A package for survival time prediction based on a piecewise baseline hazard Cox regression model.
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
The package is the R-version of the C-based software CASPAR (Kaderali,2006). It is meant to help predict survival times in the presence of high-dimensional explanatory co-variates. The model is a piecewise baseline hazard Cox regression model with an Lq-norm based prior that selects for the most important regression coefficients, and in turn the most relevant co-variates for survival analysis. It was primarily tried on gene expression and aCGH data, but can be used on any other type of high-dimensional data and in disciplines other than biology and medicine.
Douaa Mugahid
Maintainer: Douaa Mugahid <mugahid@stud.uni-heidelberg.de>, Lars Kaderali <lars.kaderali@bioquant.uni-heidelberg.de>
of Statistics, 34(2), 187-220. The extension of the Cox model to its stepwise form was adapted from: Ibrahim, J.G, Chen, M.-H. & Sinha, D. (2005). Bayesian Survival Analysis (second ed.). NY: Springer. as well as Kaderali, Lars.(2006) A Heirarchial Bayesian Approach to Regression and its Application to Predicting Survival Times in Cancer Patients. Aachen: Shaker The prior on the regression coefficients was adopted from: Mazur, J., Ritter,D.,Reinelt, G. & Kaderali, L. (2009). Reconstructing Non-Linear dynamic Models of Gene Regulation using Stochastic Sampling. BMC Bioinformatics, 10(448).
## Eg.(1): A simple example performed with a training and validation set:[#例如:(1):一个简单的例子进行了培训和验证集:]
## Generate prediction:[#生成的预测:]
result <- STpredictor_BLH(geDataS=Bergamaschi[1:27, 1:2], survDataS=survData[1:27, 9:10], geDataT=Bergamaschi[28:82, 1:2], survDataT=survData[28:82, 9:10], q = 1, s = 1, a = 1.558, b = 0.179
, cut.off=15, groups = 3, method = "CG", noprior = 1, extras = list(reltol=1))
## Plot a KM plot with both long and short survivors:[#绘制一个术语和短期的幸存者公里的图:]
kmplt_svrl(long=result$long_survivors, short=result$short_survivors,title="KM plot of long and short survivors")
## Determine the area under the curve of AUROC curves vs. time to see the performance of the predictor given the chosen parameters and the current partitioning into training[#面积确定AUROC均随时间变化曲线的曲线下进入训练所选择的参数和当前分区预测的性能]
## and validation sets:[#审定集:]
survivAURC(Stime=result$predicted_STs$True_STs,status=result$predicted_STs$censored, marker=result$predicted_STs$Predicted_STs, time.max=20)
## Perform a log-rank test to see if the difference between the long and short survivors is significant:[#执行log-rank检验,看是否术语和短期的幸存者之间的差异显着:]
logrnk(dataL=result$long_survivors, dataS=result$short_survivors)
## Eg.(2): A simple example performed with cross validation:[(2)#例如:一个简单的例子进行交叉验证:]
## Generate prediction:[#生成的预测:]
STpredictor_xvBLH(geData=Bergamaschi[1:40,1:2], survData=survData[1:40,9:10], k = 10, cut.off = 10, q = 1, s = 1, a = 1.558, b = 0.179, groups = 3, method = "BFGS", noprior = 1, extras = list(reltol=1))
## Plot a KM plot with both long and short survivors:[#绘制一个术语和短期的幸存者公里的图:]
kmplt_svrl(long=result$long_survivors, short=result$short_survivors,title="KM plot of long and short survivors")
## Determine the area under the curve of AUROC curves vs. time to see the performance of the predictor given the chosen parameters and the current partitioning into training[#面积确定AUROC均随时间变化曲线的曲线下进入训练所选择的参数和当前分区预测的性能]
## and validation sets:[#审定集:]
survivAURC(Stime=result$predicted_STs$True_STs,status=result$predicted_STs$censored, marker=result$predicted_STs$Predicted_STs, time.max=20)
## Perform a log-rank test to see if the difference between the long and short survivors is significant:[#执行log-rank检验,看是否术语和短期的幸存者之间的差异显着:]
logrnk(dataL=result$long_survivors, dataS=result$short_survivors)
转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。