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R语言 Rmagpie包 getResults-methods()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-26 13:01:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        getResults Method to access the result of one-layer and two-layers cross-validation from an assessment

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


This method provides an easy interface to access the results of one-layer and two-layers of cross-validation directly from an object assessment.


Object of class assessment. Object assessment of interest
Object of class assessment。感兴趣的对象评估

numeric. Indice that states which layer of cross-validation must be accessed. Set to 1 to acces the one-layer cross-validation, Set to c(1,i) to acces the ith repeat of the one-layer cross-validation, Set to 2 to acces to the two-layers cross-validation, Set to c(2,i) to access the ith repeat of the two-layers cross-validation, Set to c(2,i,j) to access the jth inner layer of ith repeat of the two-layers cross-validation, Set to c(2,i,j,k) to access the kth repeat of the jth inner layer of ith repeat of the two-layers cross-validation
numeric。指数的各国必须访问层交叉验证。设置为1到ACCES一个层交叉验证,设置c(1,i)到ACCES一个层交叉验证的第i个重复,设置2成为两个ACCES层交叉验证,设置c(2,i)访问第i层交叉验证的重复,设置c(2,i,j)访问两个层第j i个重复的内层交叉验证,设置c(2,i,j,k)访问的第j个内层两个层交叉验证的第i个重复的第k个重复

character. Argument that specifies which kind of result is requested, the possible values are "errorRate": Access to cross-validation error rate, standard error on cross-validated error rate, error rate per fold, number of samples per fold and error rate per class, "selectedGenes": Access to the genes selected for each fold or their frequency of selection among the folds and the repeats, "bestOptionValue": For one-layer of cross-validation, access to the best option value (size of gene subset for SVM-RFE or thresholds for NSC) corresponding to the best value of the cross-validated error rate. For the two-layers of cross-validation, access the average best option value (over the repeats and folds). "executionTime": Time used to run the selected layer in seconds.
字符。请求参数,指定哪一种结果,可能的值是"errorRate":访问交叉验证错误率,交叉验证错误率,错误率每倍标准误差,每倍和错误率的样本数每班"selectedGenes":访问每个倍或他们之间的褶皱和重复频率的选择,选择的基因,"bestOptionValue":对于一个层交叉验证,获得最佳的选项值(SVM-RFE或国科会的阈值大小的基因子集)对应的交叉验证错误率的最佳值。为两层交叉验证,访问的平均最好的选择值(在重复和褶皱)。 "executionTime":用于运行在选定图层秒的时间。

character. Optional, ignored if topic is not "errorRate". Specify the type of error rate requested, the possible values are: missing or "all" to access all the following error rates "cv" to access the cross-validated error rate, "se" to access the standard error on the cross validated error rate, "fold" to access the error rate per fold (not available in certain cases see section value for more details), "noSamplesPerFold" to access the number of samples in each fols (not available in certain cases see section value for more details), "class" to acces the error rate per class

character. Optional, ignored if topic is not "selectedGenes". Specify the type of display of genes selected, the possible values are: missing "fold" to access the genes selected for each fold (not available in certain case see section value for more details), "frequ" to access the genes order by their frequency among the folds(not available in certain case see section value for more details)


if there is no error, the value returned by the method depends on the arguments namely, layer, topic, errorType and genesType.

If layer is 1

Get the results of the repeated one-layer cross-validation corresponding to the object of class assessment. If the one-layer cross-validation has not been performed and the user try to access it then the function return an error indicating that he must call runOneLayerExtCV first.

参数:if topic is <code>"errorRate"</code>

参数:If errorType=<code>"all"</code> or is <code>missing</code>
All the following error rates

参数:If errorType=<code>"cv"</code>
numeric. Cross-validated error-rate for each value of option tried obtained by one-layer of cross-validation (1 value per value of option).

参数:If errorType=<code>"se"</code>
numeric. Standard error on cross-validated error-rate for each value of option tried obtained by one-layer of cross-validation (1 value per value of option).

参数:If errorType=<code>"class"</code>
numeric. Class cross-validated error rate error for each value of option tried obtained by one-layer of cross-validation (1 value per class and value of option).

Error signaling that the topic is not appropriate.

参数:if topic is <code>"genesSelected"</code>

参数:If genesType=<code>"freq"</code> or is missing
list. Each elelement of the list corresponds to the genes selected for each model ordered by frequency.

Error signaling that the topic is not appropriate.

参数:if topic is <code>"bestOptionValue"</code>
Size of subset (for RFE-SVM) or threshold (for NSC) corresponding to the minimum cross-validated error rate.

参数:if topic is <code>"executionTime"</code>
Time in second to perform this one-layer cross-validation.

If layer is c(1,i)

Get the results of the ith repeat of the one-layer cross-validation corresponding to the object of class assessment. If the one-layer cross-validation has not been performed and the user try to access it then the function return an error indicating that he must call runOneLayerExtCV first.

