Per-plate data transformation, normalization and variance adjustment
译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR
Plate-by-plate normalization of the raw data stored in slot assayData of a cellHTS object. Normalization is performed separately for each plate, replicate and channel. Log2 data transformation can be performed and variance adjustment can be performed in different ways (none, per-plate, per-batch or per-experiment).
板的板槽assayDatacellHTS对象中存储的原始数据的标准化。分别为每块板,复制和渠道进行标准化。 Log2进行数据转换和方差可以以不同的方式进行调整(无,每板,每批次或每实验)。
normalizePlates(object, scale="additive", log=FALSE, method="median", varianceAdjust="none", posControls, negControls,...)
a cellHTS object that has already been configured. See details.
a character specifying the scale that the input data are considered to be on: "additive" scale (default) or "multiplicative". The interpretation of this terminology is that data on an additive scale will be normalised by subtraction of a correction offset, whereas data on a multiplicative scale are normalised by division through a correction factor.
logical. If TRUE, data will first be log2 transformed. If data are on an additive scale (i.e. if scale is "additive"), then log is only allowed to be FALSE. The default is log=FALSE.
character specifying the normalization method to use for the per-plate normalization. Allowed values are "median" (the default), "mean", "shorth", "POC", "NPI", "negatives", Bscore and "locfit". See details.
字符指定的规范化方法,使用的每板标准化。允许的值是"median"(默认),"mean","shorth","POC","NPI","negatives",Bscore和 "locfit"。查看详情。
character specifying the variance adjustment to perform. Allowed values are "none" (the default), code"byPlate", "byBatch" and "byExperiment". See details.
a vector of regular expressions giving the name of the positive control(s). See details.
a vector of regular expressions giving the name of the negative control(s). See details.
Further arguments that get passed on to the function implementing the normalization method chosen by method. Currently, this is only used for Bscore and locfit.
The function normalizePlates uses the content of the assayData slot of object. For dual-channel data, a recommended workflow is (i) to correct for plate effects using the normalizePlates function, (ii) combine the two channels using the function summarizeChannels, and (iii) finally, if necessary, normalize the summarized intensities calling normalizePlates again.
In this function, the normalization is performed in a plate-by-plate fashion, following this workflow:
Log transformation of the data (optional)
Per-plate normalization
Variance adjustment of the plate intensity corrected data (optional)
The argument scale defines the scale of the data. If the data are on a multiplicative scale (scale="multiplicative"), the data can be log2 transformed by setting log=TRUE. This then changes the scale of the data to code"additive".
In the next step of preprocessing, intensities are corrected in a plate-by-plate basis using the chosen normalization method:
If method="median", plates effects are corrected by the median value across wells that are annotated as sample in wellAnno(object), for each plate and replicate.
If method="mean", the average in the sample wells is used instead.
If method="shorth", the midpoint of the shorth of the distribution of values in the wells annotated as sample is used.
If method="negatives", the median of the negative controls is used.
Depending on the scale of the data prior to normalization, the data are divided by the above defined correction factors (scale: "multiplicative"), or the value is subtracted (scale: "additive").
Further available normalization methods are:
method="POC" (percent of control): for each plate and replicate, each measurement is divided by the average of the measurements on the plate positive controls, and multiplied by 100.
method="NPI" (normalized percent inhibition): each measurement is subtracted from the average of the intensities on the plate positive controls, and this result is divided by the difference between the means of the measurements on the positive and the negative controls.
method="Bscore": for each plate and replicate, the B-score method, which is based on a 2-way median polish, is applied to remove row and column biases.
method="Bscore":B-score method,这是一个2路的中位数为波兰的基础上,为每个板块和复制,删除行和列的偏见。
method="locfit" (robust local fit regression): for each plate and replicate, spatial effects are removed by fitting a bivariate local polynomial regression (see spatialNormalization).
In the final preprocessing step, variance of plate-corrected intensities can be adjusted as follows:
varianceAdjust="byPlate": per plate normalized intensities are divided by the per-plate median absolute deviations (MAD) in "sample" wells. This is done separately for each replicate and channel;
varianceAdjust="byBatch": using the content of slot batch, plates are split according to assay batches and the individual normalized intensities in each group of plates (batch) are divided by the per-batch of plates MAD values (calculated based on "sample" wells). This is done separately for each replicate and channel;
varianceAdjust="byExperiment": each normalized measurement is divided by the overall MAD of normalized values in wells containing "sample". This is done separately for each replicate and channel;
By default, no variance adjustment is performed (varianceAdjust="none").
