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R语言 runjags包 run.jagsfile()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-28 23:44:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Read a User Specified Model in a WinBUGS Type Textfile or

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Runs a user specified JAGS (similar to WinBUGS) model in a WinBUGS type textfile or character variable from within R, returning a list of the MCMC chain(s) along with optional convergence diagnostics, autocorrelation diagnostics and monitored variable summaries.  JAGS is called using the lower level function run.jags, and read.winbugs is used to extract model and data definitions from the specified file or string.
运行一个用户指定的模型在一个WinBUGS类类型的文本文件或字符变量从在R,返回一个列表的MCMC链(),沿与可选的收敛诊断,自相关的诊断和监视的变量摘要JAGS(类似于WinBUGS类)。 JAGS被称为使用较低级别的功能run.jags,read.winbugs从指定的文件或字符串,用于提取模型和数据定义。


run.jagsfile(path=stop("No path or model string supplied"),
datalist = NA, initlist = NA, n.chains=NA, data=NA,
model=NA, inits=NA, monitor=NA, call.jags=TRUE,
autorun=FALSE, ...)


either a relative or absolute path to a textfile (including the file extension) containing a model in the JAGS language and possibly monitored variable names, data and/or initial values, or a character string of the same.  May also be a vector of paths to different text files, possibly separately containing the model, data and intitial values.  No default.  The model must be started with the string 'model{' and ended with '}' on new lines.  Data must be similarly started with 'data{', monitored variables with 'monitor{', and initial values as 'inits{', and all ended with '}'.  If multiple models are found, all but the first one are ignored with a warning. Multiple data blocks and monitor blocks are combined, multiple inits blocks are used for different chains.  The model block may also contain automatically generated data and initial values variables using '#data# variable' and '#inits# variable', and more monitored variables using '#monitor# variable'.  See read.winbugs for more information.

an optional named list containing variables used as data, or alternatively a function (with no arguments) that returns a named list.  If any variables are specified in the model block using '#data# variable', the value for the corresponding named variable is taken from datalist if present (or the result of datalist() if specified as a function which is useful for specifying randomly generated data), or the parent environment, or finally the global environment if not found anywhere else.  Ignored if '#data# variable' is not used in the model block.  Default NA.

an optional named list containing variables used as initial values, or alternatively a function (with a single argument representing the chain number) that returns a named list.  If any variables are specified in the model block using '#inits# variable', the value for the corresponding named variable is taken from initlist if present (or the result of datalist(chain.no) if specified as a function which allows both randomly generated initial values and different values for each chain), or the parent environment, or finally the global environment if not found anywhere else.  Ignored if '#inits# variable' is not used in the model block.  Note: different chains are all given the same starting values if specified as a named list or taken from any envirnoment; if different values are desired for each chain initlist should be specified as a function.  Default NA.

the number of chains to use with the simulation.  More chains will improve the sensitivity of the convergence diagnostic, but will cause the simulation to run more slowly.  If NA, the number of chains will be taken from the number of inits blocks in the model file.  If NA and no inits blocks are found, 2 chains are used with a warning.  Default NA.

OPTIONAL character vector in the R dump format (or named list) containing the data.  If supplied (!=NA), all data in the model file is ignored.  Default NA.
可选字符在R转储文件格式的矢量(或称列表)包含的数据。如果供应量(= NA),模型文件中的所有数据将被忽略。默认情况下不适用。

OPTIONAL model in JAGS syntax.  If supplied (!=NA), the model in the model file is ignored.  Default NA.
可选型号JAGS语法。如果供应量(= NA),该模型在模型文件中被忽略。默认情况下不适用。

OPTIONAL character vector(s) in the R dump format containing the initial value(s).  If supplied (!=NA), all inits in the model file are ignored.  Default NA.
在R转储文件格式的可选字符矢量(S)包含初始值(S)。如果供应量(= NA),在模型文件中的所有初始化设置将被忽略。默认情况下不适用。

OPTIONAL character vector containing the monitored variables.  If supplied (!=NA), all monitor statements in the model block are ignored.  Default NA.
可选字符向量被监视的变量。如果供应量(= NA),所有监测报表模型中的块将被忽略。默认情况下不适用。

option results in either simulation being called if TRUE, or returns a named list of the data, model, initial values, monitored variables and number of chains (which can be supplied to run.jags) if FALSE.

option to call autorun.jags rather than run.jags for the simulation, which allows automatic calculation of the necessary run length and convergence diagnostics.  If TRUE, burnin, sample and check.conv are ignored.  See also autorun.jagsfile for a wrapper for this function.  Default FALSE.
选项来调用autorun.jags,而不是run.jags的模拟,它允许必要的运行长度,并自动计算的收敛诊断。如果是TRUE,燃尽的,样品和check.conv的的将被忽略。 autorun.jagsfile此功能的包装。默认为false。

other options to be passed directly to run.jags (see run.jags) or autorun.jags (see autorun.jags).


The output of run.jags (or autorun.jags if autorun==TRUE).  See the help file run.jags or autorun.jags for more information.
的输出run.jags(或autorun.jags的自动运行== TRUE)。请参阅帮助文件run.jags或autorun.jags的详细信息。


Matthew Denwood <a href="mailto:matthew.denwood@glasgow.ac.uk">matthew.denwood@glasgow.ac.uk</a>

参见----------See Also----------






# run a model to calculate the intercept and slope of the expression [运行模型计算的截距和斜率的表达]
# y = m x + c, assuming normal observation errors for y:[为y = mx + C,假设正常观测误差为y:]

## Not run: [#不运行:]

# Model in the JAGS format[模型的JAGS格式]

# Model in the JAGS format[模型的JAGS格式]
model <- "model {
for(i in 1 : N){ #data# N[数据#N]
Y[i] ~ dnorm(true.y[i], precision); #data# Y[数据#Y]
true.y[i] &lt;- (m * X[i]) + c; #data# X[数据#X]
m ~ dunif(-1000,1000); #inits# m[初始化设置#M]
c ~ dunif(-1000,1000);
precision ~ dexp(1);
#monitor# m, c, precision[监控#M,C,精度]

# Simulate the data[模拟数据]
X <- 1:100
Y <- rnorm(length(X), 2*X + 10, 1)
N <- length(X)

initfunction <- function(chain) return(switch(chain,
        "1"=list(m=-10), "2"=list(m=10)))

results <- run.jagsfile(model, n.chains=2, initlist=initfunction)

# Analyse the results[分析结果]
## End(Not run)[#(不执行)]

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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