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R语言 visualFields包 sapsunyiunv()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-10-1 16:18:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        SUNY-IU normative reference values for Standard Automatic Perimetry

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Normative reference values or (normative values or nv for short) for Standard Automatic Perimetry (SAP) obtained from a combination of control subjects from SUNY (Mitchel W Dul) and IU (William H Swanson and Victor E Malinovsky) databases.
参考标准值(规范值或简称NV)的标准自动视野计(SAP)从纽约州立大学(米切尔W DUL)和“IU(威廉Ĥ斯旺森和VictorË马利诺夫斯基)数据库的对照组的组合。


data( sapsunyiunv )


This normative-value object is defined by some tables, variables, and sub-structures, some of which are mandatory and some which are not. Importantly an age linear model must be included for test pattern (24-2) and presentation algorithm (e.g. SITA standard). Also important are the tables specifying the settings. Think of the normative-value object as a structure with several levels. The first level has three main substructures with settings:

pmapsettings mandatory. Information about which percentiles are used for location-wise analysis in this nv and their corresponding color coding for display. This is a table with four columns. First column specifies the percentiles (in percent) for cutoffs and the other three columns are the corresponding RGB values (defined from 0 to 1) specifying the color code to use for values below that percentile

globalco mandatory. Percentiles to be used for the analysis of globan indices such us mean deviation (MD), pattern standard deviation (PSD) or visual-field index (VFI)

nvname mandatory. Name assigned to this normative-value object

From here age linear models, percentile values, etc are defined for combination of test patterns and presentation algorithms. It is important that the construction of the name for each of the normative-value for the particular test and presentation is in agreement with the values of tperimetry and talgorithm in vf. This is very important because it is the way visualFields can identify automatically which normative values are to be used with data for a particular visual field. For instance, for the test pattern 24-2 (p24d2) and the stimulus-presentation algorithm SITA standard (sitas), the substructure in the normative-values object must be called  p24d2_sitas. This substructure itself is composed of other strutures and tables. These are

demographics optional. It has stats about the controls subjects used for the calculation of the normative values

agelm mandatory. A table with two columns, intercept and slope, specifying a linear model modeling the (linear) decrease at each location of the sensitivities in decibels (dB) per year. These were calculated with the ageLinearModel. See locations 26 and 35 have NAs. That is because these are the locations that correspond anatomically with the blind spot (see vfsettings) and are hence  excluded from any analysis
agelm强制性。一个表有两列,截距和斜率,指定线性模型建模(线性)减少每年在每个位置的敏感性分贝(dB)。这些分别计算用的ageLinearModel。见26和35 NAS的位置。这是因为这些都是相对应的位置,解剖学上的盲点(见vfsettings),并因此排除任何分析

sds mandatory. A table with three columns with the standard deviations for threshold sensitivities, total-deviation values (TD), and pattern-deviation values (PD)

TDpercloc mandatory. A table with as many columns as cutoff percentiles (rows) were defined in pmapsettings. Each column is the TD cutoff value for each percentile. It is used to get the probability map

PDpercloc mandatory. A table with as many columns as cutoff percentiles (rows) were defined in pmapsettings. Each column is the PD cutoff value for each percentile. It is used to get the probability map

percglo mandatory. A table with as many columns as cutoff percentiles (rows) were defined in globalco for global indices. Each row has a different statistical index. Most of them are not really used by convention. The statistical indices considered are mean and standard deviation of the threshold sensitivities (msens and ssens), mean and standard deviation of the TD values (mtdev and stdev), and mean and standard deviation of the PD values (mpdev and spdev). The two indices that are used by convention are mtdev and spdev, that is mean deviation (MD) and pattern standard deviation (PSD)

percvfi mandatory. A table with as many columns as cutoff percentiles (rows) were defined in globalco for global indices. This table has data only for the VFI (mvfi) and the standard deviation of the VFI at each locaton (svfi)

nvtdrank optional, but necessary to run bebie with the option diff = TRUE. A table with two columns, mean normal Bebie TD rank curve and the standard deviation at each ranked location.
nvtdrank可选的,而且是必要的bebie的diff = TRUE运行。一个表有两列,平均正常Bebie TD的排名曲线和标准偏差在每个排名位置。

perctdrank optional, but necessary to run bebie with the option percentiles = TRUE. A table with as many columns as cutoff percentiles (rows) were defined in pmapsettings. Each column is the TD cutoff value for each percentile
perctdrank可选的,而且是必要的bebie的percentiles = TRUE运行。截止百分位数(行)多列的表中定义的pmapsettings。每列是每个百分TD临界值

perctdrankadj optional, but necessary to run bebie with the option diff = TRUE and percentiles = TRUE. Same as perctdrank but the difference from mean normal Bebie TD rank curve analysis
perctdrankadj可选的,而且是必要的bebie选项“diff = TRUE和percentiles = TRUE运行。同perctdrank但不同的平均正常Bebie TD排名曲线分析


Ivan Marin-Franch <imarinfr@indiana.edu>, William H Swanson, Victor Malinovsky, Mitchell Dul


转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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