XGvis: Interactive Multidimensional Scaling Using XGobi for Display
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
R interface to XGvis, an interactive multidimensional scaling (MDS) program that consists of a control panel to manipulate the parameters of the MDS stress function and an xgobi window for data display. It can be used either for visualization of dissimilarity data, for dimension reduction, or for graph layout. Graph layout is usually done in 2D, but xgvis allows layouts in arbitrary dimensions, 3D being the default. It permits missing values, which can be used to implement multidimensional unfolding.
xgvis(dmat = NULL,
edges= NULL,
pos = NULL,
rowlab = colnames(dmat),
colors = NULL, glyphs = NULL,
erase = NULL, lines = NULL, linecolors = NULL,
resources = NULL, display = NULL,
multi = TRUE,
keep = FALSE, fprefix = "xgvis-")
numeric n * n distance matrix.
数字n * n的距离矩阵。
n * 2 or n * 3 matrix of specifications for the pattern of line segments which connect pairs of points. Must contain at least two numbers per line. The first two numbers represent the row numbers of the two points that should be connected. (This is exactly like the structure of a the lines argument of xgobi.) In addition, if a third number is present, it is taken to be an edge weight.
n * 2或n * 3矩阵的规格为图案的线段连接点对。必须至少包含两个数字,每行。前两个数字代表,应连接的两个点的行号。 (这是完全一样的lines的xgobi参数的结构)。此外,如果第三个数字是存在的,它是一个边的权重。
If edges is specified and dmat not, then the distance matrix is computed from edges, with each edge representing a distance of one.
Starting positions: an n * p matrix. If pos is specified and dmat not, the distance matrix is computed from pos.
起始位置:n * p矩阵。如果pos指定dmat不,距离矩阵计算从pos。
character vector of n row labels (defaulting to those of dmat); if no default exists, xgobi constructs its own (numbers 1:n).
optional character vector supplying initial point colors to be used; see xgobi.
提供初始点使用的颜色可选字符向量; xgobi。
integer vector, used to supply glyphs to be used on startup, see xgobi.
Optional integer vector of length equal to the number of rows in the data and composed of 1s and 0s. A 1 in position i specifies that point i should be erased. The default is a vector of 0s.
可选整数向量的长度等于在数据中的行数和组成的1s和0s。 A 1的位置,我指定我应该被删除。默认值是0的向量。
Optional integer matrix, n by 2, which specifies by row number pairs of points to be connected by line segments. If lines are specified, then the edges is used to create the distance matrix but lines is used to draw the edges.
可选整数矩阵中,n 2,用于指定要通过线段连接的点的行数对。如果lines中指定,那么edges使用创建的距离矩阵,但lines是用来绘制的边缘。
Optional integer vector, of length n where n is the number of lines specified by the lines argument. It is used to supply line colors to be used on startup; the default is for all the lines to be drawn in the standard foreground color.
Optional character vector created by clicking on the “Save Resources” button in XGobi.
Optional character string, identifying the monitor on which to display the xgvis window. The default is "machine:0.0" where machine is the name of the user's workstation. See documentation for X.
logical, indicating if the xgobi process should be run multi-tasking with R. If true, control returns to the R command prompt after 3 seconds.
logical, indicating if the temporary files should be kept (e.g. for calling the xgobi program outside R)
character string for the file name prefix to be used for temporary files.
The UNIX status upon completion, i.e. 0 if ok.
在UNIX status完成后,即0,如果ok了。
副作用----------Side Effects----------
The xgvis R function executes a call to the C program of the same name, and returns control of the R command line to the user.
的xgvis R函数执行调用的C程序相同的名称,并返回给用户控制的R命令行。
D. F. Swayne dfs@research.att.com
D. F.斯韦恩dfs@research.att.com
of <font face="Courier New,Courier" color="#666666"><b>R</b></font> port: Kurt Hornik and
Martin Maechler <a href="mailto:maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch">maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch</a>
http://www.research.att.com/areas/stat/xgobi/, <br> http://www.public.iastate.edu/~dicook/
参见----------See Also----------
data(morsecodes) ## from the XGobi/XGvis data, see ?morsecodes[#从XGobi / XGvis的数据,看?morsecodes的]
mc.row <- paste(morsecodes.row[,1],morsecodes.row[,2])
xgvis(dmat = morsecodes.dist,
pos = morsecodes.pos,
rowlab = mc.row,
colors = morsecodes.colors,
glyphs = morsecodes.glyphs,
lines = morsecodes.lines,
linecolors = morsecodes.linecolors)
##> 2) Show lines by hitting "l" with the mouse over the plot.[#> 2)通过按“L”,用鼠标在图线。]
##> 3) Examine morsecode labels by hitting "i" and mousing around on the plot.[#> 3)通过点击“我”和鼠标移动的图检查morsecode标签。]
##> 3b) Press "r" (on the plot) to switch 3D rotation in xgobi.[#3B)按“R”(图)3D旋转切换xgobi。]
##> 4) Run MDS in 3D by clicking "Run MDS" (in xgvis).[#4)运行在3D MDS通过点击“运行MDS”(xgvis)的。]
##> 5) Speed up the optimization by increasing the "Stepsize" with the slider.[#5)加快优化与滑块增加了“步长”。]
##> The "Stress function" value may go as low as 0.1925 (MM).[#>“压力功能”的价值可能会低至0.1925(MM)。]
##> 6) When the optimization calms down, click "Run MDS" to toggle MDS off.[#> 6)优化平静下来时,单击“运行MDS”切换MDS。]
##> 7) Rotate the MDS configuration in 3D {by "r" with mouse over plot}.[#7)旋转的MDS配置与鼠标移到图,在3D {“R”。]
##> 8) Increase the rotation speed with the slider in the top left and[#> 8)增加的旋转速度与滑动件在其顶部左侧和]
##> control the rotation direction by dragging the mouse on the plot.[#>控制旋转方向上拖动鼠标的图。]
##> 9) You can check out the initial configuration by[#> 9),您可以检查出的初始配置]
## In order to have no color warning :[#为了有没有色警示:]
Mcolors <- unique(morsecodes.colors)
(Mcolors <- paste("*brushColor", 0 length(Mcolors)-1),": ", Mcolors, sep=""))
xgobi(morsecodes.pos, collab = morsecodes.col, rowlab = mc.row,
colors = morsecodes.colors,
glyphs = morsecodes.glyphs,
lines = morsecodes.lines,
linecolors = morsecodes.linecolors,
resources= c("*showLines: True", Mcolors))
##> This XGobi window will be linked with[#> XGobi窗口将与]
##> the XGvis window for glyph-color brushing and labeling.[#>的XGvis的窗口字形色刷牙和标签。]
转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。