The arguments posControls and negControls are required for applying the normalization methods based on the control measurements that is, when method="POC", or method="NPI", or method="negatives"). posControls and negControls should be vectors of regular expression patterns specifying the name of the positive(s) and negative(s) controls, respectivey, as provided in the plate configuration file (and accessed via wellAnno(object)). The length of these vectors should be equal to the current number of channels in object (i.e. to the dim(Data(object))[3]). By default, if posControls is not given, pos will be taken as the name for the wells containing positive controls. Similarly, if negControls is missing, by default neg will be considered as the name used to annotate the negative controls. The content of posControls and negControls will be passed to regexpr for pattern matching within the well annotation given in the featureData slot of object (which can be accessed via wellAnno(object)) (see examples for summarizeChannels). The arguments posControls and negControls are particularly useful in multi-channel data since the controls might be reporter-specific, or after normalizing multi-channel data.
的论点posControls和negControls申请的标准化是控制测量方法的要求,当method="POC"或method="NPI"或method="negatives")。 posControls和negControls应该是正则表达式模式(S)(S)的积极和消极的控制,respectivey板配置文件的规定,(并通过访问指定名称的向量<X >)。这些向量的长度应该等于目前有多少渠道在wellAnno(object)(即到object)。默认情况下,如果dim(Data(object))[3]没有给出,POS将视为包含阳性对照井的名称。同样,如果posControls缺少,默认情况下,NEG将被视为阴性对照用来注释的名称。 negControls和posControls将通过内的featureData插槽,以及注释的模式匹配negControlsregexpr(可通过<X的内容>)(object)看到的例子。论据wellAnno(object)和summarizeChannels是特别有用的,因为在多通道数据的控制可能是特定的记者,或标准化后多通道数据。
See the Examples section for an example on how this function can be used to apply a robust version of the Z score method, whereby, for each plate and replicate, the per-plate median (computed only from sample wells) is subtracted from the measurements, and the result is divided by the per-plate MAD (only from sample wells).
An object of class cellHTS with the normalized data stored in slot assayData (its previous contents were overridden). The processing status of the object is updated in the slot state to object@state[["normalized"]]=TRUE.
Additional slots of object may be updated if method="Bscore" or method="locfit" are used. Please refer to the help page of the Bscore function and spatialNormalization functions.
object额外插槽如果method="Bscore"或method="locfit"用于可更新。 Bscore函数和spatialNormalization功能,请参阅帮助页面。
Ligia Bras <a href=""></a>, Wolfgang Huber <a href=""></a>
参见----------See Also----------
Bscore, spatialNormalization, summarizeChannels
# per-plate median scaling of intensities[每板中位数扩大的强度]
x1 <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, scale="multiplicative", log=FALSE, method="median", varianceAdjust="none")
# per-plate median subtraction of log2 transformed intensities [每板中位数减法log2转化强度]
x2 <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, scale="multiplicative", log=TRUE, method="median", varianceAdjust="none")
## Not run: [#无法运行:]
x3 <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, scale="multiplicative", log=TRUE, method="Bscore", varianceAdjust="none", save.model=TRUE)
## End(Not run)[#结束(不运行)]
## robust Z score method (plate intensities are subtracted by the per-plate median on sample wells and divided by the per-plate MAD on sample wells):[#强大的Z评分法(减去钢板强度由每板样品孔位数除以样本井每板MAD):]
xZ <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, scale="additive", log=FALSE, method="median", varianceAdjust="byPlate")
## an example to illustrate the use of slot 'batch':[#使用槽“批处理”的一个例子来说明:]
## Not run: [#无法运行:]
try(xnorm <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, scale="multiplicative", method="median", varianceAdjust="byBatch"))
# It doesn't work because we need to have slot 'batch'![它不工作,因为我们需要有槽“批处理”!]
# For example, we will suppose that a different lot of reagents was used for plate 1:[例如,我们会想很多不同的试剂板1:]
pp <- plate(KcViabSmall)
fData(KcViabSmall)$"reagent" <- "lot B"
fData(KcViabSmall)$"reagent"[pp==1] <- "lot A"
fvarMetadata(KcViabSmall)["reagent",] <- "Lot of reagent used"
bb <- as.factor(fData(KcViabSmall)$"reagent")
batch(KcViabSmall) <- array(as.integer(bb), dim=dim(Data(KcViabSmall)))
## check number of batches:[#检查批数量:]
x1 <- normalizePlates(KcViabSmall, scale="multiplicative", log = FALSE, method="median", varianceAdjust="byBatch")
## End(Not run)[#结束(不运行)]
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