R/LaTeX Driver for Sweave
Sweave的R / LaTeX的驱动程序
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
A driver for Sweave that translates R code chunks in LaTeX files.
RweaveLatexSetup(file, syntax, output = NULL, quiet = FALSE,
debug = FALSE, stylepath, ...)
Name of Sweave source file. See the description of the corresponding argument of Sweave.
An object of class SweaveSyntax.
Name of output file. The default is to remove extension ".nw", ".Rnw" or ".Snw" and to add extension ".tex". Any directory paths in file are also removed such that the output is created in the current working directory.
If TRUE all progress messages are suppressed.
If TRUE, input and output of all code chunks is copied to the console.
See "Details".
named values for the options listed in "Supported Options".
The LaTeX file generated needs to contain the line \usepackage{Sweave}, and if this is not present in the Sweave source file (possibly in a comment), it is inserted by the RweaveLatex driver. If stylepath = TRUE, a hard-coded path to the file "Sweave.sty" in the R installation is set in place of Sweave. The hard-coded path makes the LaTeX file less portable, but avoids the problem of installing the current version of "Sweave.sty" to some place in your TeX input path. However, TeX may not be able to process the hard-coded path if it contains spaces (as it often will under Windows) or TeX special characters.
生成的LaTeX文件需要包含行\usepackage{Sweave},如果这是不存在的的Sweave源文件(可能在评论),它是由RweaveLatex驱动程序插入。如果stylepath = TRUE,一个硬编码的路径文件“Sweave.styR安装在Sweave的地方设置。硬编码的路径,使LaTeX文件的移植性较差,但避免了安装当前版本的问题Sweave.sty一些地方在你的TeX输入路径。然而,TEX可能无法处理的硬编码的路径,如果它包含空格(因为它常常在Windows下)或TeX特殊字符。
The default for stylepath is now taken from the environment variable SWEAVE_STYLEPATH_DEFAULT, or is FALSE it that is unset or empty. If set, it should be exactly TRUE or FALSE: any other values are taken as FALSE.
As from R 2.12.0, the simplest way for frequent Sweave users to ensure that "Sweave.sty" is in the TeX input path is to add "<VAR>R_HOME</VAR>/share/texmf" as a "texmf tree" ("root directory" in the parlance of the "MiKTeX settings" utility).
从R 2.12.0,频繁Sweave用户最简单的方法,以确保Sweave.sty是在TeX输入的路径是添加<VAR>R_HOME</VAR>/share/texmf为texmf目录树 (“根目录”中的“MiKTeX设置”实用的说法)。
By default, "Sweave.sty" sets the width of all included graphics to:<br> \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth}.
This setting affects the width size option passed to the \includegraphics{} directive for each plot file and in turn impacts the scaling of your plot files as they will appear in your final document.
Thus, for example, you may set width=3 in your figure chunk and the generated graphics files will be set to 3 inches in width. However, the width of your graphic in your final document will be set to 0.8\textwidth and the height dimension will be scaled accordingly. Fonts and symbols will be similarly scaled in the final document.
You can adjust the default value by including the \setkeys{Gin}{width=...} directive in your ".Rnw" file after the \begin{document} directive and changing the width option value as you prefer, using standard LaTeX measurement values.
If you wish to override this default behavior entirely, you can add a \usepackage[nogin]{Sweave} directive in your preamble. In this case, no size/scaling options will be passed to the \includegraphics{} directive and the height and width options will determine both the runtime generated graphic file sizes and the size of the graphics in your final document.
"Sweave.sty" also supports the [noae] option, which suppresses the use of the ae package, the use of which may interfere with certain encoding and typeface selections. If you have problems in the rendering of certain character sets, try this option.
The use of fancy quotes (see sQuote) can cause problems when setting R output. Either set options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE) or arrange that LaTeX is aware of the encoding used (by a \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} declaration: Windows users of Sweave from Rgui.exe will need to replace utf8 by cp1252 or similar) and ensure that typewriter fonts containing directional quotes are used.
使用花哨的报价(见sQuote)R输出设置时,可能会导致问题。要么设置options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)或安排,LaTeX是知道\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}声明(编码:SweaveRgui.exe需要更换utf8的Windows用户cp1252或类似),确保用打字机字体,含定向报价。
Some LaTeX graphics drivers do not include .png or .jpg in the list of known extensions. To enable them, add something like \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png,.pdf,.jpg} to the preamble of your document or check the behavior of your graphics driver. When both pdf and png are TRUE both files will be produced by Sweave, and their order in the DeclareGraphicsExtensions list determines which will be used by pdflatex.
支持的选项----------Supported Options----------
RweaveLatex supports the following options for code chunks (the values in parentheses show the default values). Character string values should be quoted when passed from Sweave through ... but not when use in the header of a code chunk.
engine: character string ("R"). Only chunks with
echo: logical (TRUE). Include R code in the output
keep.source: logical (TRUE). When echoing, if keep.source == TRUE the original source is copied to the
keep.source:逻辑(TRUE)。回荡的时候,如果keep.source == TRUE被复制到原始的源
eval: logical (TRUE). If FALSE, the code chunk is not evaluated, and hence no text nor graphical output
results: character string ("verbatim"). If "verbatim", the output of R commands is included in the verbatim-like Soutput environment. If "tex", the output is taken to be already proper LaTeX markup and included as is. If "hide" then all output is completely suppressed
结果:字符串("verbatim")。 "verbatim"如果,R命令的输出被列入逐字像Soutput环境。如果"tex",输出已经适当的LaTeX的标记,其中包括像。如果"hide"然后所有的输出被完全抑制
print: logical (FALSE). If TRUE, this forces
term: logical (TRUE). If TRUE, visibility of values emulates an interactive R session: values of assignments are not printed, values of single objects are printed. If FALSE, output comes only from explicit print
split: logical (FALSE). If TRUE, text output
strip.white: character string ("true"). If "true", blank lines at the beginning and end of output are removed. If "all", then all blank lines are removed from the output. If "false" then blank lines are retained.
