This is a data set describing the display parameters used to plot cytoband data.
A data frame with one row per cytoband type, and the following columns:
typeThe cytoband type. This must correspond to the "stain" column in the cytoband data frame (see the cytobands documentation).
typeThe cytoband类型。这必须符合“污点”列在的cytoband数据框(见cytobands文件)。
bandcolThe shade of gray used to colour the cytobands. A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white). Passed as the "col" argument to rect.
灰色bandcolThe树荫使用颜色的cytobands。 0(黑色)和1(白色)之间的数字。传递rect“山口”的说法。
textcolThe shade of gray used for the cytoband text labels. A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white). Passed as the "col" argument to text.
灰色textcolThe的树荫使用的cytoband文本标签。 0(黑色)和1(白色)之间的数字。传递text“山口”的说法。
banddensThe shading density to use for the band colour. Passed as the "density" argument to rect.
bandbordThe shade of gray used for the plotted cytoband borders. A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white). Passed as the "border" argument to rect.
用于绘制cytoband边界的灰色bandbordThe树荫。 0(黑色)和1(白色)之间的数字。传递rect的“边界”的说法。
Developed based on the design of the idiogram Bioconductor package
发达的基础上设计的idiogram Bioconductor包