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发表于 2012-2-16 18:04:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Construct Design Matrices

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


model.matrix creates a design (or model) matrix.


model.matrix(object, ...)

## Default S3 method:[默认方法]
model.matrix(object, data = environment(object),
             contrasts.arg = NULL, xlev = NULL, ...)


an object of an appropriate class.  For the default method, a model formula or a terms object.

a data frame created with model.frame.  If another sort of object, model.frame is called first.

A list, whose entries are values (numeric matrices or character strings naming functions) to be used as replacement values for the contrasts replacement function and whose names are the names of columns of data containing factors.   

to be used as argument of model.frame if data is such that model.frame is called.

further arguments passed to or from other methods.



model.matrix creates a design matrix from the description given in terms(object), using the data in data which must supply variables with the same names as would be created by a call to model.frame(object) or, more precisely, by evaluating attr(terms(object), "variables").  If data is a data frame, there may be other columns and the order of columns is not important.  Any character variables are coerced to factors, with a warning.  After coercion, all the variables used on the right-hand side of the formula must be logical, integer, numeric or factor.
model.matrix创建从terms(object),使用中的数据data必须提供相同的名称,将通过调用变量创建model.frame(object)描述的设计矩阵或者,更确切地说,通过评估attr(terms(object), "variables")。如果data是一个数据框,有可能是其他列和列的顺序并不重要。任何字符变量被强制的因素,一个警告。胁迫后,公式右侧上使用的所有变量必须是逻辑,整数,数字或因素。

If contrasts.arg is specified for a factor it overrides the default factor coding for that variable and any "contrasts" attribute set by C or contrasts.

In an interaction term, the variable whose levels vary fastest is the first one to appear in the formula (and not in the term), so in ~ a + b + b:a the interaction will have a varying fastest.
在交互项,其水平变化最快的变量是第一个出现在公式(而不是在短期),所以在~ a + b + b:a的互动将有a变化最快的。

By convention, if the response variable also appears on the right-hand side of the formula it is dropped (with a warning), although interactions involving the term are retained.


The design matrix for a regression-like model with the specified formula and data.

There is an attribute "assign", an integer vector with an entry for each column in the matrix giving the term in the formula which gave rise to the column.  Value 0 corresponds to the intercept (if any), and positive values to terms in the order given by the term.labels attribute of the terms structure corresponding to object.

If there are any factors in terms in the model, there is an attribute "contrasts", a named list with an entry for each factor.  This specifies the contrasts that would be used in terms in which the factor is coded by contrasts (in some terms dummy coding may be used), either as a character vector naming a function or as a numeric matrix.


Data for models. Chapter 3 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

参见----------See Also----------

model.frame, model.extract, terms


ff <- log(Volume) ~ log(Height) + log(Girth)
utils::str(m <- model.frame(ff, trees))
mat <- model.matrix(ff, m)

dd &lt;- data.frame(a = gl(3,4), b = gl(4,1,12)) # balanced 2-way[均衡的2路]
model.matrix(~ a + b, dd)
model.matrix(~ a + b, dd, contrasts = list(a="contr.sum"))
model.matrix(~ a + b, dd, contrasts = list(a="contr.sum", b="contr.poly"))
m.orth <- model.matrix(~a+b, dd, contrasts = list(a="contr.helmert"))
crossprod(m.orth) # m.orth is  ALMOST  orthogonal[m.orth几乎是正交]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-5-4 17:13:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Tiramisu023 于 2015-5-4 19:19 编辑

请问楼主,contr.helmert, contr.poly, contr.sum, contr.treatment 的用法是什么?

之前有一个协方差分析的案例,是针对观测值不等,或者数据缺失时,需要采用第三类的平方和,即Use the type 3(III) sums of squares.

For Unequal sample sizes, missing data and number of cases, do not use type 1 sums of squares.

Type 1 sums of squares assumes that the difference in number of subjects is meaningful and gives more weight to the values from larger groups.

The type 3 sums of square assumes that the data was supposed to be complete, and the difference in the number of subjects is not meaningful.
     ---Acts like standard multiple regression. Each main effect and interaction is assessed after all other main effects, interactions and covariates are controlled.
     ---Treats all groups the same – small group is weighted equally as a large group (sometimes called the unweighted approach).
     ---Are preferable in most cases since they correspond to the variation attributable to an effect after correcting for any other ffects in the model. They are unaffected by the frequency of observations.

# R code
> library(car)
> sample.data <- data.frame(IV = factor(rep(1:4, each = 20)),
> DV = rep(c(-3,0,1,3), each = 20) + rnorm(80))
> Anova(mod <- lm(DV ~ IV, data = sample.data, contrasts = list(IV = contr.poly)), type = "III")

请问那个constrasts=list(IV = contr.poly)是怎么用的呢??
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