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R语言 Rvelslant包 Rvelslant()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-29 00:00:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Downhole Seismic Analysis In R

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The function Rvelslant is the main function for analyzing downhole seismic data and interpreting layered velocity models.

The travel time at depth z is given by the equation:

for i = 1, 2, \ldots, N where h_i is layer thickness, s_i is the layer slowness (v = 1/s), and n_i is the number of transits of each layer (1 for all layers above the measurement depth z, 0 for all layers below). When refracted waves are considered, h_i is adjusted to be the length of the raypath in each layer according to Snell's law, then:
i = 1, 2, \ldots, N其中h_i是层厚度,s_i是一层缓慢(v = 1/s),和n_i是过境的每一层(1所有层以上的测量深度z,下面的所有层为0)。当折射波被认为是,h_i被调整到的射线路径的长度,在每一层中,根据斯涅耳定律,然后:

The slowness, s_i for i = 1, 2, \ldots, N, of each layer, is calculated by
缓慢,s_ii = 1, 2, \ldots, N,每一层,计算方法


Two-point ray-tracing is calculated with the function path4sl which is based on the FORTRAN subroutine path4sl by:

David Boore <boore@usgs.gov><br> U.S. Geological Survey<br> Mail Stop 977<br> 345 Middlefield Road<br> Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA<br>
大卫Boore <boore@usgs.gov>参考美国地质调查局<BR>邮站345米德尔路977参考参考门洛帕克,CA 94025 USA参考


Rvelslant(data, snell = TRUE, bot = NULL, auto = FALSE, cex = 1,
          nticks = NULL, grid = FALSE, depth = "v", profile = "slow")


a list containing the following elements:   

z:array of the depths of travel-time measurements, in meters (length = k).

tt.slant:array of observed travel-time measurements in seconds (length = k).  

hoffset:the horizontal offset at the surface from the borehole.  

sig:array of the standard deviation of the travel-time  measurements normalized to the standard deviation of the best pick.  Defaults to 1 if none is given. Used for weighting the  travel-time measurements in the regression.   

logical value for calculating the  raypath according to Snell's Law, defaults is TRUE.  If snell == FALSE, then the raypath is approximated by a slanted line and the inversion is much faster.
根据Snell定律计算的射线路径的逻辑值,默认值是TRUE。如果snell == FALSE,然后射线路径近似斜线和逆变器的速度要快得多。

an optional array (length = n) of depth to layer interfaces for the starting model. If not provided, then the initial model is a single layer extending from the surface to the depth of the last measurement.

logical value for if the depths to boundaries should be autopicked for initial model. Default is TRUE

see par function in R package "graphics".
par R封装的图形功能。

approximate number of tick marks desired for depth-axis on travel-time plots. See pretty function in R package "base".

logical value for plotting grid lines on travel-time plots.

layout of plots. Value can be "v" for vertical or "h" for horizontal orientation of the depth-axis on travel-time plots.

defaults to "slow" for plotting the slowness profile with the travel-times and residuals. Any other value, i.e. "vel" will plot the velocity profile instead.


a list containing model info and original data. The specific elements of the list are: <table summary="R valueblock"> <tr valign="top"><td>A</td> <td>  A = sum(n_i * h_i * s_i)</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>s</td> <td> array containing the slowness of each layer (length = n).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>v</td> <td> array containing the velocity of each layer (length = n).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>n</td> <td> integer number of layers in the velocity model.</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>k</td> <td> number of travel-time measurements.</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>h</td> <td> array of thicknesses of each layer (length = n).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>bot</td> <td> array of depth to bottoms of each layer (length = n).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>tt</td> <td> array of observed travel-time arrivals (length = k).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>z</td> <td> array of depths of each travel-time measurement, in meters (length = k).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>hoffset</td> <td> horizontal offset at the surface from the borehole.</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>N</td> <td> k by n matrix of transits.</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>theta</td> <td> k by n matrix of angles of incidence when snell == TRUE. Otherwise defaults to 0.</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>LM.tt</td> <td> array of predicted travel-times (length = k).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>wt</td> <td> array of weights used in the regression  (length = k). Defaults to 1 if sig is unspecified. Calculated as 1/sig^2</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>sig</td> <td> array of the standard deviation of the travel-time measurements normalized to the standard deviation of the best pick (length = k).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>se</td> <td> array of standard error of slowness for each layer (length = n). Used to calculate the upper and lower bounds in the velocity model.</td></tr>  <tr valign="top"><td>sigma.hat</td> <td>  sqrt(sum(res^2*wt)/(k-n)) </td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>v.upper</td> <td> array of layer velocities corresponding to s_i -       se_i (length = n).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>v.lower</td> <td> array of layer velocities corresponding to s_i +       se_i (length = n).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>tt.slant</td> <td> array of observed travel-time measurements (length = k).</td></tr> <tr valign="top"><td>snell</td> <td> logical value for if the Snell's Law raypaths should be used. If FALSE, then raypaths are assumed to be straight lines from source to receiver.</td></tr>
一个列表,其中包含模型信息和原始数据。列表中的具体内容是:<table summary="R valueblock"> <tr valign="top"> <TD> A</ TD> <TD> A = sum(n_i * h_i * s_i)</ TD> < / TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> s </ TD> <TD>数组,包含每个层(长度=n)</ TD> </ TR缓慢的> <tr valign="top"> <TD> v </ TD> <TD>数组,包含每一层的速度(长=n)</ TD> </ TR> < TR VALIGN =“顶”> <TD>n </ TD> <TD>整数速度模型层。</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> k</ TD>旅行时测量<TD>数。</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>h</ TD> <TD>每一层阵列的厚度(长度=n)</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> bot</ TD> <TD>数组的深度每一层的底部(长度=n)</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>tt </ TD> <TD>阵列观测到的旅游时来港定居人士(长度=k)</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>z </ TD> <TD>阵列的每一个旅游的深度测量时间,单位为米(长度=k)</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> hoffset</ TD> <TD>水平偏移从钻孔中。</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>N </ TD> <TD>kn矩阵的表面过境。</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>theta </ TD> <TD>kn矩阵发病时的角度snell == TRUE。否则默认为0。</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> LM.tt </ TD> <TD>阵列的预测旅行时间(长度=k )</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> wt </ TD> <TD>的回归权重数组(长度=k)。默认为1,如果信号是不确定的。计算公式为1/sig^2</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>sig </ TD> <TD>阵列归的行程时间测量的标准偏差最好的选择(长度=k)</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>se </ TD> <TD>阵列的标准偏差缓慢的每一层的标准误差(长度=n)。用于计算速度模型的上限和下限。</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>sigma.hat </ TD> <TD>sqrt(sum(res^2*wt)/(k-n)) / TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> v.upper </ TD> <TD>阵列层的速度相应s_i -       se_i(长=n) </ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD> v.lower</ TD> <TD>阵列层的速度相应s_i +       se_i(长=n )</ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>tt.slant </ TD> <TD>阵列观测到的旅行时间测量(长度=k) </ TD> </ TR> <tr valign="top"> <TD>snell </ TD>斯涅尔定律的射线路径,应使用<TD>逻辑值。如果为FALSE,然后的射线路径被假定为从源到接收器的直线。</ TD> </ TR>