参数:if topic is <code>"errorRate"</code>

参数:If errorType=<code>"all"</code> or is <code>missing</code>
All the following error rates

参数:If errorType=<code>"cv"</code>
numeric. Cross-validated error-rate for each value of option tried obtained by one-layer of cross-validation on the ith repeat(1 value per subset).

参数:If errorType=<code>"se"</code>
numeric. Standard error on cross-validated error-rate for each value of option tried obtained by one-layer of cross-validation on the ith repeat (1 value per value of option).

参数:If errorType=<code>"class"</code>
numeric. Class cross-validated error rate error for each value of option tried obtained by one-layer of cross-validation on the ith repeat (1 value per class and value of option).

参数:If errorType=<code>"fold"</code>
numeric. Class cross-validated error rate error for each fold and each value of option tried obtained by one-layer of cross-validation on the ith repeat (1 value per class and value of option).

Error signaling that the topic is not appropriate.

参数:if topic is <code>"genesSelected"</code>

参数:If genesType=<code>"freq"</code> or is missing
list. Each elelement of the list corresponds to the genes selected for each model ordered by frequency.

参数:If genesType=<code>"fold"</code>
list. Each elelement of the list corresponds to a model and contains a list of which one element correspond to the genes selected in a particular fold.

Error signaling that the topic is not appropriate.

参数:if topic is <code>"bestOptionValue"</code>
numeric. Size of subset (for RFE) or threshold (for NSC) corresponding to the minimum cross-validated error rate in the ith repeat of the one-layer cross-validation.
数字。 (RFE)的子集的大小或阈值(NSC)的相应最低在一个层交叉验证的第i个重复交叉验证错误率。

参数:if topic is <code>"executionTime"</code>
Time in second to perform this repeat of one-layer cross-validation.

If layer is 2

Get the results of the repeated two-layers cross-validation corresponding to the object of class assessment. If the two-layer cross-validation has not been performed and the user try to access it then the function return an error indicating that he must call runTwoLayerExtCV first.

参数:if topic is 'errorRate'

参数:If errorType=<code>"all"</code> or is <code>missing</code>
All the following error rates

参数:If errorType=<code>"cv"</code>
numeric. Cross-validated error-rate obtained by two-layers of cross-validation (1 value).

参数:If errorType=<code>"se"</code>
numeric. Standard error on cross-validated error-rate obtained by two-layers of cross-validation (1 value).

参数:If errorType=<code>"class"</code>
numeric. Class cross-validated error rate obtained by two-layers (1 value per class)

Error signaling that the topic is not appropriate.

参数:if topic is <code>"bestOptionValue"</code>
numeric. Average best number of genes for SVM-RFE of threshold for NSc obtained among the folds.

参数:if topic is <code>"executionTime"</code>
Time in second to perform this two-layers cross-validation.

If layer is c(2,i)

Get the results of the ith repeated of the two-layers cross-validation corresponding to the object of class assessment. If the two-layer cross-validation has not been performed and the user try to access it then the function return an error indicating that he must call runTwoLayerExtCV first.

参数:if topic is 'errorRate'

参数:If errorType=<code>"all"</code> or is <code>missing</code>
All the following error rates

参数:If errorType=<code>"cv"</code>
numeric. Cross-validated error-rate obtained by two-layers of cross-validation in this repeat. (1 value).
数字。交叉验证错误率两个层交叉验证在此重复获得。 (值为1)。

参数:If errorType=<code>"se"</code>
numeric. Standard error on cross-validated error-rate obtained by two-layers of cross-validation in this repeat (1 value).

参数:If errorType=<code>"class"</code>
numeric. Class cross-validated error rate obtained by two-layers in this repeat

参数:If errorType=<code>"fold"</code>
numeric. Error rate obtained on each of the folds in the second layer in this repeat(1 value per fold). of cross-validation (value per class).

Error signaling that the topic is not appropriate.

参数:if topic is <code>"genesSelected"</code>

参数:If genesType=<code>"fold"</code> or is missing
list. Each elelement of the list corresponds to a fold and contains a list of the genes selected in this particular fold.

Error signaling that the topic is not appropriate.

参数:if topic is <code>"bestOptionValue"</code>
numeric. Average best number of genes obtained among the folds in this repeat.

参数:if topic is <code>"executionTime"</code>
Time in second to perform this repeat of two-layers cross-validation.

参数:If <code>layer</code> is c(2,i,j)
This layer corresponds to the jth inner layer of one-layer cross-validation performed inside the ith repeat of the two-layers cross-validation. The returned values are similar to the one returned by a repeated one-layer cross-validation.

