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R语言 sampSurf包 sampSurf-package()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-29 22:07:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         Sampling Surface Simulation

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


The sampSurf package can be used to construct sampling surface simulations for different areal sampling methods common to forestry and ecology. These would include fixed-area plot methods, line intersect sampling, and various variable-radius plot sampling methods, the latter more commonly used in forestry. Most of these fall under the general probability proportional to size (<acronym>PPS</acronym>) umbrella and have some form of inclusion zone associated with each individual in the population. The inclusion zone has well-defined area (sometimes called the inclusion area) and may be thought of simply as that zone within which a sample point could fall and select the associated individual. The sample point can be the center of a circular fixed-area plot, an actual point as in horizontal point sampling, or say, the midpoint of a line in line intersect sampling.
sampSurf包可以用来模拟不同面积的抽样方法,常见的林业和生态建设采样表面。这将包括的固定区域图方法,线相交采样,以及各种可变半径曲线抽样方法,后者更常用的林业。这些秋天的一般概率比例尺寸(<acronym> PPS </首字母缩写)伞,有某种形式的与每一个人在人群中列入区。列入区已定义区域(有时称为“包含区域),并且可以简单地认为是一个采样点内,该区域可能会下降,并选择相关联的个人。采样点的中心,或者说,一个圆形的固定面积的图,实际在水平点采样点的中点,线线相交采样。

In general we are interested in determining the properties of various sampling methods mentioned above when applied to fixed objects such as standing trees or down logs. The sampSurf package will allow generation of log or tree populations within a fixed tract area. The surface generated from the intersection of inclusion zones applied to the individuals in the population for a given attribute (e.g., cubic volume, number of individuals, etc.) are represented by the "sampSurf" class and can be displayed graphically. Estimator variance is directly associated with the sampling surface roughness, and so methods can also be compared visually.
一般我们感兴趣的是上面提到的各种抽样方法确定时,适用于固定的物体,如立木或倒木。 sampSurf包将允许生成的log或乔木种群在一个固定的道。产生的表面从对于一个给定的属性(例如,立方体体积,个人,数量等)施加到在人群中的个人的包容区的交点表示的“sampSurf”类,并且可以是以图形方式显示出来。估计的方差是直接相关的与采样表面粗糙度,这样的方法也可以肉眼比较。

sampSurf has support for several methods/protocols for sampling down logs; e.g.,...

Fixed area plots, which includes the so-called "stand-up," "sausage," and "chainsaw" protocols.

Point relascope sampling (PRS).

Perpendicular distance sampling (PDS) in several forms: Canonical PDS, omnibus PDS, canonical distance limited PDS (DLPDS), omnibus DLPDS, and hybrid DLPDS. Each of these PDS variants can be used with any one of three selection attributes: volume, coverage or surface areas.

Distance limited sampling in two forms: Simple (DLS), and Monte Carlo (DLMCS).       

Support for standing trees includes the following methods...

Circular fixed area plots.

Horizontal point sampling.

The class structure is designed to support additions with relative ease, so more methods will appear in future releases (hopefully with some contributed by users).



The package is written in S4 and has a number of classes and constructors, as well as some helper functions. In general, the capabilities include the following...

Generate synthetic populations of logs or standing trees as &ldquo;Stem&rdquo; objects. Note that data from field measurements can also be used if available.

Construct inclusion zones around each individual in the population and assign attributes to the zone for volume, etc.

Generate &ldquo;Tract&rdquo; objects of given dimension (x,y) and resolution (grid cell size) to hold the objects. The grid cell resolution is related directly to sampling intensity: each grid cell center can be thought of as a sample point for the method under consideration.

Combine the above into a sampling surface and calculate summary statistics, or display visually.

Simulate multiple realizations of the same method with differing populations of objects to get more general results over many &ldquo;plots&rdquo; (i.e., &ldquo;Tract&rdquo; objects). (This is not implemented yet.)
模拟多个实现相同的方法,不同的人群得到更普遍的结果,许多“自留地”(即“道”的对象)的对象。 (这还没有实现)。

Please note that there are several vignettes included within the package that explain in detail the classes and methods listed below using many examples. Please refer to the &ldquo;Overview&rdquo; vignette to get started. Then perhaps refer to the other vignettes in the order presented in the overview for detailed examples and descriptions. To find the vignettes on your help system, go to the index for the sampSurf package (see the link at the bottom of this page). The help files linked to below explain the various classes and methods in more detail, including slot and argument definitions.

