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R语言 VGAM包 rrvglm()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-10-1 15:52:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         Fitting Reduced-Rank Vector Generalized Linear Models (RR-VGLMs)

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


A reduced-rank vector generalized linear model (RR-VGLM) is fitted. RR-VGLMs are VGLMs but some of the constraint matrices are estimated. In this documentation, M is the number of linear predictors.
安装一个降维的向量广义线性模型(RR-VGLM)。 RR-VGLMs VGLMs但一些约束矩阵的估计。在本文档中,M是线性预测的数量。


rrvglm(formula, family, data = list(), weights = NULL, subset = NULL,
       na.action = na.fail, etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL,
       coefstart = NULL, control = rrvglm.control(...), offset = NULL,
       method = "rrvglm.fit", model = FALSE, x.arg = TRUE, y.arg = TRUE,
       contrasts = NULL, constraints = NULL, extra = NULL,
       qr.arg = FALSE, smart = TRUE, ...)


参数:formula, family, weights
See vglm.  

an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from environment(formula), typically the environment from which rrvglm is called.  

参数:subset, na.action
See vglm.  

参数:etastart, mustart, coefstart
See vglm.  

a list of parameters for controlling the fitting process.  See rrvglm.control for details.  

参数:offset, model, contrasts
See vglm.  

the method to be used in fitting the model. The default (and presently only) method rrvglm.fit uses iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS).  

参数:x.arg, y.arg
logical values indicating whether the model matrix and response vector/matrix used in the fitting process should be assigned in the x and y slots. Note the model matrix is the LM model matrix; to get the VGLM model matrix type model.matrix(vglmfit) where vglmfit is a vglm object.   

See vglm.  

参数:extra, smart, qr.arg
See vglm.  

further arguments passed into rrvglm.control.  



The central formula is given by

where x1 is a vector (usually just a 1 for an intercept), x2 is another vector of explanatory variables, and nu = C^T x_2 is an R-vector of latent variables. Here, eta is a vector of linear predictors, e.g., the mth element is eta_m = log(E[Y_m]) for the mth Poisson response.  The matrices B_1, A and C are estimated from the data, i.e., contain the regression coefficients.  For ecologists, the central formula represents a constrained linear ordination (CLO) since it is linear in the latent variables. It means that the response is a monotonically increasing or decreasing function of the latent variables.
x1是一个向量(通常只有1对截距),x2是另一种的解释变量向量,并nu = C^T x_2R的潜变量的向量。在这里,eta是一个向量的线性预测,例如,m个元素是eta_m = log(E[Y_m])的m次泊松响应。矩阵B_1,A和C估计的数据,即包含的回归系数。生态学家,中央的公式表示的约束(CLO),因为它是线性的潜变量的线性协调。这意味着响应是一个单调递增或递减函数的潜变量。

For identifiability it is common to enforce corner constraints on A: by default, the top R by R submatrix is fixed to be the order-R identity matrix and the remainder of A is estimated.

The underlying algorithm of RR-VGLMs is iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) with an optimizing algorithm applied within each IRLS iteration (e.g., alternating algorithm).

In theory, any VGAM family function that works for vglm and vgam should work for rrvglm too. The function that actually does the work is rrvglm.fit; it is vglm.fit with some extra code.


An object of class "rrvglm", which has the the same slots as a "vglm" object. The only difference is that the some of the constraint matrices are estimates rather than known. But VGAM stores the models the same internally. The slots of "vglm" objects are described in vglm-class.
对象的类"rrvglm",作为一个"vglm"对象有相同的插槽。唯一的区别是,一些约束矩阵的估计,而不是已知的。但是VGAM存储模型相同的内部。 "vglm"对象的插槽中描述vglm-class。


The arguments of rrvglm are in general the same as those of vglm but with some extras in rrvglm.control.

The smart prediction (smartpred) library is packed with the VGAM library.

In an example below, a rank-1 stereotype model of Anderson (1984) is fitted to some car data. The reduced-rank regression is performed, adjusting for two covariates. Setting a trivial constraint matrix for the latent variable variables in x2 avoids a warning message when it is overwritten by a (common) estimated constraint matrix.  It shows that German cars tend to be more expensive than American cars, given a car of fixed weight and width.

If fit <- rrvglm(..., data = mydata) then summary(fit) requires corner constraints and no missing values in mydata.  Often the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the parameters is not positive-definite; if this occurs, try refitting the model with a different value for Index.corner.
如果fit <- rrvglm(..., data = mydata)然后summary(fit)需要在mydata角的限制和没有缺失值。通常情况下,估计方差 - 协方差矩阵的参数是不是正定的,如果发生这种情况,请尝试重新安装不同的值Index.corner模型。

For constrained quadratic ordination (CQO) see cqo for more details about QRR-VGLMs.

With multivariate binary responses, one must use binomialff(mv = TRUE) to indicate that the response (matrix) is multivariate. Otherwise, it is interpreted as a single binary response variable.
随着多元二进制反应的,必须使用binomialff(mv = TRUE)表明响应(矩阵)是多元的。否则,它被解释为一个单一的二进制响应变量。


Thomas W. Yee


Reduced-rank vector generalized linear models. Statistical Modelling, 3, 15&ndash;41.
A new technique for maximum-likelihood canonical Gaussian ordination. Ecological Monographs, 74, 685&ndash;701.
Regression and ordered categorical variables. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Methodological, 46, 1&ndash;30.
Two-parameter reduced-rank vector generalized linear models. In preparation.
http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee contains further information and examples.