参数:If <code>layer</code> is c(2,i,j,k)
This layer corresponds to the kth repeat of the jth inner layer of one-layer cross-validation performed inside the ith repeat. The returned values are similar to the one returned by a repeat of one-layer cross-validation.


object = "assessment" The method is only applicable on objects of class


Camille Maumet

参见----------See Also----------



#dataPath &lt;- file.path("C:", "Documents and Settings", "c.maumet", "My Documents", "Programmation", "Sources", "SVN", "R package", "data")[数据通路(< -  file.path的“C:”,“文件和设置”,“c.maumet”,“我的文档”,“Programmation”,“源”,“SVN的”,“R包”,“数据” )]
#aDataset &lt;- new("dataset", dataId="vantVeer_70", dataPath=dataPath)[aDataset < - 新(“数据集”,“dataId =”vantVeer_70,数据通路=数据通路)]
#aDataset &lt;- loadData(aDataset)[aDataset < - 的LoadData(aDataset)]

mySubsets <- new("geneSubsets", optionValues=c(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,70))
myassessment <- new("assessment", dataset=vV70genes,

myassessment <- runOneLayerExtCV(myassessment)
myassessment <- runTwoLayerExtCV(myassessment)

# --- Access to one-layer CV ---[---访问到一个层CV  - ]
# errorRate[errorRate]
# 1-layer CV: error Rates[1层的简历:错误率]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'errorRate')
# 1-layer CV: error Rates - all")[1层CV:错误率 - 所有“)]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'errorRate', errorType='all')
# 1-layer CV: error Rates - cv[1层CV:错误率 -  CV]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'errorRate', errorType='cv')
# 1-layer CV: error Rates - se[1层简历:错误率 -  SE]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'errorRate', errorType='se')
# 1-layer CV: error Rates - class[1层CV:错误率 - 类]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'errorRate', errorType='class')

# genesSelected[genesSelected]
# 1-layer CV: genes Selected[1层CV:基因选择]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'genesSelected')
# 1-layer CV: genes Selected - frequ[1层CV:基因选择 -  frequ]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'genesSelected', genesType='frequ')
# 1-layer CV: genes Selected - model 7[1层CV:基因选择 - 模型7]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'genesSelected', genesType='frequ')[[7]]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'genesSelected')[[7]]

# bestOptionValue[bestOptionValue]
# 1-layer CV: best number of genes[1层CV:最好的基因数目]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'bestOptionValue')

# executionTime[executionTime]
# 1-layer CV: execution time[1层简历:执行时间]
getResults(myassessment, 1, 'executionTime')

# --- Access to 2nd repeat of one-layer CV ---[---访问到一个层CV第二次重复 - ]
# Error rates[错误率]
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: error Rates[1层CV重复2:错误率]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'errorRate')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: error Rates - all[1层CV重复2:错误率 - 所有]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'errorRate', errorType='all')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: error Rates - cv[1层CV重复2:错误率 -  CV]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'errorRate', errorType='cv')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: error Rates - se[1层CV重复2:错误率 -  SE]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'errorRate', errorType='se')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: error Rates - fold[1层CV重复2:错误率 - 倍]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'errorRate', errorType='fold')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: error Rates - noSamplesPerFold[1层CV重复2:错误率 -  noSamplesPerFold]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'errorRate', errorType='noSamplesPerFold')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: error Rates - class[1层CV重复2:错误率 - 类]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'errorRate', errorType='class')

# genesSelected[genesSelected]
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: genes Selected[1层CV重复2:基因选择]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'genesSelected')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: genes Selected - frequ[1层CV重复2:基因选择 -  frequ]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'genesSelected', genesType='frequ')
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: genes Selected - model 7 (twice)[1层CV重复2:基因选择 - 模型7(两次)]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'genesSelected', genesType='frequ')[[7]]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'genesSelected')[[7]]
# 1-layer CV repeat 2: genes Selected - fold[1层CV重复2:基因选择 - 倍]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'genesSelected', genesType='fold')

# 1-layer CV repeat 2: best number of genes[1层CV重复2:最好的基因数目]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'bestOptionValue')

# 1-layer CV repeat 2: execution time[1层CV重复2:执行时间]
getResults(myassessment, c(1,2), 'executionTime')

# --- Access to two-layers CV ---[---访问到两个层CV  - ]
# Error rates[错误率]
# 2-layer CV: error Rates[2层的简历:错误率]
getResults(myassessment, 2, 'errorRate')
# 2-layer CV: error Rates - all[简历:2层 - 所有的错误率]
getResults(myassessment, 2, 'errorRate', errorType='all')
# 2-layer CV: error Rates - cv[2层CV:错误率 -  CV]
getResults(myassessment, 2, 'errorRate', errorType='cv')
# 2-layer CV: error Rates - se[简历:2层错误率 -  SE]
getResults(myassessment, 2, 'errorRate', errorType='se')
# 2-layer CV: error Rates - class[2层CV:错误率 - 类]
getResults(myassessment, 2, 'errorRate', errorType='class')

