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R语言 rpart包 rpart.object()函数中文帮助文档(中英文对照)

发表于 2012-9-27 23:49:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                         Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees Object

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


These are objects representing fitted rpart trees.


data frame with one row for each node in the tree. The row.names of frame contain the (unique) node numbers that follow a binary ordering indexed by node depth. Elements of frame include var, a factor giving the variable used in the split at each node (leaf nodes are denoted by the string <leaf>), n, the size of each node, wt, the sum of case weights for the node, dev, the deviance of each node, yval, the fitted value of the response at each node, and splits, a two column matrix of left and right split labels for each node. All of these are the same as for an rpart object.  Extra response information is in yval2, which contains the number of events at the node (poisson), or a matrix containing the fitted class, the class counts for each node and the class probabilities (classification).  Also included in the frame are complexity, the complexity parameter at which this split will collapse, ncompete, the number of competitor splits retained, and nsurrogate, the number of surrogate splits retained.  
一排树中的每个节点的数据框。 row.namesframe包含的(唯一的),按照二进制排序,索引节点深度的节点号。 frame元素包括var,给变量,用于在分割在每个节点(叶节点表示由字符串<leaf>),n,的大小的一个因素每个节点上,wt,为节点的情况下的权重的总和,dev,每个节点的越轨,yval,在每个节点的响应的拟合值,并<X >,一个两列的矩阵,为每个节点的左和右分割标签。所有这些为splits对象是相同的。额外的响应信息是在rpart,其中包含在该节点(泊松),或一个矩阵包含拟合类,每个节点和类概率(分类)的类计数的事件的数目。还包括帧中的yval2,在这种分裂的复杂参数就会崩溃,complexity,许多竞争对手分裂保留,并ncompete,保留的替代拆分。

integer vector, the same length as the number of observations in the root node,  containing the row number of frame corresponding to the leaf node  that each observation falls into.   

a numeric matrix describing the splits.  The row label is the name of the split variable, and columns are count, the number of observations sent left or right by the split (for competitor splits this is the number that would have been sent left or right had this split been used, for surrogate splits it is the number missing the primary split variable which were decided using this surrogate), ncat, the number of categories or levels for the variable (+/-1 for a continuous variable), improve, which is the improvement in deviance given by this split, or, for surrogates, the concordance of the surrogate with the primary, and split, the numeric split point.   The last column adj gives the adjusted concordance for surrogate splits. For a factor, the split column contains the row number of the csplit matrix. For a continuous variable, the sign of ncat determines whether the subset x < cutpoint or x > cutpoint is sent to the left.  
一个数值矩阵来描述的分裂。行标签是分割变量的名称和列count,发送向左或向右的若干意见(竞争对手的分裂,这是会被送到左或右有这种分裂的分裂被使用时,用于替代拆分它是缺少的数量决定使用此替代原始分割变量),ncat,为变量的类别或级别的数目(+/-1为一个连续变量), improve,是改善分裂,代理人,代孕的主要的一致性,和split,数字分割点的偏差。最后一列adj给代孕拆分调整后的一致性。有关的一个因素,split列包含的CSPLIT矩阵的行数。对于一个连续变量,确定是否标志ncat子集x < cutpoint或x > cutpoint被发送到左侧。

this will be present only if one of the split variables is a factor. There is one row for each such split, and column i = 1 if this level of the factor goes to the left, 3 if it goes to the right, and 2 if that level is not present at this node of the tree. For an ordered categorical variable all levels are marked as R/L,  including levels that are not present.  
这将本仅当分割变量之一是一个因素。有一排为每个这样的分裂和列i = 1,如果这个水平的因素的左侧,3,如果去的权利,和2,如果这个水平是不存在的,在这个节点树。对于一个有序的分类变量,各级标记为R/L,包括水平,是不存在的。

the method used to grow the tree.   

the table of optimal prunings based on a complexity parameter.   

an object of mode expression and class term summarizing the formula.  Used by various methods, but typically not of direct relevance to users.   

an image of the call that produced the object, but with the arguments  all named and with the actual formula included as the formula argument.  To re-evaluate the call, say update(tree).   Optional components include the matrix of predictors (x) and the  response variable (y) used to construct the rpart object.   


The following components must be included in a legitimate rpart object.  Of these, only the where component has the same length as   the data used to fit the rpart object.

参见----------See Also----------


转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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