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发表于 2012-2-16 18:48:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Use C-style String Formatting Commands

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


A wrapper for the C function sprintf, that returns a character vector containing a formatted combination of text and variable values.


sprintf(fmt, ...)
gettextf(fmt, ..., domain = NULL)


a character vector of format strings, each of up to 8192 bytes.

values to be passed into fmt.  Only logical, integer, real and character vectors are supported, but some coercion will be done: see the "Details" section.

see gettext.



sprintf is a wrapper for the system sprintf C-library function.  Attempts are made to check that the mode of the values passed match the format supplied, and R's special values (NA, Inf, -Inf and NaN) are handled correctly.

gettextf is a convenience function which provides C-style string formatting with possible translation of the format string.

The arguments (including fmt) are recycled if possible a whole number of times to the length of the longest, and then the formatting is done in parallel.  Zero-length arguments are allowed and will give a zero-length result.  All arguments are evaluated even if unused, and hence some types (e.g., "symbol" or "language", see typeof) are not allowed.

The following is abstracted from Kernighan and Ritchie (see References).  The string fmt contains normal characters, which are passed through to the output string, and also conversion specifications which operate on the arguments provided through ....  The allowed conversion specifications start with a % and end with one of the letters in the set aAdifeEgGosxX%.  These letters denote the following types:

d, i, o, x, X Integer value, o being octal, x and X being hexadecimal (using the same case for a-f as the code).  Numeric variables with exactly integer values will be coerced to integer.  Formats d and i can also be used for logical variables, which will be converted to 0, 1 or NA.
d, i, o, x, Xo是八进制,Integer值,x和X十六进制(使用a-f代码相同的情况下)。数字准确的整数值的变量将被强制转换为整数。格式d和i也可以用于逻辑变量,将转换到0,1或NA。

f Double precision value, in “fixed point” decimal notation of the form "[-]mmm.ddd".  The number of decimal places ("d") is specified by the precision: the default is 6; a precision of 0 suppresses the decimal point.  Non-finite values are converted to NA, NaN or (perhaps a sign followed by) Inf.
f双精度值,在“定点”的形式的十进制表示法“[ - ] mmm.ddd”。指定精度的小数位数(“D”):默认为6 0精密抑制小数点。非限定值被转换为NA,NaN(也许后跟一个标志)Inf。

e, E Double precision value, in “exponential” decimal notation of the form [-]m.ddde[+-]xx or [-]m.dddE[+-]xx.
e, E双精度值,在“指数”的十进制记数法的形式[-]m.ddde[+-]xx或[-]m.dddE[+-]xx。

g, G Double precision value, in %e or %E format if the exponent is less than -4 or greater than or equal to the precision, and %f format otherwise. (The precision (default 6) specifies the number of significant digits here, whereas in %f, %e, it is the number of digits after the decimal point.)
g, G双精度值,在%e或%E格式,如果指数小于-4或大于或等于精度,和%f格式,否则。 (指定若干重大数字的精度(默认为6)在这里,而在%f, %e,它是小数点后的位数。)

a, A Double precision value, in binary notation of the form [-]0xh.hhhp[+-]d.  This is a binary fraction expressed in hex multiplied by a (decimal) power of 2.  The number of hex digits after the decimal point is specified by the precision: the default is enough digits to represent exactly the internal binary representation.  Non-finite values are converted to NA, NaN or (perhaps a sign followed by) Inf.  Format %a uses lower-case for x, p and the hex values: format %A uses upper-case.
a, A双精度值的二进制表示形式[-]0xh.hhhp[+-]d。这是一个二进制数,由2(十进制)功率乘以十六进制表示。精度指定小数点后的十六进制数字:默认的是足够的数字来表示完全的内部二进制表示。非限定值被转换为NA,NaN(也许后跟一个标志)Inf。格式%ax,p“的十六进制值使用小写格式%A使用大写。

This should be supported on all platforms as it is a feature of C99. The format is not uniquely defined: although it would be possible to make the leading h always zero or one, this is not always done.  Most systems will suppress trailing zeros, but a few do not.  On a well-written platform, for normal numbers there will be a leading one before the decimal point plus (by default) 13 hexadecimal digits, hence 53 bits.  The treatment of denormalized (aka "subnormal") numbers is very platform-dependent.

s Character string.  Character NAs are converted to "NA".

% Literal % (none of the extra formatting characters given below are permitted in this case).

Conversion by as.character is used for non-character arguments with s and by as.double for non-double arguments with f, e, E, g, G.  NB: the length is determined before conversion, so do not rely on the internal coercion if this would change the length.  The coercion is done only once, so if length(fmt) > 1 then all elements must expect the same types of arguments.
as.character转换用于非字符参数与s和as.doublef, e, E, g, G的非双参数。注:长度决定转换前,所以不依靠内部的胁迫,这是否会改变长度。强制只进行一次,所以如果length(fmt) > 1然后所有元素都必须指望同一类型的参数。

In addition, between the initial % and the terminating conversion character there may be, in any order:

m.n Two numbers separated by a period, denoting the

- Left adjustment of converted argument in its field.

+ Always print number with sign: by default only

a space Prefix a space if the first character is not a sign.

