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R语言 PREDA包 DataForPREDA-class()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-26 11:21:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Class "DataForPREDA" is used to manage all of the data required as input for PREDA analysis

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


This class is used to manage all of the data required as input for PREDA analysis: it is usually created by merging a GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA and a StatisticsForPREDA classes

类的对象----------Objects from the Class----------

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("DataForPREDA", ids, chr, start, end, strand, chromosomesNumbers, chromosomesLabels, position, optionalAnnotations, optionalAnnotationsHeaders, statistic, analysesNames, testedTail).
创建对象可以通过检测的形式new("DataForPREDA", ids, chr, start, end, strand, chromosomesNumbers, chromosomesLabels, position, optionalAnnotations, optionalAnnotationsHeaders, statistic, analysesNames, testedTail)。


position: Object of class "integer" ~~

ids: Object of class "character" a character vector of unique identifiers for the genomic features under investigation

chr: Object of class "integer" a numeric vector representing the chromosome where each ids is mapped.  Please note that chromosome usually not represented with a number must will be comverted to a number as well.  e.g. for Human, chromsomomees X and Y will be converted to chromsomes 23 and 24 respectively.
chr:Object类的"integer"一个数字代表ID的映射,其中每个染色体的向量。请注意,染色体通常不能代表一个数字,必须将comverted数字。例如人权,chromsomomees X和Y将被转换为chromsomes 23日和24日分别。

start: Object of class "integer" a numeric vector of start genomic position for each genomic feature under investigation (i.e. gene, transcript, SNP or other elements).

end: Object of class "integer" a numeric vector of end genomic position for each genomic feature under investigation (i.e. gene, transcript, SNP or other elements).

strand: Object of class "numeric" a numeric vector of strand genomic position for each genomic feature under investigation: value 1 is used for "plus" (forward) strand and value -1 for "minus" (reverse) strand.
strand:Object类的"numeric"数字矢量:一个链正在调查中的每个基因组功能基因组的位置值1“加”(向前)链和价值-1用于“减” (反向)链。

chromosomesNumbers: Object of class "numeric" a numeric vector containing the list of chromosomes for which genomic annotations are provided in the GenomicAnnotations object. Each chromosome is represented just once in increasing order. Please note that chromosome usually not represented with a number must will be comverted to a number as well.

chromosomesLabels: Object of class "character" a character vector containing the list of chromosomes for which genomic annotations are provided in the GenomicAnnotations object. Each chromosome is represented just once in the same order as reported in chromosomesNumbers slot. This slot is actually used just to provide a label for each associated chromosome number, in case that some non numeric chromsome is used

optionalAnnotations: Object of class "matrix" optional annotations associated to the genomic features can be managed along with genomic positions annotations. E.g. GeneSymbol or EntrezGene ids can be associated to gene realted GenomicAnnotaitons objects. These additional annotations are not mandatory (the default value for this slot is NULL) The additional annotations must be provided as a matrix of character, with a number of rows equal to the length of "ids" slot and a number of columns equal
optionalAnnotations:类"matrix"相关基因功能的可选注释对象可以管理随着注释的基因组的位置。例如GeneSymbol或EntrezGene IDS可以关联到基因realted GenomicAnnotaitons对象。这些额外的注解是不是强制性的(此插槽的默认值是NULL),必须提供额外的注解作为一个字符矩阵的行数等于“IDS”槽的长度和列数相等,

optionalAnnotationsHeaders: Object of class "character" character vector containing the names associated to optional annotations. Please avoid using spaces in annotations names.

statistic: Object of class "matrix" a numeric matrix containing gene-centered statistics (or statistics on genomic data centered on other genomic features under investigation). The statistics must be provided as a matrix of numeric values, with a number of rows equal to the length of "ids" slot and a number of columns equal

analysesNames: Object of class "character" a character vector of unique names associated to each column of statistic matrix.

testedTail: Object of class "character" a character describing what tail of the statistic distribution will be analyzed during PREDA analysis. Possible values are "upper", "lower" or "both". Anyway we strongly recommend using PREDA analysis only


Class "GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA", directly. Class "StatisticsForPREDA", directly. Class "GenomicAnnotations", by class "GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA", distance 2.


DataForPREDA2dataframe signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): extract data and annotations as a dataframe with probeids as rownames
DataForPREDA2dataframesignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):提取数据,并作为与作为rownames probeids dataframe注解

DataForPREDA2GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): extract a GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA object from a data DataForPREDA object
DataForPREDA2GenomicAnnotationsForPREDAsignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):提取从数据DataForPREDA对象的GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA对象

DataForPREDA2StatisticsForPREDA signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): extract a StatisticsForPREDA object from a data DataForPREDA object
DataForPREDA2StatisticsForPREDAsignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):提取从数据DataForPREDA对象的StatisticsForPREDA对象

GenomicAnnotationsFilter_neg signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): filter annotations to remove selected chromosomes
GenomicAnnotationsFilter_negsignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):过滤器注释删除选定的染色体

GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): filter annotations to keep selected chromosomes
GenomicAnnotationsFilter_possignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):过滤器的注释,以保持选定的染色体

GenomicAnnotationsSortAndCleanNA signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): sort annotations according to selected chromosomes and to remove genes containing any NA annotation field
GenomicAnnotationsSortAndCleanNAsignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):根据选定的染色体和基因删除含有任何NA注释字段的排序注解

initialize signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): initialize method for DataForPREDA objects
初始化signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):DataForPREDA对象的初始化方法

StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): filter statistics to remove selected analyses
StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_negsignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):过滤器统计,删除选定的分析

StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_pos signature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"): filter statistics to keep selected analyses
StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_possignature(.Object = "DataForPREDA"):过滤选定的统计分析,以保持


This class is better described in the package vignette


Francesco Ferrari

参见----------See Also----------

"GenomicAnnotations", "GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA", "StatisticsForPREDA", DataForPREDA2dataframe,DataForPREDA2GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA,DataForPREDA2StatisticsForPREDA, GenomicAnnotationsFilter_neg,GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos,GenomicAnnotationsSortAndCleanNA, StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg,StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_pos



转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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