Every annotation submitted to GO must be attributed to a source - such as a literature reference, another database or a computational analysis. In addition, these annotations must indicate what kind of evidence is found in the cited source to support the association between the gene product and the GO term. A simple controlled vocabulary is used to record different, broad evidence categories.
There are 12 different evidence codes currently used by curators, these are:
IMP = inferred from mutant phenotype
IGI = inferred from genetic interaction
IPI = inferred from physical interaction
ISS = inferred from sequence similarity
IDA = inferred from direct assay
IEP = inferred from expression pattern
IEA = inferred from electronic annotation
IGC = inferred from genomic context
TAS = traceable author statement
NAS = non-traceable author statement
ND = no biological data available
IC = inferred by curator
RCA = reviewed computational analysis
If you would like to find more detailed information on the meaning and usage of these evidence codes, documentation can be found at the GO web site at: