indicate the inner covariate. An inner covariate can change within the sets of rows defined by the grouping factor. Defaults to NULL, meaning that no inner covariate is present.
一个可选的逻辑值或片面的公式,表明displayLevel分组因素,这是用来在每个面板的格子图关联点是内在的协变量。如果等于TRUE,attr(object, "outer")用来表示内部协变量。一种内在的协变量定义分组因素的行集内可以改变。 NULL默认值,即没有内在的协变量是目前。
an optional one-sided formula indicating a covariate whose levels should be preserved when collapsing the data according to the collapseLevel grouping factor. The collapsing factor is obtained by pasting together the levels of the collapseLevel grouping factor and the values of the covariate to be preserved. Default is NULL, meaning that no covariates need to be preserved.
an optional summary function or a list of summary functions to be used for collapsing the data. The function or functions are applied only to variables in object that vary within the groups defined by collapseLevel. Invariant variables are always summarized by group using the unique value that they assume within that group. If FUN is a single function it will be applied to each non-invariant variable by group to produce the summary for that variable. If FUN is a list of functions, the names in the list should designate classes of variables in the data such as ordered, factor, or numeric. The indicated function will be applied to any non-invariant variables of that class. The default functions to be used are mean for numeric factors, and Mode for both factor and ordered. The Mode function, defined internally in gsummary, returns the modal or most popular value of the variable. It is different from the mode function that returns the S-language mode of the variable.
一个可选的汇总函数或汇总函数的列表将用于折叠的数据。函数或功能只适用于在变量object,在collapseLevel定义组不同。不变的变量总是总结组采用独特的价值,他们在该组承担。 FUN如果是一个单一的功能,将应用于组每个非不变的变量,该变量为生产总结。如果FUN是一个功能列表,列表中的名称应指定变量的类的数据,如ordered,factor或numeric。指定的函数将被应用到这个类的任何非不变的变量。要使用的默认功能是mean数字因素,Mode都factor和ordered。 Mode函数内部定义在gsummary,返回变量的模式或最流行的价值。它mode函数返回变量的S-语言模式是不同的。
an optional named list. Names can be either positive integers representing grouping levels, or names of grouping factors. Each element in the list is a vector indicating the levels of the corresponding grouping factor to be used for plotting the data. Default is NULL, meaning that all levels are used.
an optional logical value, or list. If TRUE, a legend is included at the top of the plot indicating which symbols (colors) correspond to which prediction levels. If FALSE, no legend is included. If given as a list, key is passed down as an argument to the trellis function generating the plots (xyplot). Defaults to TRUE.
一个可选的逻辑值或列表。 TRUE如果,传说是在顶部的指示符号(颜色),预测水平相对应的图。如果FALSE,没有传说中已包含。如果给出一个列表,key流传下来作为一个参数trellis(xyplot)函数生成的图。 TRUE默认。
an optional logical value indicating whether a grid should be added to plot. Default is TRUE.
optional arguments passed to the Trellis plot function.
a Trellis display of the data collapsed over the values of the collapseLevel grouping factor and grouped according to the displayLevel grouping factor.
Jose Pinheiro and Douglas Bates <a href=""></a>
Data", in "Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data: Methods, Applications and Future Directions", T.G. Gregoire (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York.
参见----------See Also----------
groupedData, collapse.groupedData, plot.nfnGroupedData, plot.nffGroupedData
# no collapsing, panels by Dog[没有倒塌,面板狗]
plot(Pixel, display = "Dog", inner = ~Side)
# collapsing by Dog, preserving day[倒塌的狗,维护一天]
plot(Pixel, collapse = "Dog", preserve = ~day)
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