The function executes and plots results from ssize and delta fulction from the ssize packahe
函数执行ssize和Deltafulction的图结果ssize packahe
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
This function represents avisual tool for helping users to understand the trade off between sample size and statistical power. To know more about see ssize help.
Both ssize and delta outputs are calculated using the BH type I error correction instead of the Bonferroni used as default in the ssize package. Furthermore, instead using the control group variance, this implementation uses the common variance described in Wei et al. BMC Genomics. 2004, 5:87
计算使用的BH型我改正错误,而不是作为中的ssize包的默认使用的邦弗朗尼ssize和Delta输出。此外,而不是使用的对照组的差异,该实现使用共同方差炜等。 BMC的基因组。 2004年,5:87
Main assumptions: A microarray experiment is set up to compare gene expressions between one treatment group and one control group. Microarray data has been normalized and transformed so that the data for each gene is sufficiently close to a normal distribution that a standard 2-sample pooled-variance t-test will reliably detect differentially expressed genes.