Loading and Listing of Packages
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
library and require load add-on packages.
library(package, help, pos = 2, lib.loc = NULL,
character.only = FALSE, logical.return = FALSE,
warn.conflicts = TRUE, quietly = FALSE,
keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"),
verbose = getOption("verbose"))
require(package, lib.loc = NULL, quietly = FALSE,
warn.conflicts = TRUE,
keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"),
character.only = FALSE)
参数:package, help
the name of a package, given as a name or literal character string, or a character string, depending on whether character.only is FALSE (default) or TRUE).
the position on the search list at which to attach the loaded package. Can also be the name of a position on the current search list as given by search().
a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known to .libPaths(). Non-existent library trees are silently ignored.
a logical indicating whether package or help can be assumed to be character strings.
logical. If it is TRUE, FALSE or TRUE is returned to indicate success.
logical. If TRUE, warnings are printed about conflicts from attaching the new package, unless that package contains an object .conflicts.OK. A conflict is a function masking a function, or a non-function masking a non-function.
logical. Now ignored. This argument does not apply to packages using lazy-loading: whether they have kept source is determined when they are installed.
a logical. If TRUE, additional diagnostics are printed.
a logical. If TRUE, no message confirming package loading is printed, and most often, no errors/warnings are printed if package loading fails.
library(package) and require(package) both load the package with name package. require is designed for use inside other functions; it returns FALSE and gives a warning (rather than an error as library() does by default) if the package does not exist. Both functions check and update the list of currently loaded packages and do not reload a package which is already loaded. (Furthermore, if the package has a namespace and a name space of that name is already loaded, they work from the existing namespace rather than reloading from the file system. If you want to reload such a package, call detach(unload = TRUE) or unloadNamespace first.)
library(package)和require(package)名package都加载包。 require专为内部使用等功能,它返回FALSE“给出了一个警告(而不是作为错误library()不默认)如果包不存在。这两个函数的检查和更新当前加载的软件包列表,不重新载入一个已经加载的包。 (此外,如果包有一个命名空间,已经加载了这个名字的名字空间,他们的工作,从现有的命名空间,而不是从文件系统重装。如果你想重载这样的包,调用detach(unload = TRUE) unloadNamespace。)
To suppress messages during the loading of packages use suppressPackageStartupMessages: this will suppress all messages from R itself but not necessarily all those from package authors.
If library is called with no package or help argument, it lists all available packages in the libraries specified by lib.loc, and returns the corresponding information in an object of class "libraryIQR". The structure of this class may change in future versions. In earlier versions of R, only the names of all available packages were returned; use .packages(all = TRUE) for obtaining these. Note that installed.packages() returns even more information.
library如果被称为没有package或help的说法,它列出在lib.loc指定的库的所有可用的软件包,并返回相应的信息在一个类的对象 "libraryIQR"。这个类的结构,在未来的版本中可能会改变。在研发的早期版本中,只有所有可用的软件包的名字被退回;使用.packages(all = TRUE)为获取这些。注意installed.packages()返回更详细的信息。
library(help = somename) computes basic information about the package somename, and returns this in an object of class "packageInfo". The structure of this class may change in future versions. When used with the default value (NULL) for lib.loc, the attached packages are searched before the libraries.
library(help = somename)关于包somename计算的基本信息,并返回一个对象类"packageInfo"。这个类的结构,在未来的版本中可能会改变。默认值(NULL)lib.loc使用时,附加的软件包库前搜索。
In versions of R prior to 2.14.0, a .First.lib function would be called when a package without a namespace was attached. As of 2.14.0, all functions have namespaces; see .onLoad for current behaviour, and "Writing R Extensions" for a description of the older mechanism.
Normally library returns (invisibly) the list of attached packages, but TRUE or FALSE if logical.return is TRUE. When called as library() it returns an object of class "libraryIQR", and for library(help=), one of class "packageInfo".
require returns (invisibly) a logical indicating whether the required package is available. (Before R 2.12.0 it could also fail with an error.)
require回报(不可见)的逻辑表示所需的软件包是否可用。 (它之前ŕ2.12.0可能也失败,错误。)
Some packages have restrictive licenses, and as from R 2.11.0 there is a mechanism to ensure that users are aware of such licenses. If getOption("checkPackageLicense") == TRUE, then at first use of a package with a not-known-to-be-FOSS (see below) license the user is asked to view and accept the license: a list of accepted licenses is stored in file "~/.R/licensed". In a non-interactive session it is an error to use such a package whose license has not already been accepted.
一些包有限制牌照,并从R 2.11.0是一个机制,以确保用户意识到这类牌照。如果getOption("checkPackageLicense") == TRUE,然后在第一次使用没有已知的是源码(见下文)的用户会被要求查看并接受许可执照:公认的牌照名单存储在一个文件包“~/.R/licensed。在非交互式会话,它是一个错误,使用这样一个包,其许可证尚未接受。
Free or Open Source Software (FOSS, e.g., packages are determined by the same filters used by available.packages but applied to just the current package, not its dependencies.
There can also be a site-wide file "R_HOME/etc/" of packages (one per line).
形式化方法----------Formal methods----------
library takes some further actions when package methods is attached (as it is by default). Packages may define formal generic functions as well as re-defining functions in other packages (notably base) to be generic, and this information is cached whenever such a package is loaded after methods and re-defined functions (implicit generics) are excluded from the list of conflicts. The caching and check for conflicts require looking for a pattern of objects; the search may be avoided by defining an object .noGenerics (with any value) in the package. Naturally, if the package does have any such methods, this will prevent them from being used.
library and require can only load an installed package, and this is detected by having a "DESCRIPTION" file containing a Built: field.
Under Unix-alikes, the code checks that the package was installed under a similar operating system as given by R.version$platform (the canonical name of the platform under which R was compiled), provided it contains compiled code. Packages which do not contain compiled code can be shared between Unix-alikes, but not to other OSes because of potential problems with line endings and OS-specific help files. If sub-architectures are used, the OS similarity is not checked since the OS used to build may differ (e.g. i386-pc-linux-gnu code can be built on an x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu OS).
The package name given to library and require must match the name given in the package's "DESCRIPTION" file exactly, even on case-insensitive file systems such as are common on MS Windows and Mac OS X.
包的名称library和require必须在给定的名称相匹配的包的DESCRIPTION文件完全相同,甚至是区分大小写的文件系统,如常见的MS Windows上和Mac OS X
The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
参见----------See Also----------
.libPaths, .packages.
attach, detach, search, objects, autoload, library.dynam, data, install.packages and installed.packages; INSTALL, REMOVE.
The initial set of packages attached is set by options(defaultPackages=): see also Startup.
library() # list all available packages[列出所有可用的软件包]
library(lib.loc = .Library) # list all packages in the default library[默认库中列出的所有软件包]
library(help = splines) # documentation on package 'splines'[文件包样条“]
library(splines) # load package 'splines'[加载包样条线“]
require(splines) # the same[同一]
search() # "splines", too[“样条线”,也]
# if the package name is in a character vector, use[如果包的名称是一个特征向量,使用]
pkg <- "splines"
library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
detach(pos = match(paste("package", pkg, sep=":"), search()))
require(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
detach(pos = match(paste("package", pkg, sep=":"), search()))
require(nonexistent) # FALSE[假]
## Not run: [#无法运行:]
## if you want to mask as little as possible, use[#如果你想掩盖尽可能少,使用]
library(mypkg, pos = "package:base")
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