| SAS Product | SPSS Product | R Package(::Function) | Advanced Models | SAS/STAT | IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics | R, MASS, many others | Association Analysis | Enterprise Miner | IBM SPSS Association | arules, arulesNBMiner, arulesSequences | Basics | Base SAS | IBM SPSS Statistics Base | R | Bootstrapping | SAS/STAT | IBM SPSS Bootstrapping | BootCL, BootPR, boot, bootRes, BootStepAIC, bootspecdens, bootstrap, FRB, gPdtest, meboot, multtest, pvclust, rqmcmb2, scaleboot, simpleboot | Classification Analysis | Enterprise Miner | IBM SPSS Classification | rattle, see the neural networks and trees entries in this table. | Conjoint Analysis | SAS/STAT: PROC TRANSREG | IBM SPSS Conjoint | homals, psychoR, bayesm | Correspondence Analysis | SAS/STAT: PROC CORRESP | IBM SPSS Categories | ade4, cocorresp, FactoMineR, homals, made4, MASS, psychoR, PTAk, vegan | Custom Tables | Base SAS, PROC REPORT, PROC SQL, PROC TABULATE, Enterprise Reporter | IBM SPSS Custom Tables | aggregate, Epi::stat.table, reshape, rreport, tapply, xtable | Data Access | SAS/ACCESS | SPSS Data Access Pack | DBI, foreign, gdata::read.xls, Hmisc::sas.get, sasxport.get, RODBC, WriteXLS | Data Collection | SAS/FSP | IBM SPSS Data Collection Family | RSQLite, and the other open source programs MySQL or PostgreSQL are popular among R users for this purpose. | Data Mining | Enterprise Miner | IBM SPSS Modeler(formerly Clementine) | arules, FactoMineR, rattle, RWeka link to Weka, various functions | Data Mining, In-database Processing | SAS In-Database Initiative with Teradata | IBM SPSS Modeler | PL/R | Data Preparation | Various procedures | IBM SPSS Data Preparation, various commands | dprep, plyr, reshape, sqldf, various functions | Developer Tools | SAS/AF, SAS/FSP, SAS Integration Technologies, SAS/TOOLKIT | IBM SPSS Statistics Developer, IBM SPSS Statistics Programmability Extension | StatET, R links to most popular compilers, scripting languages, and databases. | Direct Marketing?? | Nothing quite like it | IBM SPSS Direct Marketing | ?Nothing quite like it | Exact Tests | SAS/STAT various | IBM SPSS Exact Tests | coin, elrm, exact2x2, exactLoglinTest, exactmaxsel, and options in many others | Excel Integration | SAS Enterprise BI Server | IBM SPSS Advantage for Excel 2007 | RExcel | Forecasting | SAS/ETS | IBM SPSS Forecasting | Over 40 packages that do time series are described at the Task View link above under Time Series. | Forecasting, Automated | Forecast Server | IBM SPSS Forecasting | forecast | Genetics | JMP Genomics | None | http://www.bioconductor.org | Geographic Information Systems | SAS/GIS, SAS/GRAPH | None (Maps is defunct) | maps, mapdata, mapproj, GRASS via spgrass6, RColorBrewer, see Spatial in Task Views at link at top | Graphical user interfaces | Enterprise Guide, IML Studio, SAS/ASSIST, Analyst, Insight | IBM SPSS Statistics Base | | Graphics, Interactive | SAS/IML Studio, SAS/INSIGHT, JMP | None | rggobi link to GGobi, iPlots, latticist, playwith, TeachingDemos | Graphics, Static | SAS/GRAPH | SPSS Base, Graphics Production Language | ggplot2, gplots, graphics, grid, gridBase, hexbin, lattice, plotrix, scatterplot3d, vcd, vioplot, geneplotter, Rgraphics | Graphics, Template Builder | IBM SPSS Viz Designer | | | Guided Analytics | SAS/LAB | None | None | Matrix/linear Algebra | SAS/IML Studio | IBM SPSS Matrix | R, matlab, Matrix, sparseM | Missing Values Imputation | SAS/STAT: PROC MI | IBM SPSS Missing Values | amelia, Hmisc::aregImpute, EMV, rms (replaces Design)::fit.mult.impute, mice, mitools, mvnmle, VIM? | Neural Networks | Enterprise Miner | IBM SPSS Neural Networks | AMORE, grnnR, neuralnet, nnet, rattle | Operations Research | SAS/OR | None | glpk, linprog, LowRankQP, TSP | Power Analysis | SAS Power and Sample Size Application, SAS/STAT: PROC POWER, PROC GLMPOWER | SamplePower | asypow, powerpkg, pwr, MBESS | Quality Control | SAS/QC | IBM SPSS Statistics Base | qcc, spc | Regression Models | SAS/STAT | IBM SPSS Regression | R, Hmisc, lasso, VGAM, pda, rms (replaces Design) | Sampling, Complex | SAS/STAT: PROC SURVEY SELECT, SURVEYMEANS, etc. | IBM SPSS Complex Samples | pps, sampfling, sampling, spsurvey, survey | Segmentation Analysis | Enterprise Miner | IBM Modeler Segmentation | cluster, rattle, som, see CRAN Task Views under Cluster for over 70 packages | Server Version | SAS for your particular server | IBM SPSS Statistics Server,IBM SPSS Modeler Server | rapache, R(D)COM Server, Rserve, StatET | Structural Equation Modeling | SAS/STAT: PROC CALIS | Amos | OpenMX, sem | Text Analysis/Mining | Text Miner | IBM SPSS Text Analytics,IBM SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys | RQDA, Rstem, las, tm, wordnet link to WordNet | Trees, Decision, Classification or Regression | Enterprise Miner | IBM SPSS Decision Trees, IBM SPSS AnswerTree, IBM SPSS Modeler (formerly Clementine) | ada, adabag, BayesTree, boost, GAMboost, gbev, gbm, maptree, mboost, mvpart, party, pinktoe, quantregForest, rpart,rpart.permutation, randomForest, rattle, tree |