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发表于 2012-2-17 10:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Spherical Correlation Structure

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


This function is a constructor for the corSpher class, representing a spherical spatial correlation structure. Letting d denote the range and n denote the nugget effect, the correlation between two observations a distance r < d apart is 1-1.5(r/d)+0.5(r/d)^3 when no nugget effect is present and (1-n)*(1-1.5(r/d)+0.5(r/d)^3)   when a nugget effect is assumed. If r >= d the correlation is zero. Objects created using this constructor must later be initialized using the appropriate Initialize method.
此功能一个corSpher类代表一个球形的空间相关结构,构造。让d表示的范围和n表示金块效果,两个观测值之间的相关距离r < d除了1-1.5(r/d)+0.5(r/d)^3时没有块效应是当前和(1-n)*(1-1.5(r/d)+0.5(r/d)^3) 当金块效果假设。如果r >= d的相关性为零。创建的对象,使用此构造稍后必须初始化使用适当的Initialize方法。


corSpher(value, form, nugget, metric, fixed)


an optional vector with the parameter values in constrained form. If nugget is FALSE, value can have only one element, corresponding to the &quot;range&quot; of the spherical correlation structure, which must be greater than zero. If nugget is TRUE, meaning that a nugget effect is present, value can contain one or two elements, the first being the &quot;range&quot; and the second the &quot;nugget effect&quot; (one minus the correlation between two observations taken arbitrarily close together); the first must be greater than zero and the second must be between zero and one. Defaults to numeric(0), which results in a range of 90% of the minimum distance and a nugget effect of 0.1 being assigned to the parameters when object is initialized.
可选向量与约束形式的参数值。如果nugget是FALSE,value可以有只有一个元素,对应球形的相关结构,它必须是大于零的“范围”。如果nugget,是TRUE,这意味着,金块效果是目前value可以包含一个或两个元素,首先是“范围”和第二个“块效应” (一减采取任意并拢的两个观测值之间的相关性);首先必须大于零,第二必须是0和1之间。默认numeric(0),从而导致一系列的最小距离和90%的块金效应,被分配到的参数时object初始化0.1。

a one sided formula of the form ~ S1+...+Sp, or ~ S1+...+Sp | g, specifying spatial covariates S1 through Sp and,  optionally, a grouping factor g.  When a grouping factor is present in form, the correlation structure is assumed to apply only to observations within the same grouping level; observations with different grouping levels are assumed to be uncorrelated. Defaults to ~ 1, which corresponds to using the order of the observations in the data as a covariate, and no groups.   
一个片面的形式公式~ S1+...+Sp或~ S1+...+Sp | g,指定空间变项S1Sp“,可以选择,分组因子g。当一个分组的因素是在form目前,相关结构假设只适用于在同一分组级别的观察,观察不同的分组级别被假定为不相关。默认~ 1,这相当于使用秩序的意见作为协变量的数据,并没有组。

an optional logical value indicating whether a nugget effect is present. Defaults to FALSE.
一个可选的逻辑值,指明是否金块效果是目前。 FALSE默认。

an optional character string specifying the distance metric to be used. The currently available options are "euclidean" for the root sum-of-squares of distances; "maximum" for the maximum difference; and "manhattan" for the sum of the absolute differences. Partial matching of arguments is used, so only the first three characters need to be provided. Defaults to "euclidean".
一个可选的字符串指定要使用的距离度量。目前可用的选项"euclidean"的距离平方和的根;"maximum"最大的区别;"manhattan"绝对差异的总和。部分参数的匹配使用,所以只有前三个字符需要提供。 "euclidean"默认。

an optional logical value indicating whether the coefficients should be allowed to vary in the optimization, or kept fixed at their initial value. Defaults to FALSE, in which case the coefficients are allowed to vary.


an object of class corSpher, also inheriting from class corSpatial, representing a spherical spatial correlation structure.


Jose Pinheiro and Douglas Bates <a href="mailto:bates@stat.wisc.edu">bates@stat.wisc.edu</a>


S-plus&quot;, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag.
Models&quot;, SAS Institute.
in S and S-PLUS&quot;, Springer.  

参见----------See Also----------

Initialize.corStruct, summary.corStruct, dist


sp1 <- corSpher(form = ~ x + y)

# example lme(..., corSpher ...)[例如伦敦金属交易所(...,corSpher ...)]
# Pinheiro and Bates, pp. 222-249[皮涅伊罗和贝茨,第222-249]
fm1BW.lme <- lme(weight ~ Time * Diet, BodyWeight,
                   random = ~ Time)
# p. 223[页。 223]
fm2BW.lme <- update(fm1BW.lme, weights = varPower())
# p 246 [第246页]
fm3BW.lme <- update(fm2BW.lme,
           correlation = corExp(form = ~ Time))
# p. 249[页。 249]
fm6BW.lme <- update(fm3BW.lme,
          correlation = corSpher(form = ~ Time))

# example gls(..., corSpher ...)[例如GLS(...,corSpher ...)]
# Pinheiro and Bates, pp. 261, 263[皮涅伊罗和贝茨,第261页,263]
fm1Wheat2 <- gls(yield ~ variety - 1, Wheat2)
# p. 262 [页。 262]
fm2Wheat2 <- update(fm1Wheat2, corr =
   corSpher(c(28, 0.2),
     form = ~ latitude + longitude, nugget = TRUE))

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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