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R语言 XLConnect包 readWorksheet-methods()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-10-1 23:26:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Reading data from worksheets

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Reads data from worksheets of a workbook.


## S4 method for signature 'workbook,numeric'
## S4 method for signature 'workbook,character'


The workbook to use

The name or index of the worksheet to read from

The index of the first row to read from

The index of the first column to read from

The index of the last row to read from

The index of the last column to read from

A range specifier in the form 'A10:B18'. This provides an alternative way to specify startRow, startCol, endRow and endCol. Range specifications take precedence over index specifications.

Interpret the first row of the specified area as column headers. The default is TRUE.

Index (numeric) or name (character) of column that should be used as row names. The corresponding column will be removed from the data set. Defaults to NULL which means that no row names are applied.

Column types to use when reading in the data. Specified as a character vector of the corresponding type names (see XLC; XLC$DATA_TYPE.<?>). You may also use R class names such as numeric, character, logical and POSIXt. The types are applied in the given order to the columns - elements are recycled if necessary. Defaults to character(0) meaning that column types are determined automatically (see the Note section for more information).<br> By default, type conversions are only applied if the specified column type is a more generic type (e.g. from Numeric to String) - otherwise NA is returned. The forceConversion flag can be set to force conversion into less generic types where possible.
在数据读取时使用的列类型。指定一个character向量的相应的类型名字(见XLC; XLC$DATA_TYPE.<?>)。您也可以使用R类的名称,如numeric,character,logical和POSIXt。在给定的顺序施加到列类型 - 被回收,如果必要的元素。默认为character(0)意义,列类型自动确定(见注部分获取更多信息)。默认情况下<BR>,类型转换只适用于指定的列类型是一个更通用的类型(例如,从数字到字符串) - 否则NA返回。 forceConversion标志可以被设置为强制转换为泛型类型在可能的情况下。

logical specifying if conversions to less generic types should be forced. Defaults to FALSE meaning that if a column is specified to be of a certain type via the colTypes argument and a more generic type is detected in the column, then NA will be returned (example: column is specified to be DateTime but a more generic String is found). Specifying forceConversion = TRUE will try to enforce a conversion - if it succeeds the corresponding (converted) value will be returned, otherwise NA. See the Note section for some additional information.
logical指定,如果比较特殊的类型应强制转换。默认FALSE的意思,如果一列被指定为colTypes参数和检测到一个更通用的类型列中的,然后NA将返回(例如通过某种类型的:指定列的DateTime但找到一个更通用的字符串)。指定forceConversion = TRUE将尝试执行转换 - 如果成功,相应的值(转换)将被退回,否则NA。一些额外的信息,请参见注释部分。

Date/time format used when doing date/time conversions. Defaults to<br> getOption("XLConnect.dateTimeFormat"). This should be a POSIX format specifier according to strptime although not all specifications have been implemented yet - the most important ones however are available.
日期/时间格式时使用的日期/时间转换。默认为参考getOption("XLConnect.dateTimeFormat")。这应该是一个POSIX根据strptime虽然不是所有的规格已经实现 - 然而,最重要的是提供的格式说明符。

logical specifying if column names of the resulting data.frame should be checked to ensure that they are syntactically valid valid variable names and are not duplicated. See the check.names argument of data.frame. Defaults to TRUE.



Reads data from the worksheet specified by sheet. Data is read starting at the top left corner specified by startRow and startCol down to the bottom right corner specified by endRow and endCol. If header = TRUE, the first row is interpreted as column names of the resulting data.frame.<br> If startRow <= 0 then the first available (logical) row is assumed. If startCol <= 0 then the column  of the first (logical) cell of the start row (startRow) is assumed. If endRow <= 0 then the last available  (logical) row is assumed. If endCol <= 0 then the maximum column between startRow and endRow is assumed.  In other words, if no boundaries are specified readWorksheet assumes  the "bounding box" of the data as the corresponding boundaries.<br><br>
读取指定的sheet从工作表中的数据。读取数据开始在左上角指定的startRow和startCol右下角指定的endRow和endCol。如果header = TRUE,第一行产生的data.frame。<BR>如果startRow <= 0然后假定第一个可用的(逻辑)行作为列名的解释。如果startCol <= 0然后列的第一个(逻辑)的单元的起始行(startRow)被假设。如果endRow <= 0然后最后一个可用的(逻辑)假设行。如果endCol <= 0然后startRow和endRow假定的最大列之间的。换句话说,如果没有指定边界readWorksheet假定“边界框”的数据作为相应的边界参考参考

If all four coordinate arguments are missing this behaves as above with startRow = 0, startCol = 0, endRow = 0 and endCol = 0. In this case  readWorksheet assumes the "bounding box" of the data as the corresponding boundaries.<br><br>
如果所有四个坐标参数丢失,这表现为上面的startRow = 0,startCol = 0,endRow = 0和endCol = 0。在这种情况下readWorksheet假定“边界框”的数据作为相应的边界参考参考

All arguments (except object) are vectorized. As such, multiple worksheets (and also multiple data regions from the same worksheet) can be read with one method call. If only one single data region is read, the return value  is a data.frame. If multiple data regions are specified, the return value is a list of data.frame's  returned in the order they have been specified. If worksheets have been specified by name, the list will be a named list named by the corresponding worksheets.


