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发表于 2012-2-16 17:38:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Plot and Summarize Trellis Objects

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The print and plot methods produce a graph from a "trellis" object.  The print method is necessary for automatic plotting.  plot method is essentially an alias, provided for convenience.  The summary method gives a textual summary of the object.  dim and dimnames describe the cross-tabulation induced by conditioning. panel.error is the default handler used when an error occurs while executing the panel function.
print和plot方法产生"trellis"对象图形。 print方法是必要的自动绘制。 plot方法本质上是一个别名,提供了方便。 summary方法,给出了一个对象的文本摘要。 dim和dimnames描述空调引起的交叉制表。 panel.error是使用默认的处理程序发生错误时,同时执行面板功能。


## S3 method for class 'trellis'
plot(x, position, split,
      more = FALSE, newpage = TRUE,
      packet.panel = packet.panel.default,
      draw.in = NULL,
      panel.height = lattice.getOption("layout.heights")$panel,
      panel.width = lattice.getOption("layout.widths")$panel,
      save.object = lattice.getOption("save.object"),
      panel.error = lattice.getOption("panel.error"),
## S3 method for class 'trellis'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'trellis'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'trellis'
## S3 method for class 'trellis'



参数:x, object
an object of class "trellis"

a vector of 4 numbers, typically c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) that give the lower-left and upper-right corners of a rectangle in which the Trellis plot of x is to be positioned. The coordinate system for this rectangle is [0-1] in both the x and y directions.  

a vector of 4 integers, c(x,y,nx,ny) , that says to position the current plot at the x,y position in a regular array of nx by ny plots. (Note: this has origin at top left)  
4个整数,C(X,Y,NX,NY),说定位在X,Y位置在NX的定期纽约图的阵列目前积向量。 (注:在左上角的起源)

A logical specifying whether more plots will follow on this page.  

A logical specifying whether the plot should be on a new page. This option is specific to lattice, and is useful for including lattice plots in an arbitrary grid viewport (see the details section).  

a function that determines which packet (data subset) is plotted in which panel.  Panels are always drawn in an order such that columns vary the fastest, then rows and then pages. This function determines, given the column, row and page and other relevant information, the packet (if any) which should be used in that panel.  By default, the association is determnined by matching panel order with packet order, which is determined by varying the first conditioning variable the fastest, then the second, and so on.  This association rule is encoded in the default, namely the function packet.panel.default, whose help page details the arguments supplied to whichever function is specified as the packet.panel argument.  

An optional (grid) viewport (used as the name argument in downViewport) in which the plot is to be drawn.  If specified, the newpage argument is ignored.  This feature is not well-tested.  

参数:panel.width, panel.height
lists with 2 components, that should be valid x and units arguments to unit() (the data argument cannot be specified currently, but can be considered for addition if needed).  The resulting unit object will be the width/height of each panel in the Lattice plot. These arguments can be used to explicitly control the dimensions of the panel, rather than letting them expand to maximize available space.  Vector widths are allowed, and can specify unequal lengths across rows or columns.  Note that this option should not be used in conjunction with non-default values of the aspect argument in the original high level call (no error will be produced, but the resulting behaviour is undefined).  

logical, specifying whether the object being printed is to be saved.  The last object thus saved can be subsequently retrieved. This is an experimental feature that should allow access to a panel's data after the plot is done, making it possible to enhance the plot after the fact.  This also allows the user to invoke the update method on the current plot, even if it was not assigned to a variable explicitly.  For more details, see trellis.focus.  

a function, or a character string naming a function, that is to be executed when an error occurs during the execution of the panel function.  The error is caught (using tryCatch) and supplied as the only argument to panel.error.  The default behaviour (implemented as the panel.error function) is to print the corresponding error message in the panel and continue.  To stop execution on error, use panel.error = stop.  Normal error recovery and debugging tools are unhelpful when tryCatch is used.  tryCatch can be completely bypassed by setting panel.error to NULL.  
一个函数,或者一个字符串,命名功能,这是面板功能的执行过程中出现错误时,必须执行。被捕获的错误(使用tryCatch)提供panel.error作为唯一的参数。默认行为(作为panel.error功能实现),是在面板打印相应的错误信息并继续。停止执行错误,使用panel.error = stop。正常的错误恢复和调试工具是无益的,当tryCatch使用。 tryCatch可以完全绕过设置panel.error为NULL。