A "blank line" is one that is empty or includes only whitespace (spaces and tabs).
Note that blank lines in a code chunk will usually produce a prompt string rather than a blank line on output.
prefix: logical (TRUE). If TRUE generated filenames of figures and output all have the common prefix given by the prefix.string option: otherwise only unlabelled
prefix.string: a character string, default is the name of the source file (without extension). Note that this is used as part
include: logical (TRUE), indicating whether input statements for text output (if split = TRUE) and \includegraphics statements for figures should be auto-generated. Use include = FALSE if the output should appear in a different place than the code chunk (by placing the
包括:逻辑(TRUE),指示是否应该自动生成的文本输出输入语句(如果split = TRUE)\includegraphics报表数字。使用include = FALSE如果输出应该会出现在不同的地方比的代码块(放置
fig: logical (FALSE), indicating whether the code chunk produces graphical output. Note that only one figure per code chunk can be processed this way. The labels for figure chunks are used as part of the file names, so should preferably be
eps: logical (FALSE), indicating whether EPS figures
pdf: logical (TRUE), indicating whether PDF figures
pdf.version, pdf.encoding, pdf.compress: passed to pdf to set the version, encoding and compression (or
png: logical (FALSE), indicating whether PNG figures should be generated. Ignored if fig = FALSE. Only
PNG:逻辑(FALSE),指示是否应生成的PNG数字。如果fig = FALSE忽略。只
jpeg: logical (FALSE), indicating whether JPEG figures should be generated. Ignored if fig = FALSE. Only
JPEG:逻辑(FALSE),指示是否应生成的JPEG数字。如果fig = FALSE忽略。只
grdevice: character (NULL): see section "Custom Graphics Devices". Ignored if fig = FALSE. Only
grdevice:字符(NULL):参见节“自定义图形设备。如果fig = FALSE忽略。只
width: numeric (6), width of figures in inches. See
height: numeric (6), height of figures in inches. See
resolution: numeric (300), resolution in pixels per inch: used for PNG and JPEG graphics. Note that the default is a fairly
concordance: logical (FALSE). Write a concordance file to link the input line numbers to the output line numbers. This is an experimental feature; see the source code for the
figs.only: logical (FALSE). By default each figure chunk is run once, then re-run for each selected type of graphics. That will open a default graphics device for the first figure chunk and use that device for the first evaluation of all subsequent chunks. If this option is true, the figure chunk is run only for each selected type of graphics, for
In addition, users can specify further options, either in the header of an individual code section or in a \SweaveOpts{} line in the document. Prior to R 2.14.0 unknown options were taken as logical: now their type is set at first use.
此外,用户可以指定更多的选项,无论是在一个单独的代码部分的页眉或\SweaveOpts{}文件中的线。之前的R 2.14.0未知的选项被作为逻辑:现在他们的类型是在第一次使用设置。
自定义图形设备----------Custom Graphics Devices----------
If option grdevice is supplied for a code chunk with both fig and eval true, the following call is made
钩子函数----------Hook Functions----------
Before each code chunk is evaluated, zero or more hook functions can be executed. If getOption("SweaveHooks") is set, it is taken to be a named list of hook functions. For each logical option of a code chunk (echo, print, ...) a hook can be specified, which is executed if and only if the respective option is TRUE. Hooks must be named elements of the list returned by getOption("SweaveHooks") and be functions taking no arguments. E.g., if option "SweaveHooks" is defined as list(fig = foo), and foo is a function, then it would be executed before the code in each figure chunk. This is especially useful to set defaults for the graphical parameters in a series of figure chunks.
每个代码块前进行评估,零个或多个钩子函数可以被执行。如果getOption("SweaveHooks")设置,它是一个钩子函数的命名列表。为每一个代码块的逻辑选项(echo,print,...),可以指定一个钩子,当且仅当被执行各自的选项是TRUE。挂钩getOption("SweaveHooks")和功能没有参数,返回列表中的元素,必须命名为。例如,如果选项“"SweaveHooks"list(fig = foo),foo是一个功能定义,那么它会在每个数字块中的代码之前执行。一系列数字块的图形参数设置默认值,这是特别有用。
Note that the user is free to define new Sweave logical options and associate arbitrary hooks with them. E.g., one could define a hook function for a new option called clean that removes all objects in the workspace. Then all code chunks specified with clean = TRUE would start operating on an empty workspace.
请注意,用户可以自由定义与他们的新的Sweave逻辑选项和准任意挂钩。例如,一个称为clean删除工作区中的所有对象的一个新的选项可以定义一个钩子函数。然后所有的代码块以clean = TRUE指定一个空的工作区开始运作。
Friedrich Leisch and R-core
参见----------See Also----------
"Sweave User Manual", a vignette in the utils package.
Sweave, Rtangle
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