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发表于 2012-2-16 20:48:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Arithmetic Operators

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


These binary operators perform arithmetic on numeric or complex vectors (or objects which can be coerced to them).


x + y
x - y
x * y
x / y
x ^ y
x %% y
x %/% y


参数:x, y
numeric or complex vectors or objects which can be coerced to such, or other objects for which methods have been written.



The binary arithmetic operators are generic functions: methods can be written for them individually or via the Ops group generic function.  (See Ops for how dispatch is computed.)
二进制算术运算符是通用功能:方法可以写为他们单独或通过Ops组通用功能。 (见Ops如何计算调度。)

If applied to arrays the result will be an array if this is sensible (for example it will not if the recycling rule has been invoked).

Logical vectors will be coerced to integer or numeric vectors, FALSE having value zero and TRUE having value one.

1 ^ y and y ^ 0 are 1, always. x ^ y should also give the proper limit result when either argument is infinite (i.e., +- Inf).
1 ^ y和y ^ 0是1,总是。 x ^ y也应给予适当的限制的结果,当任一参数是无限的(即+- Inf)。

Objects such as arrays or time-series can be operated on this way provided they are conformable.

For real arguments, %% can be subject to catastrophic loss of accuracy if x is much larger than y, and a warning is given if this is detected.

%% and x %/% y can be used for non-integer y, e.g. 1 %/% 0.2, but the results are subject to representation error and so may be platform-dependent.  Because the IEC 60059 representation of 0.2 is a binary fraction slightly larger than 0.2, the answer to 1 %/% 0.2 should be 4 but most platforms give 5.
%%和x %/% y可用于非整数y,如1 %/% 0.2,但结果都表示错误等都可能是依赖于平台的。因为IEC 60059表示0.2是一个二进制数,稍微比0.2较大,答案应该1 %/% 0.24但大多数平台上给5。“

Users are sometimes surprised by the value returned, for example why (-8)^(1/3) is NaN.  For double inputs, R makes use of IEC 60559 arithmetic on all platforms, together with the C system function pow for the ^ operator.  The relevant standards define the result in many corner cases.  In particular, the result in the example above is mandated by the C99 standard.  On many Unix-alike systems the command man pow gives details of the values in a large number of corner cases.
用户有时惊讶返回值,例如为什么(-8)^(1/3)是NaN。双输入,研究使用IEC 60559在所有平台上的算术,连同C系统功能pow^运营商。有关标准的定义在许多角落情况的结果。在上面的例子中的结果,特别是C99标准规定。在许多Unix相似的系统命令man pow值给一个角落的情况下大量细节。

Arithmetic on type double in R is supposed to be done in "round to nearest, ties to even" mode, but this does depend on the compiler and FPU being set up correctly.


These operators return vectors containing the result of the element by element operations.  The elements of shorter vectors are recycled as necessary (with a warning when they are recycled only fractionally).  The operators are + for addition, - for subtraction, * for multiplication, / for division and ^ for exponentiation.

%% indicates x mod y and %/% indicates integer division.  It is guaranteed that x == (x %% y) + y * (   x %/% y ) (up to rounding error) unless y == 0 where the result for %% is NA_integer_ or NaN (depending on the typeof of the arguments).
%%表示x mod y和%/%表示整数除法。这是保证x == (x %% y) + y * (   x %/% y )(舍入误差),除非y == 0其中的结果%%是NA_integer_或NaN(typeof的视参数)。

If either argument is complex the result will be complex, otherwise if one or both arguments are numeric, the result will be numeric.  If both arguments are of type integer, the type of the result of / and ^ is numeric and for the other operators it is integer (with overflow, which occurs at +/- (2^31 - 1), returned as NA_integer_ with a warning).
如果任一参数是复杂的,其结果将是复杂的,否则,如果一个或两个参数都是数字,其结果将是数字。如果两个参数都是整数类型,结果类型/和^是数字和其他运营商,它是整数(溢出,发生在+/- (2^31 - 1)返回NA_integer_警告)。

The rules for determining the attributes of the result are rather complicated.  Most attributes are taken from the longer argument, the first if they are of the same length.  Names will be copied from the first if it is the same length as the answer, otherwise from the second if that is.  For time series, these operations are allowed only if the series are compatible, when the class and tsp attribute of whichever is a time series (the same, if both are) are used.  For arrays (and an array result) the dimensions and dimnames are taken from first argument if it is an array, otherwise the second.

S4方法----------S4 methods----------

These operators are members of the S4 Arith group generic, and so methods can be written for them individually as well as for the group generic (or the Ops group generic), with arguments c(e1, e2).
这些经营者的S4Arith组通用的成员,这样的方法可以为他们的书面单独组通用(或Ops组通用)以及参数,c(e1, e2) 。


** is translated in the parser to ^, but this was undocumented for many years.  It appears as an index entry in Becker et al (1988), pointing to the help for Deprecated but is not actually mentioned on that page.  Even though it had been deprecated in S for 20 years, it was still accepted in R in 2008.


The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
about Floating-Point Arithmetic  ACM Computing Surveys, 23(1).<br> Postscript version available at http://www.validlab.com/goldberg/paper.ps Extended PDF version at http://www.validlab.com/goldberg/paper.pdf

参见----------See Also----------

sqrt for miscellaneous and Special for special mathematical functions.

Syntax for operator precedence.

%*% for matrix multiplication.


x <- -1:12
x + 1
2 * x + 3
x %% 2 #-- is periodic[ - 是周期性]
x %/% 5

转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。


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