Class "RtreemixGPS"
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
A class for describing the genetic progression scores (GPS) of a given set of patterns resulting from a waiting time simulation along the edges of the tree components of a given mutagenetic trees mixture model. It also contains GPS confidence intervals derived with the bootstrap method.
类的对象----------Objects from the Class----------
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("RtreemixGPS", Data, Model, SamplingMode, SamplingParam, GPS, gpsCI). The RtreemixGPS class contains the GPS values each assigned to the corresponding pattern from the dataset given by Data (the parent class). The GPS values are derived in a waiting time simulation for a specified sampling mode and its corresponding sampling parameter. Moreover, this class specifies the confidence intervals for the GPS values derived with the bootstrap method.
创建对象可以通过检测的形式new("RtreemixGPS", Data, Model, SamplingMode, SamplingParam, GPS, gpsCI)。 RtreemixGPS类包含GPS重视每从Data(父类)给定的数据集分配到相应的模式。推导出在一个指定的采样模式及其相应的采样参数的轮候时间模拟的GPS值。此外,这个类指定为引导方法得出的GPS值的置信区间。
The Data is an RtreemixData object that specifies the patterns for which the GPS values are calculated.
The Model is an RtreemixModel object that specifies the mutagenetic trees mixture model used for deriving the GPS values.
The SamplingMode is a character that specifies the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used in the waiting time simulations.
The SamplingParam is a numeric that specifies the sampling parameter corresponding to the sampling mode given by SamplingMode.
The GPS is a numeric vector that specifies the GPS value of each pattern in the given dataset Data. Its length equals the number of patterns in Data.
The gpsCI is a numeric matrix that specifies the confidence intervals for each GPS value in the vector GPS. The number of rows equals the number of patients in Data and the number of columns equals 2. The first column gives the lower bound and the second column gives the upper bound of each confidence interval.
Model: Object of class "RtreemixModel".
SamplingMode: Object of class "character". It
SamplingParam: Object of class "numeric".
GPS: Object of class "numeric". The length of GPS must be equal to the number
GPS类"numeric"的对象。 GPS长度必须等于多少
gpsCI: Object of class "matrix". It number of columns has to be 2 and the number of rows has to be equal to the
Class "RtreemixData", directly.
GPS signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the GPS values corresponding to the patterns in the
GPS的signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"):一个方法获得相应的模式的GPS值
Model signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for
型号signature(object = "RtreemixGPS")方法:
SamplingMode signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the sampling mode ("constant" or
SamplingModesignature(object = "RtreemixGPS"):一个方法获得采样模式(“不变”或
SamplingParam signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the sampling parameter corresponding to the
SamplingParamsignature(object = "RtreemixGPS"):获得相应的采样参数的方法
getData signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method
getData方法signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"):一个方法
gpsCI signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for
gpsCIsignature(object = "RtreemixGPS")方法:
The GPS examples are time consuming. They are commented out because of the time restrictions of the check of the package. For trying out the code please copy it and uncomment it.
Jasmina Bogojeska
参见----------See Also----------
RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, gps-methods, fit-methods, confIntGPS-methods
## Generate a random RtreemixModel object with 3 components and 9 genetic events.[#生成与3个组成部分和9个遗传事件的随机RtreemixModel对象。]
#mod <- generate(K = 3, no.events = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))[MOD < - 生成(k = 3,no.events = 9,noise.tree = TRUE,概率= C(0.2,0.8))]
## Generate an artificial dataset from the model mod.[#生成一个人工数据集模型MOD。]
#data <- sim(model = mod, no.draws = 300)[资料< - SIM卡(型号为= MOD,no.draws = 300)]
## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating the GPS for all possible patterns.[#创建一个计算所有可能的模式的GPS RtreemixGPS对象。]
#modGPS.all <- gps(model = mod, no.sim = 1000)[modGPS.all < - GPS(型号= MOD,no.sim = 1000)]
## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating the GPS for the data based on the model mod.[#创建一个基于模型MOD数据计算的GPS RtreemixGPS对象。]
#modGPS <- gps(model = mod, data = data, no.sim = 1000)[modGPS < - GPS(型号= MOD,数据=数据,no.sim = 1000)]
## See the slots from the RtreemixGPS object. [#插槽从RtreemixGPS对象。]
## See data.[#查看数据。]
## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating GPS values for a given dataset[#创建一个给定的数据集GPS值计算RtreemixGPS对象]
## and their 95% confidence intervals using the bootstrap method.[#和95%置信区间,使用引导方法。]
#modGPS2 <- confIntGPS(data = data, K = 2, B = 10)[modGPS2 < - confIntGPS(数据=数据时,K = 2,乙= 10)]
## See the GPS values for the object modGPS2 and their confidence intervals.[#见的的对象modGPS2和置信区间的GPS值。]
转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。