A class for data from cell-based high-throughput assays
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
Container for data and experimental meta-data from cell-based high-throughput assays performed in plate format. Typical applications are RNA interference or small molecular compound screens. The class extends the NChannelSet class. Data are from experiments where the same set of reagents (probes) where used. The class can represent data from multi-channel assays.
The data can be thought of as being organised in a two- or three-dimensional array as follows:
The first dimension corresponds to reagents (e.g. siRNAs, chemical compounds) that were used in the assays. For example, if the screen used 100 plates of 384 wells (24 columns, 16 rows), then the first dimension has size 38,400, and the cellHTS object keeps track of plate ID, row, and column associated with each element. For historic reasons, and because we are using infrastructure that was developed for microarray experiments, the following terms are used synonymously for the elements of the first dimension: reagents, features, probes, genes.
The second dimension corresponds to assays, including replicates and different experimental conditions (cell type, treatment, genetic background). A potentially confusing terminology is that the data structure that annotates the second dimension is called phenoData. This is because we are using infrastructure (the NChannelSet class) that uses this unfortunate term for this purpose. The software provides methodology for replicate summarization and scoring, however more complicated experimental designs are not directly supported. Multi-purpose tools like lmFit in the limma package should be consulted.
The (optional) third dimension corresponds to different channels (e.g. different luminescence reporters)
类的对象----------Objects from the Class----------
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("cellHTS", assayData, phenoData, ...). See the examples below.
创建对象可以通过检测的形式new("cellHTS", assayData, phenoData, ...)。见下面的例子。
plateList: a data.frame containing what was read from input measurement data files plus a column status of type character containing the string "OK" if the data import appeared to have gone well, and the respective error
intensityFiles: a list, where each component contains a copy of the imported input data files. Its length corresponds to
state: a logical vector of length 4 representing the processing status of the object. It must have the names
plateConf: a data.frame containing what was read from the configuration file for the experiment (except the first two header rows). It contains at least three columns named Plate, Well and Content. Columns Plate and Well are allowed to contain
screenLog: a data.frame containing what was read from the screen log file for the experiment, in case it exists. Contains at least three columns, and column names Plate, Well, and Flag. Additional columns are Sample (when there are replicates or more than one sample or condition) and Channel (when there are multiple
screenDesc: a character containing what was read from
rowcol.effects: a 3D array of size Features (i.e. plate size x number of plates) x Samples x Channels
overall.effects: a 3D array of size Features x
assayData: Object of class AssayData, usually an environment containing matrices of identical size. Each matrix represents a single channel. Columns in each matrix correspond to samples (or replicate), rows to features (probes). Once created,
plateData: A list of data frames, with number of rows of each frame equal to the number of plates used in the assay and number of columns equal to the number of samples. Each data frame in the list should contain factorial annotation information relevant for the individual plates, like experimental batches or varying types of micro-titre plates. Currently, this information will be used for between-batch normalization and quality
phenoData: Object of class AnnotatedDataFrame. Please see the documentation of the phenoData slot of NChannelSet for more details.
It contains information about the screens, and it must have the following columns in its data component: replicate and assay, where replicate is expected to be a vector of integers giving the replicate number, while assay is expected to be a vector of characters giving the name of the biological assay. Both of these vectors should have the same length as the number of Samples.
Once created, cellHTS coordinates selection and subsetting
featureData: Object of class AnnotatedDataFrame, containing information about the reagents: plate, well, column, the well annotation (sample, control, etc.), etc. For a cellHTS object, this slot must contain in its data component at least three mandatory columns named plate, well and controlStatus. Column plate is expected to be a numeric vector giving the plate number (e.g. 1, 2, ...), well should be a vector of characters (alphanumeric characters) giving the well ID within the plate (e.g. A01, B01, H12, etc.). Column controlStatus should be a factor specifying the annotation for each well with possible levels: empty, other, neg, sample, and pos. Other levels besides pos and
featureData类AnnotatedDataFrame,其中包含的信息对试剂的对象:好,板,柱的,以及注释(样品,控制等)等,对于一个cellHTS对象,这个插槽必须包含至少有三个强制性列名为data,plate和wellcontrolStatus组件。 plate预计将提供车牌号码(例如:1,2,...)数字矢量列,well应该是一个矢量字符(字母数字字符),以及身份证内盘(例如的A01,B01,H12,等)。列controlStatus应该是一个因素,指定每口井可能层次的注解:空的,其他的,NEG,样本,和POS。除了POS和其他各级
experimentData: Object of class MIAME containing descriptions
annotation: A "character" of length 1, which can be used to specify the name of an annotation package that goes
processingInfo: A list containing information about
.__classVersion__: Object of class Versions, containing automatically created information about the class definition, Biobase package version, and other information about the user system at the time the instance was created. See classVersion and
Class NChannelSet, directly.
