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发表于 2012-2-16 19:24:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                        Data Input

                                         译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Reads a file in table format and creates a data frame from it, with cases corresponding to lines and variables to fields in the file.


read.table(file, header = FALSE, sep = "", quote = "\"'",
           dec = ".", row.names, col.names,
           as.is = !stringsAsFactors,
           na.strings = "NA", colClasses = NA, nrows = -1,
           skip = 0, check.names = TRUE, fill = !blank.lines.skip,
           strip.white = FALSE, blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
           comment.char = "#",
           allowEscapes = FALSE, flush = FALSE,
           stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors(),
           fileEncoding = "", encoding = "unknown", text)

read.csv(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote="\"", dec=".",
         fill = TRUE, comment.char="", ...)

read.csv2(file, header = TRUE, sep = ";", quote="\"", dec=",",
          fill = TRUE, comment.char="", ...)

read.delim(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", dec=".",
           fill = TRUE, comment.char="", ...)

read.delim2(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote="\"", dec=",",
            fill = TRUE, comment.char="", ...)


the name of the file which the data are to be read from. Each row of the table appears as one line of the file.  If it does not contain an absolute path, the file name is relative to the current working directory, getwd(). Tilde-expansion is performed where supported. As from R 2.10.0 this can be a compressed file (see file).  Alternatively, file can be a readable text-mode connection (which will be opened for reading if necessary, and if so closed (and hence destroyed) at the end of the function call).  (If stdin() is used, the prompts for lines may be somewhat confusing.  Terminate input with a blank line or an EOF signal, Ctrl-D on Unix and Ctrl-Z on Windows.  Any pushback on stdin() will be cleared before return.)  file can also be a complete URL.  (For the supported URL schemes, see the "URLs" section of the help for url.)  
是被读出的数据文件的名称。表中的每一行显示为一行文件。如果它不包含一个绝对路径,文件名是相对于当前的工作目录,getwd()。波浪线扩展进行支持的地方。从R 2.10.0可以是一个压缩文件(见file)。另外,file可以是一个可读的文本模式连接(阅读如有必要,将打开,如果是这样closeD(因此在函数调用结束时销毁))。 (stdin()如果用于提示行可能有些令人困惑。终止输入一个空行或一个EOF信号,Ctrl-DUnix和Ctrl-ZWindows上的任何推回 stdin()将返回之前清除。)file也可以是一个完整的URL。 (支持的URL方案,请参阅“网址”url帮助部分)。

a logical value indicating whether the file contains the names of the variables as its first line.  If missing, the value is determined from the file format: header is set to TRUE if and only if the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns.

the field separator character.  Values on each line of the file are separated by this character.  If sep = "" (the default for read.table) the separator is "white space", that is one or more spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage returns.
字段分隔符。文件的每一行的值是通过这个角色分离。如果sep = ""(默认read.table)分隔符是“白色空间”,这是一个或多个空格,制表符,换行符或回车。

the set of quoting characters. To disable quoting altogether, use quote = "".  See scan for the behaviour on quotes embedded in quotes.  Quoting is only considered for columns read as character, which is all of them unless colClasses is specified.
引用字符集。完全禁用引用,使用quote = ""。看到scan引号中嵌入引号的行为。只考虑读的性格,这是所有这些,除非colClasses指定的列引用。

the character used in the file for decimal points.

a vector of row names.  This can be a vector giving the actual row names, or a single number giving the column of the table which contains the row names, or character string giving the name of the table column containing the row names.  If there is a header and the first row contains one fewer field than the number of columns, the first column in the input is used for the row names.  Otherwise if row.names is missing, the rows are numbered.  Using row.names = NULL forces row numbering. Missing or NULL row.names generate row names that are considered to be "automatic" (and not preserved by as.matrix).  
向量的行名。这可以是一个向量,给予实际的行名,或一个号码表,其中包含的行名,或字符串,包含行名称表列的名称列。如果有一个头的第一行包含列数少一个领域,在输入的第一列用于行名称。否则,如果row.names丢失,行编号。使用row.names = NULL部队排编号。失踪或NULLrow.names,生成的行被认为是“自动”(而不是由as.matrix保存)的名称。

a vector of optional names for the variables. The default is to use "V" followed by the column number.

the default behavior of read.table is to convert character variables (which are not converted to logical, numeric or complex) to factors.  The variable as.is controls the conversion of columns not otherwise specified by colClasses. Its value is either a vector of logicals (values are recycled if necessary), or a vector of numeric or character indices which specify which columns should not be converted to factors.  Note: to suppress all conversions including those of numeric columns, set colClasses = "character".  Note that as.is is specified per column (not per variable) and so includes the column of row names (if any) and any columns to be skipped.  
read.table的默认行为转换成字符变量(而不是转换为逻辑,数字或复杂的)因素。变量as.is控制转换colClasses没有其他指定的列。它的值是一个逻辑值向量(如果有必要回收价值),或数字或字符索引指定的列不应该被转换为因素的向量。注:禁止所有的转换,包括那些数字列,设置colClasses = "character"。请注意,as.is指定每列(而不是每个变量)等行名称的列(如有)及任何要跳过的列。

a character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values.  Blank fields are also considered to be missing values in logical, integer, numeric and complex fields.

