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R语言 girafe包 AlignedGenomeIntervals-class()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-2-25 19:52:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Class 'AlignedGenomeIntervals'

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


A class for representing reads from next-generation sequencing experiments that have been aligned to genomic intervals.

类的对象----------Objects from the Class----------

Objects can be created either by:

calls of the form new("AlignedGenomeIntervals", .Data, closed, ...).
调用形式new("AlignedGenomeIntervals", .Data, closed, ...)。

using the auxiliary function AlignedGenomeIntervals and supplying separate vectors of same length which hold the required information:<br> AlignedGenomeIntervals(start, end, chromosome, strand, reads,       matches, sequence)<br> If arguments reads or matches are not specified, they are assumed to be '1' for all intervals.
使用辅助功能AlignedGenomeIntervals和提供独立的向量长度相同,而持有所需的信息:参考AlignedGenomeIntervals(start, end, chromosome, strand, reads,       matches, sequence)参考,如果参数reads或matches不指定,他们被认为是1所有的时间间隔。

or, probably the most common way, by coercing from objects of class AlignedRead.


.Data: two-column integer matrix, holding the

sequence: character; sequence of the read aligned to

reads: integer; total number of reads that were

matches: integer; the total number of genomic intervals that reads which were aligned to this interval were aligned to. A value of '1' thus means that this read sequence
matches:整数;总数的读取基因组区间,这个区间对齐对齐。 1的值,从而意味着该读序列

organism: string; an identifier for the genome of which organism the intervals are related to. Functions making use of this slot require a specific annotation package org.<organism>.eg.db. For example if organism is 'Hs', the annotation package 'org.Hs.eg.db' is utilised by these functions. The annotation packages can be obtained from the

annotation: data.frame; see class

closed: matrix; see class

type: character; see class

score: numeric; optional score for each aligned genome

id: character; optional identifier for each aligned

chrlengths: integer; optional named integer vector of chromosome lengths for the respective genome; if present it is used in place of the chromosome lengths retrieved from the


Class Genome_intervals-class, directly. Class Intervals_full, by class "Genome_intervals", distance 2.


coerce Coercion method from objects of class AlignedRead, which is defined in package ShortRead,

coerce Coercion method from objects of class AlignedGenomeIntervals to objects of class

coverage signature("AlignedGenomeIntervals"): computes the read coverage over all chromosomes. If the organism of the object is set correctly, the chromosome lengths are retrieved from the appropriate annotation package, otherwise the maximum interval end is taken to be the absolute length of that chromosome (strand).<br> The result of this method is a list and the individual list elements are of class Rle, a class for encoding long repetitive vectors that is defined in package IRanges.<br> The additional argument byStrand governs whether the coverage is computed separately for each strand. If byStrand=FALSE (default) only one result is returned per chromosome. If byStrand=TRUE, there result is two separate Rle objects per chromosome with the strand appended to the chromosome name.<br> By now, the coverage method for AlignedGenomeIntervals makes use of the method for RangedData objects from package IRanges (thanks to a suggestion from P. Aboyoun).

detail signature("AlignedGenomeIntervals"): a more detailed output of all the intervals than provided by show;

extend signature("AlignedGenomeIntervals") with additional arguments fiveprime=0L and threeprime=0L. These must be integer numbers and greater than or equal to 0. They specify how much is subtracted from the left border of the interval and added to the right side. Which end is 5' and which one is 3' are determined from the strand information of the object. Lastly, if the object has an organism annotation, it is checked that the right ends of the intervals do not exceed the

export export the aligned intervals as tab-delimited text files which can be uploaded to the UCSC genome browser as "custom tracks". Currently, there are methods for exporting the data into "bed" format and "bedGraph" format, either writing the intervals from both strands into one file or into two separate files (formats "bedStrand" and "bedGraphStrand", respectively). Details about these track formats can be found at the UCSC genome browser web pages.<br> The additional argument writeHeader can be set to FALSE to suppress writing of the track definition header line to the file.<br> For Genome_intervals objects, only "bed" format is supported at the moment and does not need to be specified.
出口出口对齐制表符分隔的文本文件可以上传UCSC基因组浏览器的“自定义音轨”间隔。目前,出口成“床”的格式和“bedGraph”格式的数据,无论是从两股编写成一个文件的时间间隔或方法分成两个单独的文件(格式“bedStrand和bedGraphStrand”,分别)。这些轨道格式的详情,可参考额外的参数writeHeader可以设置FALSE抑制轨道的定义标题行写入文件。<在UCSC基因组浏览器的网页。 BR>对于Genome_intervals对象,只有床格式支持目前并不需要指定。

hist signature("AlignedGenomeIntervals"): creates

organism Get or set the organism that the genome intervals in the object correspond to. Should be a predefined code, such as 'Mm' for mouse and 'Hs' for human. The reason for this code, that, if the organism is set, a corresponding annotation package that is called org.<organism>.eg.db is used, for example for obtaining the chromosome lengths to be used in methods such as coverage. These annotation packages can be obtained from the Bioconductor repository.