# bestOptionValue[bestOptionValue]
# 2-layer CV: best number of genes (avg)[2层CV:最好的基因数量(AVG)]
getResults(myassessment, 2, 'bestOptionValue')

# executionTime[executionTime]
# 2-layer CV: execution time[2层的简历:执行时间]
getResults(myassessment, 2, 'executionTime')

# --- Access to two-layers CV access to repeats ---[---访问两个层次的简历到重复的访问---]
# Error rates[错误率]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: error Rates[2层CV重复1:错误率]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'errorRate')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: error Rates - all[2层CV重复1:错误率 - 所有]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'errorRate', errorType='all')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: error Rates - cv[2层CV重复1:错误率 -  CV]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'errorRate', errorType='cv')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: error Rates - se[2层CV重复1:错误率 -  SE]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'errorRate', errorType='se')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: error Rates - fold[2层CV重复1:错误率 - 倍]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'errorRate', errorType='fold')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: error Rates - noSamplesPerFold[2层CV重复1:错误率 -  noSamplesPerFold]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'errorRate', errorType='noSamplesPerFold')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: error Rates - class[2层CV重复1:错误率 - 类]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'errorRate', errorType='class')

# genesSelected[genesSelected]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: genes Selected[2层CV重复1:选定的基因]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'genesSelected')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1: genes Selected - fold[2层CV重复1:基因选择 - 倍]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'genesSelected', genesType='fold')

# 2-layer CV repeat 1: best number of genes[2层CV重复1:最好的基因数目]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'bestOptionValue')

# 2-layer CV repeat 1: execution time[2层CV重复1:执行时间]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1), 'executionTime')

# --- Access to one-layer CV inside two-layers CV ---[---访问一个层CV内两个层次的简历 - ]
# errorRate[errorRate]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: error Rates[2层CV重复1内层3:错误率]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'errorRate')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: error Rates - all[2层CV重复1内层3:错误率 - 所有]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'errorRate', errorType='all')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: error Rates - cv[2层CV重复1内层3:错误率 -  CV]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'errorRate', errorType='cv')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: error Rates - se[2层CV重复1内层3:错误率 -  SE]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'errorRate', errorType='se')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: error Rates - class[2层CV重复1内层3:错误率 - 类]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'errorRate', errorType='class')

# genesSelected[genesSelected]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: genes Selected[2层CV重复1内层3:选择基因]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'genesSelected')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: genes Selected - frequ[2层CV重复1内层3:基因选择 -  frequ]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'genesSelected', genesType='frequ')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: genes Selected - model 7[2层CV重复1内层3:基因选择 - 模型7]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'genesSelected', genesType='frequ')[[7]]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'genesSelected')[[7]]

# bestOptionValue[bestOptionValue]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: best number of genes[2层CV重复1内层3:最好的基因数目]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'bestOptionValue')

# executionTime[executionTime]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3: execution time[2层CV重复1内层3:执行时间]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3), 'executionTime')

# --- two-layers CV access to repeat 1, inner layer 2 repeat 2 ---[--- 2层CV访问,重复1,内层2重复2 ---]
# Error rates[错误率]
# 2-layer CV inner layer 3 repeat 2: error Rates[2层CV内层3重复2:错误率]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'errorRate')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: error Rates - all[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:错误率 - 所有]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'errorRate', errorType='all')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: error Rates - cv[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:错误率 -  CV]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'errorRate', errorType='cv')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: error Rates - se[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:错误率 -  SE]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'errorRate', errorType='se')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: error Rates - class[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:错误率 - 类]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'errorRate', errorType='class')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: error Rates - fold[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:错误率 - 倍]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'errorRate', errorType='fold')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: error Rates - noSamplesPerFold[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:错误率 -  noSamplesPerFold]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'errorRate', errorType='noSamplesPerFold')

# genesSelected[genesSelected]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: genes Selected[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:基因选择]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'genesSelected')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: genes Selected - fold[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:基因选择 - 倍]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'genesSelected', genesType='fold')
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: genes Selected - model 3 fold 1(twice)[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:基因选择 - 模型3倍(两次)]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'genesSelected', genesType='fold')[[3]][[1]]
# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: genes Selected frequ - model 3[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:基因选择frequ  - 模型3]
getResults(myassessment, c(2,1,3,1), 'genesSelected')[[3]]

# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: best number of genes[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:最好的基因数目]
getResults(myassessment,  c(2,1,3,1), 'bestOptionValue')

# 2-layer CV repeat 1 inner layer 3 repeat 1: execution time[2层CV重复1内层3重复1:执行时间]
getResults(myassessment,  c(2,1,3,1), 'executionTime')

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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