0 For numbers, pad to the field width with leading zeros.

# specifies “alternate output” for numbers, its action depending on the type: For x or X, 0x or 0X will be prefixed to a non-zero result.  For e, e, f, g and G, the output will always have a decimal point; for g and G, trailing zeros will not be removed.
#指定号码“备用输出”,它的作用取决于类型:x或X,0x或0X将到的前缀非零的结果。 e,e,f,g和G,输出将始终有一个小数点;g和<X >,尾随零将不会被删除。

Further, immediately after % may come 1$ to 99$ to refer to numbered argument: this allows arguments to be referenced out of order and is mainly intended for translators of error messages.  If this is done it is best if all formats are numbered: if not the unnumbered ones process the arguments in order. See the examples.  This notation allows arguments to be used more than once, in which case they must be used as the same type (integer, double or character).

A field width or precision (but not both) may be indicated by an asterisk *: in this case an argument specifies the desired number.  A negative field width is taken as a '-' flag followed by a positive field width.  A negative precision is treated as if the precision were omitted.  The argument should be integer, but a double argument will be coerced to integer.
字段的宽度或精度(但不是两者兼有)可能会以星号表示*:在这种情况下,一个参数指定所需的号码。负字段宽度是作为一个 - 标志跟着一个积极的字段宽度。负的精度的精度视为被省略。参数应该是整数,但双参数将被强制转换为整数。

There is a limit of 8192 bytes on elements of fmt, and on strings included from a single %letter conversion specification.

Field widths and precisions of %s conversions are interpreted as bytes, not characters, as described in the C standard.


A character vector of length that of the longest input.  If any element of fmt or any character argument is declared as UTF-8, the element of the result will be in UTF-8 and have the encoding declared as UTF-8.  Otherwise it will be in the current locale's encoding.


The format string is passed down the OS's sprintf function, and incorrect formats can cause the latter to crash the R process .  R does perform sanity checks on the format, and since R 2.10.0, we have not seen crashes anymore.  But not all possible user errors on all platforms have been tested, and some might be terminal.
格式字符串是通过操作系统的sprintf功能,不正确的格式,可以导致后者崩溃的R过程。 &#345;格式进行健康检查,并自R 2.10.0,我们还没有看到崩溃了。但是,并非所有平台上的所有可能的用户错误已经过测试,以及一些可能是终端。


Original code by Jonathan Rougier.


The C Programming Language. Second edition, Prentice Hall. describes the format options in table B-1 in the Appendix.

参见----------See Also----------

formatC for a way of formatting vectors of numbers in a similar fashion.

paste for another way of creating a vector combining text and values.

gettext for the mechanisms for the automated translation of text.


## be careful with the format: most things in R are floats[#注意格式:R中的大多数事情都是花车]
## only integer-valued reals get coerced to integer.[#只有整数值雷亚尔获得强制转换为整数。]

sprintf("%s is %f feet tall\n", "Sven", 7.1)      # OK[确定]
try(sprintf("%s is %i feet tall\n", "Sven", 7.1)) # not OK[不OK]
    sprintf("%s is %i feet tall\n", "Sven", 7  )  # OK[确定]

## use a literal % :[#使用文字%:]

sprintf("%.0f%% said yes (out of a sample of size %.0f)", 66.666, 3)

## various formats of pi :[PI#各种格式:]

sprintf("%f", pi)
sprintf("%.3f", pi)
sprintf("%1.0f", pi)
sprintf("%5.1f", pi)
sprintf("%05.1f", pi)
sprintf("%+f", pi)
sprintf("% f", pi)
sprintf("%-10f", pi) # left justified[左对齐]
sprintf("%e", pi)
sprintf("%E", pi)
sprintf("%g", pi)
sprintf("%g",   1e6 * pi) # -&gt; exponential[ - >指数]
sprintf("%.9g", 1e6 * pi) # -&gt; "fixed"[ - >“固定”]
sprintf("%G", 1e-6 * pi)

## no truncation:[#没有截断:]

## re-use one argument three times, show difference between %x and %X[#重新使用一个参数的三倍,显示%X和%X之间的差异]
xx <- sprintf("%1$d %1$x %1$X", 0:15)
xx <- matrix(xx, dimnames=list(rep("", 16), "%d%x%X"))
noquote(format(xx, justify="right"))

## More sophisticated:[#更复杂的:]

sprintf("min 10-char string '%10s'",
        c("a", "ABC", "and an even longer one"))

n <- 1:18
sprintf(paste("e with %2d digits = %.",n,"g",sep=""), n, exp(1))

## Using arguments out of order[#使用参数顺序]
sprintf("second %2$1.0f, first %1$5.2f, third %3$1.0f", pi, 2, 3)

## Using asterisk for width or precision[#使用宽度或精度的星号]
sprintf("precision %.*f, width '%*.3f'", 3, pi, 8, pi)

## Asterisk and argument re-use, 'e' example reiterated:[#Asterisk和参数重新使用,e的例子重申:]
sprintf("e with %1$2d digits = %2$.*1$g", n, exp(1))

## re-cycle arguments[#周期参数]
sprintf("%s %d", "test", 1:3)

## binary output showing rounding/representation errors[#二进制输出显示四舍五入/表示错误]
x <- seq(0, 1.0, 0.1); y <- c(0,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1)
cbind(x, sprintf("%a", x), sprintf("%a", y))

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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