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发表于 2015-1-29 15:59:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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2015年第三届生物统计论坛 贝叶斯生物统计法
3月16 - 20日
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在过去十年中,我们看到了贝叶斯方法发展和应用的爆发。这次课程提供了必要的背景知识和大量不同的实例来理解和阐述贝叶斯方法,比如诊断检查,荟萃分析,纵向研究,疾病地图等。还有基于WinBUGS, OpenBUGS, JAGS 及其R接口的 R2WinBUGS,,R2jags等软件的实际演练。
Bayesian methods have seen an explosion in developments and applications in the last decade. This course gives the necessary background to understand the Bayesian approach. A great variety of examples illustrate the Bayesian methods, such as: diagnostic tests, meta-analyses, longitudinal studies, disease maps, etc. Practical exercises are based on WinBUGS, OpenBUGS, JAGS and their R-interfaces
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第 1天( Day 1Day 1 Day 1Day 1)
MorninigMorninig Morninig
 关于P值的一些问题
 纯粹的似然方法
 贝叶斯定理
 后验分布的计算
 后验汇总测试:均值,中位数,标准差,可信区间。
 Some problems with the P-value
 A pure likelihood approach
 Bayes theorem
 The computation of the posterior distribution
 Posterior summary measures: mean, median, SD, credible interval
AfternoonAfternoonAfternoonAfternoon Afternoon Afternoon
 基于R软件的实际演练
 Practical exercises using R
第 2天( Day 2Day 2 Day 2Day 2)
MorningMorning Morning
 后验预测分布
 单变量抽样方法
 贝叶斯假设检验
 临床试验中的应用
 The posterior predictive distribution
 Univariate sampling methods
 Bayesian hypothesis testing
 Clinical trial applications
AfternoonAfternoonAfternoonAfternoon Afternoon Afternoon
 基于R软件的实际演练
 Practical exercises using R
第 3天( Day 3Day 3 Day 3Day 3)
MorningMorning Morning
 多元后验分布
 多元抽样方法
 MCMC采样方法:Gibbs采样
 WinBUGS, OpenBUGS软件的使用介绍
 Multivariate posterior distributions
 A multivariate sampling approach
 MCMC sampling: Gibbs Sampling
 A practical introduction into WinBUGS, OpenBUGS
AfternoonAfternoonAfternoonAfternoon Afternoon Afternoon
 基于WinBUGS,OpenBUGS软件的实际演练
 Practical exercises using WinBUGS, OpenBUGS
课程安排 Schedule of the Course
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第 4天( Day 4Day 4 Day 4Day 4)
MorningMorning Morning
 先验分布的选择
 MCMC采样方法延伸:Metropolis-Hastings算法
 检测和加速马尔科夫链的收敛
 贝叶斯分层模型:第一部分
 Choosing the prior distribution
 Further on MCMC sampling: the Metropolis-Hastings approach
 Checking and accelerating the convergence of the Markov chain
 Bayesian hierarchical models: part I
AfternoonAfternoonAfternoonAfternoon Afternoon Afternoon
 基于WinBUGS, R2WinBUGS, R2jags等软件的实际演练
 Practical exercises using WinBUGS, R2WinBUGS, R2jags, etc.
第 5天( Day 5Day 5 Day 5Day 5)
MorningMorning Morning
 贝叶斯分层模型:第二部分
 基于贝叶斯方法的选择和检验模型
 Bayesian hierarchical models: part II
 Selecting and checking models in a Bayesian way
AfternoonAfternoonAfternoonAfternoon Afternoon Afternoon
 基于WinBUGS, R2WinBUGS, R2jags等软件的实际演练
 Practical exercises using WinBUGS, R2WinBUGS, R2jags, etc

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