an example assigned REDseq dataset generated from assignSeq2REsite
The format is: List of 3<br> $ passed.filter :'data.frame': Sequences that passed the filters:<br> ..$ SEQid :Sequence ID <br> ..$ REid : Restriction Enzyme Site ID <br> ..$ Chr : Chromosome <br> ..$ strand : Strand <br> ..$ SEQstart: Sequence Start <br> ..$ SEQend : Sequence End <br> ..$ REstart : Restriction Enzyme Site Start <br> ..$ REend : Restriction Enzyme Site End <br> ..$ Distance: Distance from SEQstart to REstart <br> ..$ Weight : Weighted count for this REid and this SEQid <br> $ notpassed.filter:'data.frame' : Sequences that did not pass the filters <br> ..$ SEQid :Sequence ID <br> ..$ REid : Restriction Enzyme Site ID <br> ..$ Chr : Chromosome <br> ..$ strand : Strand <br> ..$ SEQstart: Sequence Start <br> ..$ SEQend : Sequence End <br> ..$ REstart : Restriction Enzyme Site Start <br> ..$ REend : Restriction Enzyme Site End <br> ..$ Distance: Distance from SEQstart to REstart <br> ..$ Weight : Weighted count for this REid and this SEQid <br> $ mREwithDetail :'data.frame': Detailed information about the sequences that are associated with multiple REid - for debugging: <br> ..$ SEQid :Sequence ID <br> ..$ REid : Restriction Enzyme Site ID <br> ..$ Chr : Chromosome <br> ..$ strand : Strand <br> ..$ SEQstart: Sequence Start <br> ..$ SEQend : Sequence End <br> ..$ REstart : Restriction Enzyme Site Start <br> ..$ REend : Restriction Enzyme Site End <br> ..$ Distance: Distance from SEQstart to REstart <br> ..$ Weight : Weighted count for this REid and this SEQid <br> ..$ count : count of seed for this REid and SEQid <br> ..$ total.count: total number of seeds that are associated with this SEQid <br>
格式是:参考$ 3 passed.filter名单:“数据框”:通过过滤器的序列:参考.. $ SEQid:序列编号参考.. $里德:酶切位点ID < BR> .. $染色体:染色体参考.. $链:东街参考.. $ SEQstart:顺序开始参考.. $ SEQend:序列结束参考.. $重启:酶切位点开始< BR> .. $ REend:酶切位点结束参考.. $距离:从SEQstart的距离重新启动参考..重量:此里德这SEQid参考美元notpassed.filter的加权数:数据框“:未通过过滤器参考.. $ SEQid:序列编号参考.. $里德:酶切位点编号参考.. $染色体:染色体参考.. $链的序列:钢绞线参考.. $ SEQstart:顺序开始参考.. $ SEQend:序列结束参考.. $重启:酶切位点开始参考.. $ REend:酶切位点结束参考......距离:距离从SEQstart重新启动参考..重量:加权计数,里德和本SEQid参考$ mREwithDetail:“数据框”:有关多个里德序列的详细信息 - 调试:参考.. $ SEQid:序列编号参考.. $里德:酶切位点的ID参考..美元染色体:染色体参考.. $链:钢绞线参考.. $ SEQstart:序列启动参考.. $ SEQend:序列结束参考.. $重新启动:酶切位点开始参考.. $ REend:酶切位点结束参考.. $距离:从SEQstart距离重新启动<BR > ..重量:里德和这个SEQid参考.. $计数加权计数:这里德和SEQid的参考计数种子.. $ total.count:种子的总数,这个SEQid参考