A character string acting as a prefix identifying the plot of a "trellis" object, primarily used in constructing viewport and grob names, to distinguish similar viewports if a page contains multiple plots.  The default is based on the serial number of the current plot on the current page (specifically, "plot_01", "plot_02", etc.).  If supplied explicitly, this must be a valid R symbol name (briefly, it must start with a letter or a period followed by a letter) and must not contain the grid path separator (currently "::").  

an error condition caught by tryCatch

extra arguments, ignored by the print method.  All arguments to the plot method are passed on to the print method.  



This is the default print method for objects of class "trellis", produced by calls to functions like xyplot, bwplot etc. It is usually called automatically when a trellis object is produced. It can also be called explicitly to control plot positioning by means of the arguments split and position.

When newpage = FALSE, the current grid viewport is treated as the plotting area, making it possible to embed a Lattice plot inside an arbitrary grid viewport.  The draw.in argument provides an alternative mechanism that may be simpler to use.
当newpage = FALSE,当前电网视口中绘图区处理,使得它可以嵌入任意网格视口内的格子图。 draw.in参数提供了一种替代的机制,可能是简单的使用。

The print method uses the information in x (the object to be printed) to produce a display using the Grid graphics engine. At the heart of the plot is a grid layout, of which the entries of most interest to the user are the ones containing the display panels.

Unlike in older versions of Lattice (and Grid), the grid display tree is retained after the plot is produced, making it possible to access individual viewport locations and make additions to the plot.  For more details and a lattice level interface to these viewports, see trellis.focus.


Unlike S-PLUS, trying to position a multipage display (using position and/or split) will mess things up.


Deepayan Sarkar <a href="mailtoeepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org">Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org</a>

参见----------See Also----------

Lattice, unit, update.trellis, trellis.focus, packet.panel.default


p11 <- histogram( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer, xlab="Height")
p12 <- densityplot( ~ height | voice.part, data = singer, xlab = "Height")
p2 <- histogram( ~ height, data = singer, xlab = "Height")

## simple positioning by split[#简单的定位由分裂]
print(p11, split=c(1,1,1,2), more=TRUE)
print(p2, split=c(1,2,1,2))

## Combining split and position:[#结合分裂和位置:]
print(p11, position = c(0,0,.75,.75), split=c(1,1,1,2), more=TRUE)
print(p12, position = c(0,0,.75,.75), split=c(1,2,1,2), more=TRUE)
print(p2, position = c(.5,.75,1,1), more=FALSE)

## Using seekViewport[#使用seekViewport]

## repeat same plot, with different polynomial fits in each panel[#重复同样的图,每个小组在不同的多项式拟合]
xyplot(Armed.Forces ~ Year, longley, index.cond = list(rep(1, 6)),
       layout = c(3, 2),
       panel = function(x, y, ...)
           panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
           fm <- lm(y ~ poly(x, panel.number()))
           llines(x, predict(fm))

## Not run: [#无法运行:]
grid::seekViewport(trellis.vpname("panel", 1, 1))
cat("Click somewhere inside the first panel:\n")
ltext(grid::grid.locator(), lab = "linear")

## End(Not run)[#结束(不运行)]

grid::seekViewport(trellis.vpname("panel", 1, 1))

grid::seekViewport(trellis.vpname("panel", 2, 1))

grid::seekViewport(trellis.vpname("panel", 3, 1))

grid::seekViewport(trellis.vpname("panel", 1, 2))
grid::grid.text("degree 4")

grid::seekViewport(trellis.vpname("panel", 2, 2))
grid::grid.text("degree 5")

grid::seekViewport(trellis.vpname("panel", 3, 2))
grid::grid.text("degree 6")

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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