Eric M. Thompson &lt;eric.thompson@tufts.edu&gt;


Boore, D. M. (2003) A compendium of p- and s-wave velocities from surface-to-borehole logging: Summary and reanalysis of previously published data and analysis of unpublished data U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-191.
Faraway, J. J. (2005) Linear Models with R Chapman &amp; Hall/CRC.


# Load table of Dave Boore's downhole seismic data:[戴夫Boore的井下地震数据装入表:]
data(tt.s) # S-wave arrivals[S-波到]

# Select hole code 293:[选择孔码293:]
f <- tt.s$hole.code == 293
example <- tt.s[f, ]
data <- list(tt.slant = example$tt.slant,
             hoffset = example$hoffset[1],
             z = example$z,
             sig = example$sig,
             hole.code = 293)

# If Using the Windows GUI, it is best to uncheck the 'Buffered output'[如果使用的是Windows图形用户界面,它是最好不要选择“缓冲输出”]
# option in the Misc pull-down menu. This will allow you to see the[在“杂项”的下拉菜单中的选项。这将允许你看到的]
# outputs to the console as they occur rather than all at once at the[输出到控制台所发生的,而不是一次在]
# end.[结束。]

# The command to calculate the layered model is:[计算分层模型的命令是:]
mod1 <- Rvelslant(data)

# The default is to use depth on the vertical axis. However, if you[默认情况下是使用深度的垂直轴。但是,如果您]
# prefer depth to be displayed on the horizontal axis, use:[宁愿深度上要显示在水平轴上,使用:]

mod1 <- Rvelslant(data, depth = "h")

  #####################################################[################################################## ##]
  #    Notes:[注:]
  # You can select layer boundaries by clicking on the[您可以通过点击选择层边界]
  # travel-time or residual plots. You can remove a[旅游时间或剩余图。您可以删除]
  # boundary by left clicking on it in the velocity[边界用鼠标左键点击它的速度]
  # profile plot.[剖面图。]
  # Right-click anywhere once your have found a model[右键单击任何地方,一旦你发现了一个模型]
  # that you want to save.[要保存。]
  #  -&gt; In WINDOWS must select 'stop' after right-click[ - > WINDOWS后,用鼠标右键单击,选择“停止”]
  #  -&gt; In MAC OS, can use ESC key instead if you don't[ - >在MAC OS中,可以使用ESC键,而是如果你不这样做]
  #     have a second mouse button.[第二个鼠标按钮。]
  # The layered model depth to bottom, thickness, and[上下的分层模型的深度,厚度,以及]
  # velocity will be printed to the terminal.[速度将被打印到终端。]
  # The default is to calculate the refracted ray path[默认值是计算折射光线路径]
  # according to Snell's law and iteratively update[根据斯奈尔定律和迭代更新]
  # the velocity mode. To override this, and do the[速度模式。要覆盖,并做]
  # inversion assuming the raypaths are straight lines[反转假设射线路径是直线]
  # from source to receiver, use:[从源到接收器,使用:]

mod2 <- Rvelslant(data, snell = FALSE, ntick = 10, grid = TRUE)

# To use the auto picker:[要使用自动选择器:]
mod3 <- Rvelslant(data, auto = TRUE)

# To manually enter layer interfaces:[要手动输入层接口:]
mod4 <- Rvelslant(data, bot = c(6.2, 9.5, 14.5, 29.5,
                    47, 54.5, 74.5, 89.5))

# To view the profiles, type:[要查看配置文件,请键入:]

velprofile(mod2, col = "green")

# If you have more than one model and you want to compare the profiles:[如果你有一个以上的模型,你要比较的配置文件:]

velprofile(mod1, col = "black")
velprofile(mod2, add = TRUE, col = "red")
velprofile(mod3, add = TRUE, col = "blue")

# To view the fit of travel-times and the residuals:[要查看适合的旅行时间和残差:]
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

# To save the model to a file[要保存到一个文件中的模型]
writemod(mod1, prefix = "hc293")

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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