Class "SFFContainer"
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
This class is a container for data from files in Roche's Standard Flowgram Format (SFF).
类的对象----------Objects from the Class----------
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("SFFContainer", ...). Usually, objects will be created by calling the readSFF method on a file in SFF format.
创建对象可以通过检测的形式new("SFFContainer", ...)。通常,对象将被创建调用readSFF方法上的SFF格式的文件。
name: Object of class "character" containing the name of the file this
flowgramFormat: Object of class "numeric" representing the format used to encode each of the flowgram values for each read. Currently, only one flowgram format has been
flowChars: Object of class "character" containing the array of nucleotide bases ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T') that correspond to the nucleotides used for each flow of each
keySequence: Object of class "character" representing the nucleotide bases
clipQualityLeft: Object of class "numeric" representing the position of the first base after the clipping point for an attached quality sequence for each read. If only a combined (quality+adapter) clipping position is computed it should be stored in clipQualityLeft. If no clipping value is computed the field is set to 0. The position values
clipQualityRight: Object of class "numeric" representing the position of the last base before the clipping point for an attached quality sequence for each read. If only a combined (quality+adapter) clipping position is computed it should be stored in clipQualityRight. If no clipping value is computed the field is set to 0. The position values
clipAdapterLeft: Object of class "numeric" representing the position of the first base after the clipping point for an attached adapter sequence for each read. If only a combined (quality+adapter) clipping position is computed it should be stored in clipQualityLeft. If no clipping value is computed the field is set to 0. The position values
clipAdapterRight: Object of class "numeric" representing the position of the last base before the clipping point for an attached adapter sequence for each read. If only a combined (quality+adapter) clipping position is computed it should be stored in clipQualityRight. If no clipping value is computed the field is set to 0. The position values
flowgrams: Object of class "list" containing the homopolymer stretch
flowIndexes: Object of class "list" containing the flow positions for each base in the called sequence, i.e. for each base, the position in the flowgram whose
reads: Object of class "QualityScaledDNAStringSet" containing the basecalled nucleotide sequences of each read together with the quality scores for each of the
addRead signature(object = "SFFContainer", read = "SFFRead"): Adds an object of
addReadsignature(object = "SFFContainer", read = "SFFRead"):添加对象
getRead signature(object = "SFFContainer", readname = "character"): Returns the
getReadsignature(object = "SFFContainer", readname = "character"):返回
clipAdapterLeft<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipAdapterLeft < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipAdapterLeft signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
clipAdapterLeftsignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
clipAdapterRight<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipAdapterRight < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipAdapterRight signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
clipAdapterRightsignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
clipQualityLeft<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipQualityLeft < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipQualityLeft signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
clipQualityLeftsignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
clipQualityRight<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipQualityRight < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
clipQualityRight signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
clipQualityRightsignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
name<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "character"):
名< - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "character"):
name signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
名称signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowChars<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "character"):
flowChars < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "character"):
flowChars signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowCharssignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowgramFormat<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
flowgramFormat < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "numeric"):
flowgramFormat signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowgramFormatsignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowgrams<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "list"):
flowgrams < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "list"):
flowgrams signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowgramssignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowIndexes<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "list"):
flowIndexes < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "list"):
flowIndexes signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
flowIndexessignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
keySequence<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "character"):
keySequence < - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "character"):
keySequence signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
keySequencesignature(object = "SFFContainer"):
reads<- signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "QualityScaledDNAStringSet"):
读< - signature(object = "SFFContainer", value = "QualityScaledDNAStringSet"):
reads signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
读取signature(object = "SFFContainer"):
[ signature(x = "SFFContainer", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"):
[signature(x = "SFFContainer", i = "ANY", j = "ANY"):
Christian Ruckert
参见----------See Also----------
readSFF, SFFRead
转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。