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发表于 2012-2-16 20:11:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Identify Points in a Scatter Plot

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


identify reads the position of the graphics pointer when the (first) mouse button is pressed.  It then searches the coordinates given in x and y for the point closest to the pointer. If this point is close enough to the pointer, its index will be returned as part of the value of the call.


identify(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:[默认方法]
identify(x, y = NULL, labels = seq_along(x), pos = FALSE,
         n = length(x), plot = TRUE, atpen = FALSE, offset = 0.5,
         tolerance = 0.25, ...)


coordinates of points in a scatter plot.  Alternatively, any object which defines coordinates (a plotting structure, time series etc: see xy.coords) can be given as x, and y left missing.

an optional character vector giving labels for the points.  Will be coerced using as.character, and recycled if necessary to the length of x.  Excess labels will be discarded, with a warning.

if pos is TRUE, a component is added to the return value which indicates where text was plotted relative to each identified point: see Value.

the maximum number of points to be identified.

logical: if plot is TRUE, the labels are printed near the points and if FALSE they are omitted.

logical: if TRUE and plot = TRUE, the lower-left corners of the labels are plotted at the points clicked rather than relative to the points.
逻辑:如果TRUE和plot = TRUE,标签的左下角绘制点点击,而不是相对点。

the distance (in character widths) which separates the label from identified points.  Negative values are allowed.  Not used if atpen = TRUE.
分离从标签标识点的距离(字符宽度)。负值是不允许的。如果atpen = TRUE不使用。

the maximal distance (in inches) for the pointer to be "close enough" to a point.

further arguments passed to par such as cex, col and font.



identify is a generic function, and only the default method is described here.

identify is only supported on screen devices such as X11, windows and quartz.  On other devices the call will do nothing.

Clicking near (as defined by tolerance) a point adds it to the list of identified points.  Points can be identified only once, and if the point has already been identified or the click is not near any of the points a message is printed immediately on the R console.

If plot is TRUE, the point is labelled with the corresponding element of labels.  If atpen is false (the default) the labels are placed below, to the left, above or to the right of the identified point, depending on where the pointer was relative to the point.  If atpen is true, the labels are placed with the bottom left of the string's box at the pointer.
如果plot是TRUE,相应的元素标记的labels点。 atpen如果是假的(默认)标签放在下面,左边,上面或确定点取决于指针是相对点,权。 atpen如果是真实的,留在指针字符串的盒子底部放置标签。

The identification process is terminated by clicking the second button and selecting "Stop" from the menu, or from the "Stop" menu on the graphics window.

On most devices which support identify, successful selection of a point is indicated by a bell sound unless options(locatorBell = FALSE) has been set.
在大多数设备支持identify的,选择一个点的成功表示除非options(locatorBell = FALSE)已成立由钟声。

If the window is resized or hidden and then exposed before the identification process has terminated, any labels drawn by identify will disappear.  These will reappear once the identification process has  terminated and the window is resized or hidden and exposed again. This is because the labels drawn by identify are not recorded in the device's display list until the identification process has terminated.

If you interrupt the identify call this leaves the graphics device in an undefined state, with points labelled but labels not recorded in the display list.  Copying a device in that state (e.g. saving the plot from the window's menu) will give unpredictable results.


If pos is FALSE, an integer vector containing the indices of the identified points, in the order they were identified.

If pos is TRUE, a list containing a component ind, indicating which points were identified and a component pos, indicating where the labels were placed relative to the identified points (1=below, 2=left, 3=above, 4=right and 0=no offset, used if atpen = TRUE).
如果pos是TRUE,一个列表,其中包含一个组件ind,说明这点被确定和组件pos,说明标签被放在相对确定点( 1 =以下,2 =左,3 =以上,4 =权利和0 =无偏移,用于如果atpen = TRUE)。


The algorithm used for placing labels is the same as used by text if pos is specified there, the difference being that the position of the pointer relative the identified point determines pos in identify.
用于放置标签的算法是一样的作为text如果pos指定有,区别在于指针的相对位置所确定的点确定pos使用<X >

For labels placed to the left of a point, the right-hand edge of the string's box is placed offset units to the left of the point, and analogously for points to the right.  The baseline of the text is placed below the point so as to approximately centre string vertically. For labels placed above or below a point, the string is centered horizontally on the point.  For labels placed above, the baseline of the text is placed offset units above the point, and for those placed below, the baseline is placed so that the top of the string's box is approximately offset units below the point.  If you want more precise placement (e.g. centering) use plot = FALSE and plot via text or points: see the examples.
字符串的盒子的右边缘放置一个点到左边的标签,放在offset单位点左侧,类似于点的权利。约中心字符串垂直文本的基线点放在下面。为安置点的上方或下方的标签,字符串是水平居中上的点。放在上面的标签,文本基线放置点以上offset单位,和那些放在下面,放在基线使字符串的盒子的顶部是约offset以下单位点。如果你想使用更精确的位置(如居中)plot = FALSE“图通过text或points:看到的例子。


The New S Language. Wadsworth &amp; Brooks/Cole.

参见----------See Also----------

locator, text.

dev.capabilities to see if it is supported.


## A function to use identify to select points, and overplot the[#功能使用标识选择点,并overplot]
## points with another symbol as they are selected[另一个符号#作为他们选择的点]
identifyPch <- function(x, y=NULL, n=length(x), pch=19, ...)
    xy <- xy.coords(x, y); x <- xy$x; y <- xy$y
    sel <- rep(FALSE, length(x)); res <- integer(0)
    while(sum(sel) < n) {
        ans <- identify(x[!sel], y[!sel], n=1, plot=FALSE, ...)
        if(!length(ans)) break
        ans <- which(!sel)[ans]
        points(x[ans], y[ans], pch = pch)
        sel[ans] <- TRUE
        res <- c(res, ans)

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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