plot visualisation method; a second argument of class Genome_intervals_stranded can be provided for additional annotation to the plot. Please see below and in the vignette for examples. Refer to the documentation of plotAligned

reduce collapse/reduce aligned genome intervals by combining intervals which are completely included in each other, combining overlapping intervals AND combining immediately adjacent intervals (if method="standard"). Intervals are only combined if they are on the same chromosome, the same strand AND have the same match specificity of the aligned reads. <br> If you only want to combine intervals that have exactly the same start and stop position (but may have reads of slightly different sequence aligned to them), then use the argument method="exact". <br> If you only want to combine intervals that have exactly the same 5' or 3' end (but may differ in the other end and in the aligned sequence), then use the argument method="same5" (same 5' end) or method="same3" (same 3' end). <br> Finally, it's possible to only collapse/reduce aligned genome intervals that overlap each other by at least a certain fraction using the argument min.frac. min.frac is a number between 0.0 and 1.0. For example, if you call reduce with argument min.frac=0.4, only intervals that overlap each other by at least 40 percent are collapsed/merged.
减少崩溃/减少相结合,这是完全在对方的时间间隔,结合重叠的时间间隔,并结合立即相邻的时间间隔(如method="standard")相一致的基因组间隔。如果他们是在同一染色体上,同股,有对齐读的同一比赛特异性间隔只有结合。参考,如果您只希望结合有完全相同的启动和停止的位置(但可能已对准他们的略有不同序列读取)的时间间隔,然后使用参数method="exact"。 <br>如果你只是想结合的时间间隔,有相同的5或3端(但在另一端的排列顺序可能有所不同),然后使用参数method="same5"(相同的5端)或method="same3"(相同的3端)。最后,它可能只倍数/降低对齐的基因组至少有一定的分数间隔,重叠使用参数min.frac彼此。 min.frac是0.0和1.0之间的数。例如,如果你打检测reduce参数min.frac=0.4,至少有40%重叠互相间隔是倍数/合并。

sample draw a random sample of n (Argument size) of the aligned reads (without or with replacement) and returns the AlignedGenomeIntervals object defined by

score access or set a custom score for the object

sort sorts the intervals by chromosome name, start and end coordinate in increasing order (unless decreasing=TRUE is

subset take a subset of reads, matrix-like subsetting via


Joern Toedling

参见----------See Also----------

Genome_intervals-class, AlignedRead-class, RangedData-class, RangedData-class, plotAligned


  ############# toy example:[############玩具的例子:]
  A <- new("AlignedGenomeIntervals",
         .Data=cbind(c(1,3,4,5,8,10), c(5,5,6,8,9,11)),
           seq_name=factor(rep(c("chr1","chr2","chr3"), each=2)),
           strand=factor(c("-","-","+","+","+","+") ,levels=c("-","+")),
           inter_base=rep(FALSE, 6)),
         reads=rep(3L, 6), matches=rep(1L,6),


  ## alternative initiation of this object:[#此对象的替代启动:]
  A <- AlignedGenomeIntervals(
     start=c(1,3,4,5,8,10), end=c(5,5,6,8,9,11),
     chromosome=rep(c("chr2","chrX","chr1"), each=2),
     reads=c(1L, 5L, 2L, 7L, 3L, 3L))

  ## custom identifiers can be assigned to the intervals[#自定义的标识符可以分配到的时间间隔]
  id(A) <- paste("gi", 1:6, sep="")

  ## subsetting and combining[#子集,并结合]
  detail(c(A[1], A[4]))

  ## sorting: always useful[#排序:总是有用]
  A <- sort(A)
  ## the 'reduce' method provides a cleaned-up, compact set[#“减少”的方法,提供清洁,紧集]
  ##  with arguments specifying additional conditions for merging[#参数指定合并的附加条件]
  detail(reduce(A, min.frac=0.8))

  ## 'sample' to draw a sample subset of reads and their intervals[#“样品”画一个读取和间隔的样本子集]
  detail(sample(A, 10))
  ## biological example[#生物的例子]
  exDir <- system.file("extdata", package="girafe")
  exA   <- readAligned(dirPath=exDir, type="Bowtie",
  exAI <- as(exA, "AlignedGenomeIntervals")
  organism(exAI) <- "Mm"
  ## which chromosomes are the intervals on?[#染色体上间隔?]

  ## subset[#子集]
  exAI[is.element(chromosome(exAI),  c("chr1","chr2"))]

  ## compute coverage per chromosome:[#计算每个染色体的报道:]
  coverage(exAI[is.element(chromosome(exAI),  c("chr1","chr2"))])

  ### plotting:[##绘制:]
  load(file.path(exDir, "mgi_gi.RData"))
  plot(exAI, mgi.gi, chr="chrX", start=50400000, end=50410000)

  ### overlap with annotated genome elements:[#重叠带注释的基因组元素:]
  exOv <- interval_overlap(exAI, mgi.gi)
  ## how many elements do read match positions generally overlap:[#多少个元素不读比赛职位一般重叠:]
  ## what are the 13 elements overlapped by a single match position:[#什么是由一个单一的比赛位置重叠的13个元素:]
  ## what kinds of elements are overlapped[#种元素重叠]
  (tabOv <- table(as.character(mgi.gi$type)[unlist(exOv)]))
  ### display those classes:[#显示这些类:]
  my.cols <- rainbow(length(tabOv))
  pie(tabOv, col=my.cols, radius=0.85)

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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