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R语言 IRanges包 DataTable-API()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-25 22:26:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        The DataTable API

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


DataTable is an API only (i.e. virtual class with no slots) for accessing objects with a rectangular shape like DataFrame or RangedData objects. It mimics the API for standard data.frame objects.


In the following code snippets, x is a DataTable.

nrow(x), ncol(x): Get the number of rows and columns, respectively.

NROW(x), NCOL(x): Same as nrow(x) and ncol(x), respectively.

dim(x): Length two integer vector defined as c(nrow(x), ncol(x)).
dim(x):长度两个整数向量定义为c(nrow(x), ncol(x))。

rownames(x), colnames(x): Get the names of the rows and columns, respectively.

dimnames(x): Length two list of character vectors defined as list(rownames(x), colnames(x)).
dimnames(x):长度两个特征向量定义为list(rownames(x), colnames(x))。


In the code snippets below, x is a DataTable object.

x[i, j, drop=TRUE]: Return a new DataTable object made of the selected rows and columns. For single column selection, the drop argument specifies whether or not to coerce the returned sequence to a standard vector.
x[i, j, drop=TRUE]:返回一个新的DataTable对象中选定的行和列。为单个列的选择,drop参数指定是否要强迫返回的序列到一个标准的向量。

window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ...): Extract the subsequence window from the DataTable object using:
window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ...):提取从DataTable使用对象序列窗口:

start, end, width The start, end, or width

frequency, delta Optional arguments that specify

In general, this is more efficient than using "[" operator.

window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, keepLength = TRUE) <- value: Replace the subsequence window specified on the left (i.e. the subsequence in x specified by start, end and width) by value. value must either be of class class(x), belong to a subclass of class(x), be coercible to class(x), or be NULL. If keepLength is TRUE, the number of rows of value are repeated to create a DataTable with the same number of rows as the width of the subsequence window it is replacing. If keepLength is FALSE, this replacement method can modify the number of rows of x, depending on how the number of rows of the left subsequence window compares to the number of rows of value.
window(x, start = NA, end = NA, width = NA, keepLength = TRUE) <- value:更换序列左侧指定的窗口(即序列在xstart中指定,end和width)value的 。 value必须是类的class(x),属于一个子类的class(x),class(x),是强制转换或NULL。如果keepLength是TRUE行value反复与被更换的序列窗口的宽度相同数量的行创建一个DataTable。如果keepLength是FALSE,这个替代方法可以修改x,取决于左序列窗口的行数如何比较行数<行数X>。

seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL): Similar to window, except that multiple subsequences can be requested. The requested subsequences are concatenated.
seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL):类似window多个子序列,除了可以要求。请求的子序列连接在一起。

seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL) <- value: Similar to window<-, except that multiple consecutive subsequences can be replaced by a value that spans those windows.
seqselect(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, width=NULL) <- value:类似window<-,除了多个连续子序列可以换成value跨越这些窗口。

head(x, n = 6L): If n is non-negative, returns the first n rows of the DataTable object. If n is negative, returns all but the last abs(n) rows of the DataTable object.
head(x, n = 6L):n如果非负,返回DataTable对象的前n行。 n如果是负,返回所有,但最后abs(n)DataTable对象的行。

tail(x, n = 6L): If n is non-negative, returns the last n rows of the DataTable object. If n is negative, returns all but the first abs(n) rows of the DataTable object.
tail(x, n = 6L):n如果非负,返回DataTable对象的最后n行。 n如果是负,返回所有,但第一abs(n)DataTable对象的行。

subset(x, subset, select, drop = FALSE): Return a new DataTable object using:
subset(x, subset, select, drop = FALSE):返回一个新的DataTable对象使用:

subset logical expression indicating rows to keep, where missing

select expression indicating columns to keep.

drop passed on to [ indexing operator.

na.omit(object): Returns a subset with incomplete cases removed.

na.exclude(object): Returns a subset with incomplete cases removed (but to be included with NAs in statistical results).

is.na(x): Returns a logical matrix indicating which cells are missing.

complete.cases(x): Returns a logical vector identifying which cases have no missing values.


In the code snippets below, x is a DataTable object.

cbind(...): Creates a new DataTable by combining the columns of the DataTable objects in ....

rbind(...): Creates a new DataTable by combining the rows of the DataTable objects in ....


In the code snippets below, x is a DataTable object.

aggregate(x, by, FUN, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL,       frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE): Generates summaries on the specified windows and returns the result in a convenient form:
aggregate(x, by, FUN, start = NULL, end = NULL, width = NULL,       frequency = NULL, delta = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE):对指定的窗口生成摘要,并在方便的形式返回结果:

by An object with start, end, and

FUN The function, found via match.fun, to be

start, end, width the start, end, or width of the window. If by is missing, then must supply two of the
start,end,width开始,结束,或窗口的宽度。 by如果丢失,则必须提供两个

frequency, delta Optional arguments that specify

... Further arguments for FUN.
... FUN进一步的论据。

simplify A logical value specifying whether or not the

by(data, INDICES, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE): Apply FUN to each group of data, a DataTable, formed by the factor (or list of factors) INDICES. Exactly  the same contract as as.data.frame.
by(data, INDICES, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE):申请FUN每个data组,DataTable,形成的因素(或因素列表)INDICES。正是as.data.frame相同的合同。


as.env(x, enclos = parent.frame()): Creates an environment from x with a symbol for each colnames(x). The values are not actually copied into the environment. Rather, they are dynamically bound using makeActiveBinding. This prevents unnecessary copying of the data from the external vectors into R vectors. The values are cached, so that the data is not copied every time the symbol is accessed.
as.env(x, enclos = parent.frame()):创造一种环境,从x每个colnames(x)的象征。值实际上并没有复制到环境中。相反,它们是动态绑定使用makeActiveBinding。这可以防止外部向量中的数据到R向量不必要的复制。值缓存,使数据不会被复制每次被访问时的符号。

参见----------See Also----------

DataTable-stats for statistical functionality, like fitting regression models, data.frame


  showClass("DataTable")  # shows (some of) the known subclasses[表演(部分)已知的子类]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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