Methods with class-specific functionality:
name(object) signature(object="cellHTS"). Obtains the name of the assay stored in the object. This corresponds to the contents of column assay of the
name(object) <- value signature(object = "cellHTS", value = "character") assign the character of length one (value) to the elements in column assay of the
name(object) <- valuesignature(object = "cellHTS", value = "character")列value分配字符元素的长度为一(assay)
signature(object = "cellHTS"). Obtain the plate dimension for the data stored in object.
signature(object = "cellHTS")。获得的数据存储在object板尺寸。
signature(object = "cellHTS", value = "character"). Replace the channel names in object.
signature(object = "cellHTS", value = "character")。更换object频道名称。
signature(object = "cellHTS"). Obtain the total number of batches for the data stored in object.
signature(object = "cellHTS")。获得为object中存储的数据的批次总数。
compare2cellHTS(x, y) signature(x = "cellHTS", y = "cellHTS"). Compares two cellHTS objects, x and y, returning TRUE if they are from the same experiment (i.e. if they derive from the same
compare2cellHTS(x, y)signature(x = "cellHTS", y = "cellHTS")。比较两个cellHTS对象,x和y回TRUE如果他们是相同的实验(即如果他们从同一
Methods with functionality derived from class NChannelSet: channel, channelNames, selectChannels, object[features, samples], sampleNames
与功能的方法来源于类NChannelSet:channel,channelNames,selectChannels,object[features, samples],sampleNames
Methods with functionality derived from eSet: annotation, assayData, assayData<-, classVersion, classVersion<-, dim, dims, experimentData, featureData, phenoData, phenoData<-, pubMedIds, sampleNames, sampleNames<-, storageMode, varMetadata, isCurrent, isVersioned.
eSet,annotation,assayData,assayData<-,classVersion,classVersion<-,<X:dim派生功能的方法>,dims,experimentData,featureData,phenoData,phenoData<-,pubMedIds,sampleNames,sampleNames<- storageMode,varMetadata,isCurrent。
Additional methods:
initialize used internally for creating objects
show invoked automatically when the object is
state Access the state slot of a
annotate Annotate the cellHTS
configure Configure the cellHTS object using the the screen description file, the
writeTab Write the contents of assayData slot
ROC Construct an object of S4 class ROC, which represents a receiver-operator-characteristic curve, from the data of the annotated positive and negative controls in a scored
meanSdPlot(x) signature(x = "cellHTS") plots row standard deviations across samples versus row means across samples for data stored in slot assayData of a cellHTS object. If there are multiple channels, row standard deviations and row means are calculated across samples for each channel separately. Only wells containing "sample" are considered. See meanSdPlot for more details
meanSdPlot(x)signature(x = "cellHTS")图划船横跨样品与样品之间的行手段插槽assayDatacellHTS对象中存储的数据的标准偏差。如果有多种渠道,行的标准偏差和行手段在每个通道的样本分别计算。被认为只包含“样本”的井。 meanSdPlot更多细节
Ligia P. Bras <a href="mailto:ligia@ebi.ac.uk">ligia@ebi.ac.uk</a>, Wolfgang Huber <a href="mailto:huber@ebi.ac.uk">huber@ebi.ac.uk</a>
参见----------See Also----------
NChannelSet readPlateList annotate configure writeTab state Data normalizePlates ROC
## An empty cellHTS[#空cellHTS,]
obj <- new("cellHTS")
## Replicate 1 as a cellHTS object[#复制作为cellHTS对象1]
y <- KcViabSmall[,1]
compare2cellHTS(KcViabSmall, y)
compare2cellHTS(KcViab, KcViabSmall)
转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。