参见----------See Also----------

rrvglm.control,  lvplot.rrvglm (same as biplot.rrvglm),  rrvglm-class, grc, cqo, vglmff-class, vglm, vglm-class, smartpred, rrvglm.fit. Special family functions include negbinomial zipoisson and zinegbinomial. (see Yee (2012) and COZIGAM). Methods functions include Coef.rrvglm, summary.rrvglm, etc. Data include crashi.
rrvglm.control,lvplot.rrvglm(biplot.rrvglm相同),rrvglm-class,grc,cqo,vglmff-class,vglm ,vglm-class,smartpred,rrvglm.fit。特殊的家庭功能包括negbinomialzipoisson和zinegbinomial。 (见议(2012年)和COZIGAM)。方法的功能包括Coef.rrvglm,summary.rrvglm,等数据包括crashi。


# Example 1: RR negative binomial (RR-NB) with Var(Y) = mu + delta1 * mu^delta2[例1:RR(RR-NB负二项分布)VAR(Y)= MU + DELTA1 *亩^ DELTA2中]
nn &lt;- 1000       # Number of observations[若干意见]
delta1 &lt;- 3.0    # Specify this[指定此]
delta2 &lt;- 1.5    # Specify this; should be greater than unity[指定这应该是大于1]
a21 <- 2 - delta2
mydata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn), x3 = runif(nn))
mydata <- transform(mydata, mu = exp(2 + 3 * x2 + 0 * x3))
mydata <- transform(mydata, y2 = rnbinom(nn, mu=mu, size=(1/delta1)*mu^a21))
## Not run: [#不运行:]
plot(y2 ~ x2, data = mydata, pch = "+", col = 'blue', las = 1,
     main = paste("Var(Y) = mu + ", delta1, " * mu^", delta2, sep = ""))
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]
rrnb2 <- rrvglm(y2 ~ x2 + x3, negbinomial(zero = NULL), mydata, trace = TRUE)

a21.hat <- (Coef(rrnb2)@A)["log(size)", 1]
beta11.hat <- Coef(rrnb2)@B1["(Intercept)", "log(mu)"]
beta21.hat <- Coef(rrnb2)@B1["(Intercept)", "log(size)"]
(delta1.hat <- exp(a21.hat * beta11.hat - beta21.hat))
(delta2.hat <- 2 - a21.hat)
# exp(a21.hat * predict(rrnb2)[1,1] - predict(rrnb2)[1,2]) # delta1.hat[EXP(a21.hat预测(rrnb2)的[1,1]  - 预测(rrnb2)[1,2])#delta1.hat]

# Obtain a 95 percent confidence interval for delta2:[获得了95%的置信区间DELTA2:]
se.a21.hat <- sqrt(vcov(rrnb2)["I(lv.mat)", "I(lv.mat)"])
ci.a21 <- a21.hat +  c(-1, 1) * 1.96 * se.a21.hat
(ci.delta2 &lt;- 2 - rev(ci.a21))  # The 95 percent confidence interval[95%的置信区间]

confint_rrnb(rrnb2)  # Quick way to get it[快速的方式得到它]

# Plot the abundances and fitted values against the latent variable[绘制的丰度和对潜变量的拟合值]
## Not run: [#不运行:]
plot(y2 ~ lv(rrnb2), data = mydata, col = "blue",
          xlab = "Latent variable", las = 1)
ooo <- order(lv(rrnb2))
lines(fitted(rrnb2)[ooo] ~ lv(rrnb2)[ooo], col = "red")
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]

# Example 2: stereotype model (reduced-rank multinomial logit model)[例2:定型模型(降秩多项Logit模型)]
index = with(car.all, Country == "Germany" | Country == "USA" |
                      Country == "Japan"   | Country == "Korea")
scar = car.all[index, ]  # standardized car data[标准化的汽车数据]
fcols = c(13,14,18:20,22:26,29:31,33,34,36)  # These are factors[这些因素]
scar[,-fcols] = scale(scar[, -fcols]) # Standardize all numerical vars[所有的数值瓦尔标准化]
ones = matrix(1, 3, 1)
clist = list("(Intercept)" = diag(3), Width = ones, Weight = ones,
             Disp. = diag(3), Tank = diag(3), Price = diag(3),
             Frt.Leg.Room = diag(3))
fit = rrvglm(Country ~ Width + Weight + Disp. + Tank + Price + Frt.Leg.Room,
             multinomial, data =  scar, Rank = 2, trace = TRUE,
             constraints = clist, Norrr = ~ 1 + Width + Weight,
             Uncor = TRUE, Corner = FALSE, Bestof = 2)
fit@misc$deviance  # A history of the fits[一个历史的拟合]
## Not run:  biplot(fit, chull = TRUE, scores = TRUE, clty = 2, Ccex = 2,[#不运行:双标图(适合chull = TRUE,分数= TRUE,clty = 2,Ccex = 2,]
       ccol = "blue", scol = "red", Ccol = "darkgreen", Clwd = 2,
       main = "1=Germany, 2=Japan, 3=Korea, 4=USA")
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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