的类,适用在<span class="pkg"> sampSurf </ SPAN> ...----------Classes For Use In <span class="pkg">sampSurf</span>...----------

The following S4 classes are defined within the sampSurf package to facilitate sampling surface generation. Note that it is not necessary to work with the class structures directly if all you want to do is generate a sampling surface for a population of synthetic logs or trees. However, some familiarization with the basic class structure is helpful in order to understand how the pieces fit together into a final sampling surface. Again, the vignettes are a source of much information.

Objects of the non-virtual classes below can be created using constructor functions of the same name, see the Object Constructors section for details.

Virtual base class for the following

A class for down logs

A class for standing trees

Container classes hold collections of individual &ldquo;Stem&rdquo; subclass objects of the corresponding name...

Virtual base class for the following

Container class for a population  of down log objects

Container class for a population of standing tree objects

Land area holding the population of individuals

A "Tract" subclass with a buffer

The above classes are derived from the Raster class in the raster package. They conform to a rectangular area of ground such as a plot or any tract of land, tessellated into grid cells.

These classes define the different sampling methods available and provide the method-based information for the subsequent construction of inclusion zones...

A class structure for describing areal sampling methods

A subclass of "ArealSampling" for circular plot construction

A subclass of "ArealSampling" for point relascope sampling

A subclass of "ArealSampling" for distance limited sampling

The following are container classes that hold collections of objects of the corresponding type for inclusion zones generated based on down logs or standing trees and the desired sampling methods. Each holds a collection of objects that are a subclass of &ldquo;downLogIZ&rdquo; or &ldquo;standingTreeIZ&rdquo;, respectively.

Virtual base class for the following

Holds inclusion zone objects associated with down logs

Holds inclusion zone objects associated with standing trees

Again, many of these classes will only be of interest to someone wanting to do special simulations or for someone who wants to add extensions&ndash;for example, new sampling methods.

对象的构造函数----------Object Constructors----------

For each of the classes defined in the table above, we must be able to create objects that can be used in R. This is done using class-specific "constructor" methods that take the drudgery away from creating what can often be somewhat complicated (with all the graphical components) new object instances. There may be more than one constructor for a given class of object, and these are differentiated by the method signature; see the links provided below for more details...

Constructor for "Tract" objects

Constructs a distance limited object

总结和绘图方法----------Summary and plotting methods----------

Almost without exception, the objects created above have graphical content made possible by using classes from the sp or raster packages. Therefore, methods have been added to the plot generics to allow for graphical display of objects. In addition, summary and show methods are also available (sometimes producing the same result) for printing information within the object...

Create a histogram of object attributes

To plot one of the package objects

To succinctly print one of the package objects

To summarize one of the package objects

辅助方法----------Helper methods----------

Slots in S4 objects can be accessed directly using slot method or the @ operator. However, some "helper" functions have been provided for certain objects, along with other potentially useful routines...

Returns the area of a spatial object

强制方法----------Coercion methods----------

Object coercion is accomplished in S4 by a call to as with the appropriate object and class to which one wants to convert...

Convert "downLogIZs" or "standingTreeIZs" object to respective "StemContainer"

The resulting data frame in the first method will be compatible with those generated from calls to either &ldquo;sampleLogs&rdquo; or &ldquo;sampleTrees&rdquo;. The second takes the drudgery out of getting a log collection from, say, the izContainer slot of a sampSurf object.

其它方法----------Miscellaneous methods----------

Some methods that might be useful as stand-alone routines...

Draws grid lines and centers.

Initialize .Random.seed.

Transparancy in base graphics.

“sampSurf环境----------&lsquo;sampSurf&rsquo; environments----------

This package uses a &ldquo;hidden&rdquo; environment to keep things that are not necessary for the user out of mind. There is little reason to peak into it, except that some function argument defaults are specified directly via this environment. Thus, to enable you to figure out better what is going on, the environment is exported and its members can be accessed if desired.

“sampSurf”级工会----------&lsquo;sampSurf&rsquo; class unions----------

There are a few class unions that are documented here only for the sake of completeness. It is unlikely that the casual user would ever need to be concerned about these.


Jeffrey H. Gove


method in detail. The rest provide some examples of its use and are not exhaustive.

of variance reduction for forest surveys. Canadian Journal of Forest
an alternative method for sampling downed coarse woody debris. Canadian Journal of Forest Research
point relascope sampling for unbiased volume estimation of downed coarse
length sampling: a method to estimate the volume of downed coarse woody debris. European Journal of Forest Research

limited method for sampling downed coarse woody debris. In
Kenning, R. S. 2012. Distance limited perpendicular distance sampling for coarse woody material: Theory and field results. Forestry
M. S. 2012. A comprehensive comparison of perpendicular distance sampling methods for sampling down coarse woody

参见----------See Also----------

sp, raster

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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