Is an Object ‘internally classed’?
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
A function rather for internal use. It returns TRUE if the object x has the R internal OBJECT bit set, and FALSE otherwise. The OBJECT bit is set when a "class" attribute is added and removed when that attribute is removed, so this is a very efficient way to check if an object has a class attribute. (S4 objects always should.)
而不是供内部使用的一个功能。它返回TRUE如果对象x的R内部OBJECT位设置,和FALSE否则。 OBJECT位被设置时,添加和删除"class"属性时,该属性被删除,所以这是一种非常有效的方法来检查,如果一个对象有一个类的属性。 (中S4中对象应该总是)。