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R语言 rockchalk包 newdata()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-27 22:43:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Creates the newdata frame required in predict.

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


If not supplied with a focus list, newdata returns a data frame with one row– the central values (means and modes) of the variables in the data that was used to fit the model.  To declare some variables that the user wants to focus on, the user should supply a fitted model "model" and a focus list "fl" of variable values. The fl list must be a named list, using names of variables from the regression formula.  It is not needed to call this directly if one is satisfied with the results from predictOMatic.


  newdata(model = NULL, fl = NULL, emf = NULL)


Required. Fitted regression model

Optional. "focus list" of variables. Named list of variables and values for which to create a new data object.
可选。 “关注名单”的变量。命名变量和值创建一个新的数据对象列表。

Optional. data frame used to fit model (not a model frame, which may include transformed variables like log(x1). Instead, use output from function model.data). It is UNTRANSFORMED variables ("x" as opposed to poly(x,2).1 and poly(x,2).2).


A data frame of x values that could be used as the data= argument in the original regression model. The attribute "varNamesRHS" is a vector of the predictor values.


Paul E. Johnson <pauljohn@ku.edu>

参见----------See Also----------




N <- 100
x1 <- rpois(N, l=6)
x2 <- rnorm(N, m=50, s=10)
x3 <- rnorm(N)
xcat1 <- gl(2,50, labels=c("M","F"))
xcat2 <- cut(rnorm(N), breaks=c(-Inf, 0, 0.4, 0.9, 1, Inf), labels=c("R", "M", "D", "P", "G"))
dat <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, xcat1, xcat2)
rm(x1, x2, x3, xcat1, xcat2)
xcat1n <- with(dat, contrasts(xcat1)[xcat1, ,drop=FALSE])
xcat2n <- with(dat, contrasts(xcat2)[xcat2, ])
STDE <- 15
dat$y <- 0.03 + 0.8*dat$x1 + 0.1*dat$x2 + 0.7*dat$x3 + xcat1n %*% c(2) + xcat2n %*% c(0.1,-2,0.3, 0.1) + STDE*rnorm(N)
rownames(dat$y) <- NULL
## rownames of dat$y don't match rownames of dat. Humphf.[#DAT $ Y不匹配的行名行名的DAT。 Humphf。]
## I've not seen that problem before[#我从来没见过这个问题之前]

dat$x1[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$x2[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$x3[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$xcat2[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$xcat1[sample(N, 5)] <- NA
dat$y[sample(N, 5)] <- NA

m0 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + xcat1, data = dat)
m0.data <- model.data(m0)

(m0.p1 <- predictOMatic(m0))
(m0.p2 <- predictOMatic(m0, interval = "confidence"))

(m0.p3 <- predictOMatic(m0, divider="std.dev.", n=5))

(m0.p3 <- predictOMatic(m0, fl = list("x1" = c(6,7), "xcat1" = levels(m0.data$xcat1))))

m1 <- lm(y ~ log(10+x1) + sin(x2) + x3, data=dat)
m1.data <- model.data(m1)

(newdata(m1, fl = list(x1=c(6, 8, 10))))
(newdata(m1, fl = list(x1 = c(6, 8, 10), x3 = c(-1,0,1))))
(newdata(m1, fl = list(x1 = c(6, 8, 10), x2 = quantile(m1.data$x2), x3 = c(-1,0,1))))

(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider="std.dev", n = 5))
(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider="quantile", n = 5))

(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, fl=list(x1=c(6, 8, 10), x2 = median(m1.data$x2, na.rm = TRUE))))
(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, fl=list(x1=c(6, 8, 10), x2 = quantile(m1.data$x2, na.rm = TRUE))))

(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1))
(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider="std.dev."))
(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider="std.dev.", n=5))
(m1.p1 <- predictOMatic(m1, divider="std.dev.", interval="confidence"))

m2 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + xcat1 + xcat2, data = dat)

##  has only columns and rows used in model fit[#只有列和行中使用的模型拟合]
m2.data <- model.data(m2)

newdata(m2, fl = list(xcat1 = levels(m2.data$xcat1)))
## mix and match all combinations of xcat1 and xcat2[#混合和匹配的所有组合xcat1和xcat2]
newdata(m2, fl = list(xcat1 = levels(m2.data$xcat1), xcat2 = levels(m2.data$xcat2)))

m2.new1 <- newdata(m2, fl = list(xcat1 = levels(m2.data$xcat1), xcat2 = levels(m2.data$xcat2)))

predict(m2, newdata = m2.new1)

## Pick some particular values for focus[#为重点挑选一些特定的值]
m2.new2 <- newdata(m2, fl = list(x1 = c(1,2,3), xcat2 = c("M","D")))
## Ask for predictions[#要求预测]
predict(m2, newdata = m2.new2)

## Compare: predictOMatic generates a newdata frame and predictions in one step[#比较:predictOMatic的生成newdata在一个步骤的框架和预测]

(m2.p1 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(xcat1 = levels(m2.data$xcat1), xcat2 = levels(m2.data$xcat2))))

(m2.p2 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x1 = c(1,2,3), xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p3 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = c(0.25, 1.0), xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p4 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = plotSeq(m2.data$x2, 10) , xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p5 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = c(0.25, 1.0), xcat2 = c("M","D")), interval="conf"))

(predictOMatic(m2, interval="conf"))

(m2.p6 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = c(49, 51), xcat2 = levels(m2.data$xcat2), x1=plotSeq(dat$x1))))

plot(y ~ x1, data= m2.data)
by(m2.p6, list(m2.p6$xcat2), function(x) {lines(x$x1, x$fit, col=x$xcat2, lty=as.numeric(x$xcat2))})

m2.newdata <- newdata(m2, fl = list(x2 = c(48, 50, 52), xcat2 = c("M","D")))
predict(m2, newdata = m2.newdata)

(m2.p7 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = c(48, 50, 52), xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p8 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = range(m2.data$x2), xcat2 = c("M","D"))))

(m2.p9 <- predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = plotSeq(m2.data$x2), x1 = quantile(m2.data$x1, pr =c(0.33, 0.66), na.rm = TRUE), xcat2 = c("M","D"))))
plot(y ~ x2 , data = m2.data)
by(m2.p9, list(m2.p9$x1, m2.p9$xcat2), function(x) {lines(x$x2, x$fit)})

(predictOMatic(m2, fl = list(x2 = c(50, 60), xcat2 = c("M","D")), interval="conf"))

## create a dichotomous dependent variable[#建立一个二分因变量]
y2 <- ifelse(rnorm(N) > 0.3, 1, 0)
dat <- cbind(dat, y2)

m3 <- glm(y2 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + xcat1, data=dat, family=binomial(logit))
m3.data <- model.data(m3)

(m3.p1 <- predictOMatic(m3, divider="std.dev.", type="response"))

(m3.p2 <- predictOMatic(m3, fl = list(x2 = c(40, 50, 60), xcat1 = c("M","F")), divider="response", interval="conf"))

## Want a full accounting for each value of x2?[想要一个完整的会计X2的每个值吗?]
(m3.p3 <- predictOMatic(m3, fl = list(x2 = unique(m3.data$x2), xcat1 = c("M","F")), interval="conf", type="response"))

## Would like to write a more beautiful print method[#想写出更漂亮的印花方法]
## for output object, but don't want to obscure structure from user.[#输出对象,但并不想掩盖结构从用户。]
for (i in names(m3.p1)){
    dns <- cbind(m3.p1[[i]][i], m3.p1[[i]]$fit)
    colnames(dns) <- c(i, "predicted")

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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