Quality scores for short reads and their alignments
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
This class hierarchy represents quality scores for short reads. QualityScore is a virtual base class, with derived classes offering different ways of representing qualities. Methods defined on QualityScore are implemented in all derived classes.
代表短期读取这个类层次的质量分数。 QualityScore是一个虚基类,派生类提供不同的方式代表素质。 QualityScore定义的方法是所有派生类中实现。
类的对象----------Objects from the Class----------
Objects from the class are created using constructors (e.g., NumericQuality) named after the class name.
Defined classes are as follows:
QualityScore Virtual base class; instances cannot be
NumericQuality A single numeric vector, where values
IntegerQuality A integer numeric vector, where values
MatrixQuality A rectangular matrix of quality scores, with rows representing reads and columns cycles. The content and interpretation of row and column entries is arbitrary; the rectangular nature implies quality scores from equal-length
FastqQuality "fastq" encoded quality scores stored in a BStringSet instance. Base qualities of a single read are represented as an ASCII character string. The integer-valued quality score of a single base is encoded as its ASCII equivalent plus 33. The precise definition of the integer-valued quality score is unspecified, but is usually a Phred score; the meaning can be determined from the source of the quality scores. Multiple reads are stored as a BStringSet, and so can be of varying
SolexaQuality As with FastqQuality, but with integer
Class ".ShortReadBase", directly.
The following methods are defined on all QualityScore and derived classes:
[ signature(x = "QualityScore", i = "ANY", j = "missing")
[signature(x = "QualityScore", i = "ANY", j = "missing")
[ signature(x = "MatrixQuality", i = "ANY", j = "missing"):
[signature(x = "MatrixQuality", i = "ANY", j = "missing"):
Subset the object, with index i indicating the reads for which quality scores are to be extracted. The class of the result is the same as the class of x. It is an error to provide
[[ signature(x = "QualityScore", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"):
[signature(x = "QualityScore", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"):
Subset the object, returning the quality score (e.g., numeric
[[ signature(x = "MatrixQuality", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"):
[signature(x = "MatrixQuality", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"):
Returns the vector of quality scores associated with the
dim signature(x = "MatrixQuality"):
昏暗的signature(x = "MatrixQuality"):
The integer(2) dimension (e.g., number of reads, read width)
length signature(x = "QualityScore"):
长度signature(x = "QualityScore"):
length signature(x = "MatrixQuality"):
长度signature(x = "MatrixQuality"):
The integer(1) length (e.g., number of reads) represented by the quality score. Note that length of MatrixQuailty is the number of rows of the corresponding matrix, and not the length
append signature(x = "QualityScore", values = "QualityScore", length = "missing"):
追加signature(x = "QualityScore", values = "QualityScore", length = "missing"):
width signature(x = "QualityScore"):
宽度signature(x = "QualityScore"):
width signature(x = "NumericQuality"):
宽度signature(x = "NumericQuality"):
width signature(x = "MatrixQuality"):
宽度signature(x = "MatrixQuality"):
width signature(x = "FastqQuality"):
宽度signature(x = "FastqQuality"):
A numeric vector with length equal to the number of quality scores, and value equal to the number of quality scores for each read. For instance, a FastqQuality will have widths equal to the number of nucleotides in the underlying short read.
show signature(object = "QualityScore"):
显示signature(object = "QualityScore"):
show signature(object = "NumericQuality"):
显示signature(object = "NumericQuality"):
show signature(object = "FastqQuality"):
显示signature(object = "FastqQuality"):
provide a brief summary of the object content.
detail signature(x = "QualityScore"):
详细signature(x = "QualityScore"):
provide a more detailed view of object content.
The following methods are defined on specific classes:
alphabet signature(x = "FastqQuality", ...): Return a character vector of valid quality characters.
字母表signature(x = "FastqQuality", ...):返回一个有效的品质性状的特征向量。
alphabetFrequency signature(stringSet = "FastqQuality"):
alphabetFrequencysignature(stringSet = "FastqQuality"):
Apply alphabetFrequency to quality scores, returning a matrix as described in
alphabetByCycle signature(stringSet = "FastqQuality"):
alphabetByCyclesignature(stringSet = "FastqQuality"):
Apply alphabetByCycle to quality scores, returning a
alphabetScore signature(object = "FastqQuality"):
alphabetScoresignature(object = "FastqQuality"):
alphabetScore signature(object = "SFastqQuality"):
alphabetScoresignature(object = "SFastqQuality"):
Apply alphabetScore (i.e., summed base quality, per
coerce signature(from = "FastqQuality", to = "numeric"):
强制signature(from = "FastqQuality", to = "numeric"):
coerce signature(from = "FastqQuality", to = "matrix"):
强制signature(from = "FastqQuality", to = "matrix"):
coerce signature(from = "FastqQuality", to = "PhredQuality"):
强制signature(from = "FastqQuality", to = "PhredQuality"):
coerce signature(from = "SFastqQuality", to = "matrix"):
强制signature(from = "SFastqQuality", to = "matrix"):
coerce signature(from = "SFastqQuality", to = "SolexaQuality"):
强制signature(from = "SFastqQuality", to = "SolexaQuality"):
Use like as(from, "matrix")) to coerce objects of class from to class to, using the quality encoding implied by the class. When to is “matrix”, all quality scores must be of the same width, and the result is a matrix of type integer. The result always represents the
像as(from, "matrix"))强迫类的对象使用from类to,使用类所隐含的质量编码。当to是“矩阵”,所有的质量分数必须是相同的宽度,其结果是一个矩阵式integer。结果始终代表
narrow signature(x = "FastqQuality", start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, use.names = TRUE): "narrow" quality so that scores are between start and end bases, according to narrow in the IRanges
窄signature(x = "FastqQuality", start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, use.names = TRUE):窄quality所以,分数之间start和end碱基,根据narrowIRanges
trimTailw signature(object="FastqQuality", k="integer", a="character", halfwidth="integer", ..., ranges=FALSE): trim trailing nucleotides when a window of width 2 * halfwidth + 1 contains k or more quality scores falling at or below
当一个窗口宽度2 *半角+ 1包含signature(object="FastqQuality", k="integer", a="character", halfwidth="integer", ..., ranges=FALSE)或更多的质量分数下降或低于trimTailwk:修剪尾随核苷酸
trimTails signature(object="FastqQuality", k="integer", a="character", successive=FALSE, ..., ranges=FALSE): trim trailing scores if k scores fall below the quality encoded by a. If successive=FALSE, the k'th failing score and all subseqent scores are trimmed. If successive=TRUE, failing scores must occur successively; the sequence is trimmed
trimTailssignature(object="FastqQuality", k="integer", a="character", successive=FALSE, ..., ranges=FALSE):修剪尾随分数如果k分数低于a编码的质量下降。如果successive=FALSE,被修剪的第k个未能得分和所有subseqent分数。如果successive=TRUE,未能得分必须先后发生顺序修剪
srorder signature(x = "FastqQuality"):
srordersignature(x = "FastqQuality"):
srrank signature(x = "FastqQuality"):
srranksignature(x = "FastqQuality"):
srduplicated signature(x = "FastqQuality"):
srduplicatedsignature(x = "FastqQuality"):
Apply srsort, srorder, srrank, and srduplicated to quality scores, returning objects as
Integer representations of SFastqQuality and FastqQuality can be obtained with as(x, "matrix").
SFastqQuality和FastqQuality可以用as(x, "matrix")得到的整数表示。
Martin Morgan <mtmorgan@fhcrc.org>
参见----------See Also----------
NumericQuality and other constructors.
names(slot(getClass("QualityScore"), "subclasses"))
转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。