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R语言 scaRabee包 scarabee.gridsearch()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-29 22:47:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         Direct Grid Search Utility

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


scarabee.gridsearch is a secondary function called during direct grid search runs. It creates a matrix made of unique vectors of parameter  estimates set around the vector of initial estimates and evaluates the  objective function (i.e. minus twice the log of the exact likelihood of the  observed data, given the structural model, the model of residual variability,  and the vector of parameter estimates) at each of those vectors at the  population level. The grid of objective function values is then sorted and the  best vector is used to simulate the model at the population level.  scarabee.gridsearch is typically not called directly by users.
scarabee.gridsearch是一个过程中调用直接电网运行搜索的辅助功能。独特的向量参数估计的初步估计周围的向量,它创建了一个矩阵,并计算目标函数(即减去两倍的log准确的观测数据的可能性,给定的结构模型,该模型的残余变异,在这些向量在群体水平上的向量参数估计值)。目标函数值的网格,然后,排序和最好的向量是用来模拟模型在人口一级。 scarabee.gridsearch通常不直接调用用户。


  scarabee.gridsearch(problem = NULL,
                      npts = NULL,
                      alpha = NULL,
                      files = NULL)


A list containing the following levels:   

dataA list which content depends on the scope of the analysis. If  the analysis was run at the level of the subject, data contains as  many levels as the number of subjects in the dataset, plus the ids level containing the vector of identification numbers of all subjects  included in the analysis population. If the analysis was run at the level  of the population, data contains only one level of data and  ids is set to 1.  Each subject-specific level contains as many levels as there are treatment levels for this subject, plus the trts level listing all treatments for this subject, and the id level giving the identification number of the subject.   Each treatment-specific levels is a list containing the following levels:      

cov mij x 3 data.frame containing the times of observations of the dependent variables (extracted from the TIME variable), the indicators of the type of dependent variables (extracted from the CMT variable), and the actual dependent variable observations (extracted from the  DV variable) for this particular treatment and this particular  subject.  

covmij x c data.frame containing the times of observations of  the dependent variables (extracted from the TIME variable) and all the covariates identified for this particular treatment and this  particular subject.   
covmij XC数据框包含因变量(从时间变量中提取)和这个特殊的治疗和这个特定的主题确定为所有的协变量的观测时间。

bolusbij x 4 data.frame providing the instantaneous inputs for a treatment and individual.  

infusionfij x (4+c) data.frame providing the zero-order inputs for a treatment and individual.  
infusionfij×(4 + c的)数据框提供零阶的输入处理和个人。

trtthe particular treatment identifier.      

methodA character string, indicating the scale of the analysis. Should be 'population' or 'subject'.  

initA data.frame of parameter data with the following columns: 'names', 'type', 'value', 'isfix', 'lb', and 'ub'.  

debugmodeLogical indicator of debugging mode.  

modfunModel function.     

An integer greater than 2, defining the number of points that the  grid should contain per dimension (i.e variable model parameter).  

A vector of numbers greater than 1, which give the factor(s) used to calculate the evaluation range of each dimension of the search grid (see  Details). If alpha length is lower than the number of variable  parameters, elements of alpha are recycled. If its length is higher  than number of variable parameters, alpha is truncated.  

A list of input used for the analysis. The following elements are expected and none of them could be null:     

dataA .csv file located in the working directory, which contains the dosing information, the observations of the dependent variable(s) to be modeled, and possibly covariate information. The expected format  of this file is described in details in vignette('scaRabee', package='scaRabee').  
DATAA。csv文件的工作目录,其中包含的剂量信息,(因变量)的意见进行建模,以及可能的协变量的信息。该文件格式的细节vignette('scaRabee', package='scaRabee')。

paramA .csv file located in the working directory, which contains the initial guess(es) for the model parameter(s) to be optimized or used for model simulation. The expected format of this file is described in details in vignette('scaRabee',package='scaRabee').  

modelA text file located in the working directory, which defines  the model. Models specified with explicit, ordinary or delay  differential equations are expected to respect a certain syntax and  organization detailed in vignette('scaRabee',package='scaRabee').  

iterA .csv file reporting the values of the objective function and estimates of model parameters at each iteration. (Not used for direct grid search runs).  
迭代。csv文件报告在每次迭代的目标函数和模型参数的估计值。 (不用于直接电网运行搜索的)。

reportA text file reporting the summary tables of ordered  objective function values for the various tested vectors of model  parameters.  

predA .csv file reporting the predictions and calculated residuals for each individual in the dataset. (Not used for direct grid search  runs).  
报告的预测和计算残差的每一个人在该数据集的捕食者。csv文件。 (不用于直接电网运行搜索的)。

estA .csv file reporting the final parameter estimates for each individual in the dataset. (Not used for direct grid search runs).  
ESTA。csv文件,报告的最后一个参数估计为每个数据集。 (不用于直接电网运行搜索的)。

simA .csv file reporting the simulated model predictions for each  individual in the dataset. (Not used for direct grid search runs).     
司马。csv文件报告为每个数据集模拟模型的预测结果。 (不用于直接电网运行搜索的)。



The actual creation of the grid and the evaluation of the objective function is delegated by scarabee.gridsearch to the fmin.gridsearch  function of the neldermead package.

This function evaluates the cost function - that is, in the present case, the objective function - at each point of a grid of npts^length(x0) points, where x0 is the vector of model parameters set as variable. If  alpha is NULL, the range of the evaluation points is limited by the  lower and upper bounds of each parameter of x0 provided in the  parameter file. If alpha is not NULL, the range of the evaluation  points is defined as [x0/alpha,x0*alpha].
此函数计算成本函数 - 也就是说,在本例中,目标函数 - npts^length(x0)点,在每个点的网格x0是设置为变量的模型参数的向量。如果alpha是NULL,评价点的范围是有限的由x0设置在参数文件中的每个参数的下限和上限。如果alpha是不为NULL,评价点的范围被定义为[x0/alpha,x0*alpha]。

Because fmin.gridsearch can be applied to the evaluation of constrained  systems, it also assesses the feasibility of the cost function at each point of the grid (i.e. whether or not the points satisfy the defined constraints).  In the context of scaRabee, the objective function is always feasible.


Return a data.frame with pe+2 columns. The last 2 columns report the value  and the feasibility of the objective function at each specific vector of  parameter estimates which is documented in the first pe columns. This  data.frame is ordered by feasibility and increasing value of the objective function.
返回数据框PE +2列。最后2列报告的目标函数在每一个具体的PE在第一列向量参数估计值的记录的价值和可行性。数据框的可行性和增加值的目标函数是有序的。


Sebastien Bihorel (<a href="mailto:sb.pmlab@gmail.com">sb.pmlab@gmail.com</a>)

参见----------See Also----------


转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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