If no specific column types (see argument colTypes) are specified, readWorksheet tries to determine the resulting column types based on the read cell types. If different cell types are found in a specific column, the most general of those is used and mapped to the corresponding R data type. The order of data types from least to most general is Boolean (logical) < DateTime (POSIXct) <  Numeric (numeric) < String (character). E.g. if a column is read that contains cells of type Boolean, Numeric and String then the resulting column in R would be character since character is the most general type.<br><br> Some additional information with respect to forcing data type conversion using forceConversion = TRUE:
如果没有特定的列类型(参数colTypes)被指定,readWorksheet试图读的单元类型的基础上确定最终的列类型。如果不同类型的单元中被发现特定列中,那些最一般的使用,并映射到相应的R数据类型。的顺序,至少到最一般的数据类型是布尔型(logical)<日期时间(POSIXct)<数字(numeric)<字符串(character)。例如如果某列被读出的单元类型为布尔值,数字和字符串,然后将结果列在Rcharacter自character是最普遍的类型。参考参考一些额外的信息就强迫的数据类型转换使用forceConversion = TRUE:

Forcing conversion from String to Boolean: TRUE is returned if and only if the target string is "true" (ignoring any capitalization). Any other string will return FALSE.

Forcing conversion from Numeric to DateTime: since Excel understands Dates/Times as Numerics with some additional formatting, a conversion from a Numeric to a DateTime is actually possible. Numerics in this case represent the number of days since 1900-01-01. Fractional days represent hours, minutes,  and seconds.
从数字强制转换为DateTime:因为Excel理解某些附加的格式化的数值计算,从数字转换为DateTime的日期/时间实际上是可能的。 Numerics的在这种情况下,代表的天数,自1900-01-01天的小数部分表示小时,分钟和秒。


Martin Studer<br>
Mirai Solutions GmbH <a href="http://www.mirai-solutions.com">http://www.mirai-solutions.com</a>

参见----------See Also----------

workbook, writeWorksheet, readNamedRegion, writeNamedRegion,<br> readWorksheetFromFile, onErrorCell


## Example 1:[#示例1:]
# mtcars xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect[mtcars xlsx文件demoFiles子文件夹中的包XLConnect]
demoExcelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/mtcars.xlsx", package = "XLConnect")

# Load workbook[负载工作簿]
wb <- loadWorkbook(demoExcelFile)

# Read worksheet 'mtcars' (providing no specific area bounds;[读表“mtcars”(没有提供特定区域边界;]
# with default header = TRUE)[默认的头= TRUE)]
data <- readWorksheet(wb, sheet = "mtcars")

## Example 2:[例2:]
# mtcars xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect[mtcars xlsx文件demoFiles子文件夹中的包XLConnect]
demoExcelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/mtcars.xlsx", package = "XLConnect")

# Load workbook[负载工作簿]
wb <- loadWorkbook(demoExcelFile)

# Read worksheet 'mtcars' (providing area bounds; with default header = TRUE)[读取工作表“mtcars(提供区域界限,与默认的头= TRUE)]
data <- readWorksheet(wb, sheet = "mtcars", startRow = 1, startCol = 3,
                      endRow = 15, endCol = 8)

## Example 3:[例3:]
# mtcars xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect[mtcars xlsx文件demoFiles子文件夹中的包XLConnect]
demoExcelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/mtcars.xlsx", package = "XLConnect")

# Load workbook[负载工作簿]
wb <- loadWorkbook(demoExcelFile)

# Read worksheet 'mtcars' (providing area bounds using the region argument;[读表“mtcars”(区域边界采用的是区域参数;]
# with default header = TRUE)[默认的头= TRUE)]
data <- readWorksheet(wb, sheet = "mtcars", region = "C1:H15")

## Example 4:[例4:]
# conversion xlsx file from demoFiles subfolder of package XLConnect[xlsx文件转换从demoFiles子文件夹中的包XLConnect]
excelFile <- system.file("demoFiles/conversion.xlsx", package = "XLConnect")

# Load workbook[负载工作簿]
wb <- loadWorkbook(excelFile)

# Read worksheet 'Conversion' with pre-specified column types[带有预先指定的列类型的工作表转化]
# Note: in the worksheet all data was entered as strings![注:在工作表中的所有数据输入字符串!]
# forceConversion = TRUE is used to force conversion from String[forceConversion = TRUE用于强制字符串转换]
# into the less generic data types Numeric, DateTime &amp; Boolean[为不通用的数据类型,数字,日期和布尔]
df <- readWorksheet(wb, sheet = "Conversion", header = TRUE,
                    colTypes = c(XLC$DATA_TYPE.NUMERIC,
                    forceConversion = TRUE,
                    dateTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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