This data set is an example of the output obtained from the bayespeak() function, in particular as an example of job parameters. The ChIP-seq experiment in question investigates ER binding in cells from the MCF7 cell line.
这组数据是作为工作参数的例子,尤其是获得从bayespeak()函数输出的一个例子。 SEQ芯片实验中的问题探讨雌激素受体在MCF7单元株单元具有约束力。
To keep the size of BayesPeak down, raw.output$peaks has been truncated - only the peaks on chromosome 16 are given. raw.output$QC has not been truncated in any way.
为了保持BayesPeak下来的大小,raw.output元峰已被截断 - 只给出了16号染色体上的山峰。 raw.output $ QC没有以任何方式被截断。
A list of 3 objects. See bayespeak for more details.