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R语言 vegan包 ordisurf()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-10-1 15:10:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         Fit and Plot Smooth Surfaces of Variables on Ordination.

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Function ordisurf fits a smooth surface for given variable and plots the result on ordination diagram.


## Default S3 method:[默认方法]
ordisurf(x, y, choices=c(1, 2), knots=10, family="gaussian", col="red",
     thinplate = TRUE, add = FALSE, display = "sites",
     w = weights(x), main, nlevels = 10, levels, labcex = 0.6,
     bubble = FALSE, cex = 1, select = FALSE, method = "GCV.Cp",
     gamma = 1, plot = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula'[类formula的方法]
ordisurf(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ordisurf'
calibrate(object, newdata, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ordisurf'
plot(x, what = c("contour","persp","gam"),
     add = FALSE, bubble = FALSE, col = "red", cex = 1,
     nlevels = 10, levels, labcex = 0.6, ...)


For ordisurf an ordination configuration, either a matrix or a result known by scores. For plot.ordisurf and object of class "ordisurf" as returned by ordisurf.
对于ordisurf的协调配置,无论是的矩阵或因知道scores。 plot.ordisurf和类的对象"ordisurf"返回的ordisurf。

Variable to be plotted.  

Ordination axes.  

Number of initial knots in gam (one more than degrees of freedom). If knots = 0 or knots = 1  the function will fit a linear trend surface, and if knots = 2 the function  will fit a quadratic trend surface instead of a smooth surface.   
在gam(比自由度)的初步结。如果knots = 0或knots = 1函数将适合的线性趋势表面,并如果knots = 2函数将适合二次趋势面,而不是一个光滑的表面。

Error distribution in  gam.  

Colour of contours.  

Use thinplate splines in gam.

Add contours on an existing diagram or draw a new plot.  

Type of scores known by scores: typically "sites" for ordinary site scores or "lc" for linear combination scores.

Prior weights on the data. Concerns mainly cca and decorana results which have nonconstant weights.

The main title for the plot, or as default the name of plotted variable in a new plot.

参数:nlevels, levels
Either a vector of levels for which contours are drawn, or suggested number of contours in nlevels if levels are not supplied.

Label size in contours.  Setting this zero will suppress labels.

Use “bubble plot” for points, or vary the point diameter by the value of the plotted variable. If bubble is numeric, its value is used for the maximum symbol size (as in cex), or if bubble = TRUE, the value of cex gives the maximum. The minimum size will always be cex = 0.4.  The option only has an effect if add = FALSE.
使用“气泡图”的点或不同点直径的值绘制变量。如果bubble是数字,使用它的值的最大符号的大小(如cex),或者如果bubble = TRUE,cex给出了最大。最小尺寸将永远是cex = 0.4。该选项只有一个效果,如果add = FALSE。

Character expansion of plotting symbols.

Logical; specify gam argument "select". If this is TRUE then gam can add an extra  penalty to each term so that it can be penalized to zero. This means that the smoothing parameter estimation that is part of fitting can completely remove terms from the model. If the corresponding smoothing parameter is estimated as zero then the extra penalty has no effect.

character; the smoothing parameter estimation method. Options allowed are: "GCV.Cp" uses GCV for models with unknown scale parameter and Mallows' Cp/UBRE/AIC for models with known scale; "GACV.Cp" as for "GCV.Cp" but uses GACV (Generalised Approximate CV) instead of GCV; "REML" and "ML" use restricted maximum likelihood or maximum likelihood estimation for both known and unknown scale; and "P-REML" and "P-ML" use REML or ML estimation but use a Pearson estimate of the scale.
字符的平滑参数估计方法。选项允许的:"GCV.Cp"使用GCV模型与未知的尺度参数和锦葵“的CP / UBRE号/ AIC的模型与已知的规模;"GACV.Cp"为"GCV.Cp",但使用GACV(广义近似CV ),而不是GCV,“"REML"和"ML"使用受限制的已知和未知的规模最大似然或最大似然估计; "P-REML"和"P-ML"使用REML或者ML估计,但使用一个Pearson估计的规模。

Multiplier to inflate model degrees of freedom in GCV or UBRE/AIC score by. This effectively places an extra penalty on complex models. An oft used value if gamma = 1.4.
乘数,充气模型自由度在的GCV和UBRE / AIC得分。复杂的模型,这将有效地把一个额外的处罚。一个经常使用的值,如果gamma = 1.4。

logical; should any plotting be done by ordisurf? Useful if all you want is the fitted response surface model.

参数:formula, data
Alternative definition of the fitted model as x ~ y, or left-hand side is the ordination x and right-hand side the single fitted continuous variable y. The variable y must be in the working environment or in the data frame or environment given by data. All other arguments of are passed to the default method.
另一种定义是协调x ~ y和右手侧装单连续变量xy,或左边的拟合模型。变量y必须在工作环境中或在数据框或环境的data。所有其他的参数被传递到默认的方法。

An ordisurf result object.

Coordinates in two-dimensional ordination for new points.

character; what type of plot to produce. "contour" produces a contour plot of the response surface, see contour for details. "persp" produces a perspective plot of the same, see persp for details. "gam" plots the fitted GAM model, an object that inherits from class "gam" returned by ordisurf, see plot.gam.  
性格;什么类型的图。 "contour"产生响应面的等高线图,看到contour的详细信息。 "persp"产生相同的透视图,请参阅persp的详细信息。 "gam"GAM模型的拟合图,从类继承的对象"gam"返回ordisurf,看到plot.gam。

Other parameters passed to gam, or to the graphical functions. See Note below for exceptions.



Function ordisurf fits a smooth surface using thinplate splines (Wood 2003) in gam, and uses predict.gam to find fitted values in a regular grid. The smooth surface can be fitted with an extra penalty that allows the entire smoother to be penalized back to 0 degrees of freedom, effectively removing the term from the model (see Marra & Wood, 2011). The addition of this extra penalty is invoked by setting argument select to TRUE. The function plots the fitted contours with convex hull of data points either over an existing ordination diagram or draws a new plot. If select ==   TRUE and the smooth is effectively penalised out of the model, no contours will be plotted.
函数ordisurf适合光滑的表面使用thinplate样条曲线(木)gam,并使用predict.gam规则的网格拟合值。光滑的表面可以配备一个额外的惩罚,使整个平滑,被处罚的自由返回到0度,有效地消除了术语从模型(见马拉律师事务所,2011)。除了这些额外的处罚调用通过设置参数selectTRUE。函数曲线的拟合等高线的数据点的凸包在现有的排序图,或者绘制新的图形。如果select ==   TRUE和顺利有效地处罚的模型,没有将绘制轮廓。

gam determines the degree of smoothness for the fitted response surface during model fitting. Argument method controls how gam performs this smoothness selection. See gam for details of the available options. Using "REML" or "ML" yields p-values for smooths with the best coverage properties if such things matter to you.

The function uses scores to extract ordination scores, and x can be any result object known by that function.

User can supply a vector of prior weights w. If the ordination object has weights, these will be used. In practise this means that the row totals are used as weights with cca or decorana results. If you do not like this, but want to give equal weights to all sites, you should set w = NULL. The behaviour is consistent with envfit. For complete accordance with constrained cca, you should set display = "lc" (and possibly scaling = 2).
用户可以提供前的权重向量的w。如果协调对象的权重,这些将被使用。在实践中,这意味着该行总计cca或decorana结果作为权重。如果你不喜欢这个,但要给予相同的权重,所有的网站,你应该设置w = NULL。与envfit的行为是一致的。完全按照具有约束cca,你应该设置display = "lc"(也可能是scaling = 2)。

Function calibrate returns the fitted values of the response variable. The newdata must be coordinates of points for which the fitted values are desired. The function is based on predict.gam and will pass extra arguments to that function.
功能calibrate返回的响应变量的拟合值。 newdata必须是所需的拟合值的点的坐标。该功能是基于predict.gam和额外的参数传递给该函数。


Function is usually called for its side effect of drawing the contour plot. The function returns the result object of class "ordisurf" that inherits from gam used internally to fit the surface, but adds an item grid that contains the data for the grid surface. The item grid has elements x and y which are vectors of axis coordinates, and element z that is a matrix of fitted values for contour. The values outside the convex hull of observed points are NA in z. The gam component of the result can be used for further analysis like predicting new values (see predict.gam).
通常被称为它的副作用绘制等高线图的功能。函数返回的结果对象的类"ordisurf",继承自gam内部使用,以适应面的,但增加了一个项目,grid,它包含的数据网格表面。项目grid的元素x和y,轴坐标向量,和元素z这是一个矩阵的拟合值contour。外观测点的凸包的值是的NAz。 gam组件可以用于进一步的分析的结果的类似预测新的值(见predict.gam)。


The default is to use thinplate splines.  These make sense in ordination as they have equal smoothing in all directions and are rotation invariant.

Graphical arguments supplied to plot.ordisurf are passed on to the underlying plotting functions, contour, persp, and plot.gam. The exception to this is that arguments col and cex can not currently be passed to plot.gam because of a bug in the way that function evaluates arguments when arranging the plot.

A work-around is to call plot.gam directly on the result of a call to ordisurf. See the Examples for an illustration of this.  


Dave Roberts, Jari Oksanen and Gavin L. Simpson


generalized additive models. Comput. Stat. Data Analysis 55, 2372–2387.
J. R. Statist. Soc. B 65, 95–114.

参见----------See Also----------

For basic routines gam, and scores. Function  envfit provides a more traditional and compact


vare.dist <- vegdist(varespec)
vare.mds <- monoMDS(vare.dist)
with(varechem, ordisurf(vare.mds, Baresoil, bubble = 5))

## as above but with extra penalties on smooth terms:[#同上,但在光滑的额外处罚:]
with(varechem, ordisurf(vare.mds, Baresoil, bubble = 5, col = "blue",
                        add = TRUE, select = TRUE))

## Cover of Cladina arbuscula[#覆盖Cladina arbuscula上]
fit <- with(varespec, ordisurf(vare.mds, Cla.arb, family=quasipoisson))
## Get fitted values[#拟合值]

## Plot method[#绘制方法]
plot(fit, what = "contour")

## Plotting the "gam" object[#绘制的“自由亚齐运动”的对象]
plot(fit, what = "gam") ## 'col' and 'cex' not passed on[#关口和CEX“没有通过]
## or via plot.gam directly[#,或通过plot.gam直接]
plot.gam(fit, cex = 2, pch = 1, col = "blue")
## 'col' effects all objects drawn...[#col的效果绘制的对象...]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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