character.  A vector of classes to be assumed for the columns.  Recycled as necessary, or if the character vector is named, unspecified values are taken to be NA.  Possible values are NA (the default, when type.convert is used), "NULL" (when the column is skipped), one of the atomic vector classes (logical, integer, numeric, complex, character, raw), or "factor", "Date" or "POSIXct".  Otherwise there needs to be an as method (from package methods) for conversion from "character" to the specified formal class.  Note that colClasses is specified per column (not per variable) and so includes the column of row names (if any).  

integer: the maximum number of rows to read in.  Negative and other invalid values are ignored.

integer: the number of lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data.

logical.  If TRUE then the names of the variables in the data frame are checked to ensure that they are syntactically valid variable names.  If necessary they are adjusted (by make.names) so that they are, and also to ensure that there are no duplicates.

logical. If TRUE then in case the rows have unequal length, blank fields are implicitly added.  See "Details".

logical. Used only when sep has been specified, and allows the stripping of leading and trailing white space from unquoted character fields (numeric fields are always stripped).  See scan for further details (including the exact meaning of "white space"), remembering that the columns may include the row names.

logical: if TRUE blank lines in the input are ignored.

character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string.  Use "" to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.

logical.  Should C-style escapes such as \n be processed or read verbatim (the default)?   Note that if not within quotes these could be interpreted as a delimiter (but not as a comment character).  For more details see scan.

logical: if TRUE, scan will flush to the end of the line after reading the last of the fields requested. This allows putting comments after the last field.

logical: should character vectors be converted to factors?  Note that this is overridden by as.is and colClasses, both of which allow finer control.

character string: if non-empty declares the encoding used on a file (not a connection) so the character data can be re-encoded.  See the "Encoding" section of the help for file, the "R Data Import/Export Manual" and "Note".  

encoding to be assumed for input strings.  It is used to mark character strings as known to be in Latin-1 or UTF-8 (see Encoding): it is not used to re-encode the input, but allows R to handle encoded strings in their native encoding (if one of those two).  See "Value".  

character string: if file is not supplied and this is,  then data are read from the value of text via a text connection. Notice that a literal string can be used to include (small) data sets  within R code.   

Further arguments to be passed to read.table.



This function is the principal means of reading tabular data into R.

Unless colClasses is specified, all columns are read as character columns and then converted using type.convert to logical, integer, numeric, complex or (depending on as.is) factor as appropriate.  Quotes are (by default) interpreted in all fields, so a column of values like "42" will result in an integer column.

A field or line is "blank" if it contains nothing (except whitespace if no separator is specified) before a comment character or the end of the field or line.

If row.names is not specified and the header line has one less entry than the number of columns, the first column is taken to be the row names.  This allows data frames to be read in from the format in which they are printed.  If row.names is specified and does not refer to the first column, that column is discarded from such files.

The number of data columns is determined by looking at the first five lines of input (or the whole file if it has less than five lines), or from the length of col.names if it is specified and is longer.  This could conceivably be wrong if fill or blank.lines.skip are true, so specify col.names if necessary (as in the "Examples").

read.csv and read.csv2 are identical to read.table except for the defaults.  They are intended for reading "comma separated value" files (".csv") or (read.csv2) the variant used in countries that use a comma as decimal point and a semicolon as field separator.  Similarly, read.delim and read.delim2 are for reading delimited files, defaulting to the TAB character for the delimiter.  Notice that header = TRUE and fill = TRUE in these variants, and that the comment character is disabled.
read.csv和read.csv2除了默认值是相同read.table。他们的目的是为阅读“逗号分隔值”文件(.csv)或(read.csv2)国家使用一个逗号作为小数点和一个分号作为字段分隔符使用的变种。同样,read.delim和read.delim2是阅读,默认的分隔符为制表符分隔的文件。请注意,header = TRUE和fill = TRUE注释字符在这些变种,被禁用。

The rest of the line after a comment character is skipped; quotes are not processed in comments.  Complete comment lines are allowed provided blank.lines.skip = TRUE; however, comment lines prior to the header must have the comment character in the first non-blank column.
该行注释字符后的其余部分将被跳过,报价不处理意见。完整的注释行可以提供blank.lines.skip = TRUE;然而,注释行头前必须有注释字符的第一个非空白列。

Quoted fields with embedded newlines are supported except after a comment character.


A data frame (data.frame) containing a representation of the data in the file.

Empty input is an error unless col.names is specified, when a 0-row data frame is returned: similarly giving just a header line if header = TRUE results in a 0-row data frame.  Note that in either case the columns will be logical unless colClasses was supplied.
空的输入是一个错误,除非col.names被指定时,返回0行数据框:同样只是一个标题行,如果header = TRUE0行数据框中的结果。请注意,在任何情况下,列将是逻辑,除非colClasses提供。

Character strings in the result (including factor levels) will have a declared encoding if encoding is "latin1" or "UTF-8".

内存使用----------Memory usage----------

These functions can use a surprising amount of memory when reading large files.  There is extensive discussion in the "R Data Import/Export" manual, supplementing the notes here.
读取大文件时,这些功能都可以使用的内存数量惊人。 “R数据导入/导出”手册中有广泛的讨论,在这里补充笔记。

Less memory will be used if colClasses is specified as one of the six atomic vector classes.  This can be particularly so when reading a column that takes many distinct numeric values, as storing each distinct value as a character string can take up to 14 times as much memory as storing it as an integer.

Using nrows, even as a mild over-estimate, will help memory usage.

Using comment.char = "" will be appreciably faster than the read.table default.
使用comment.char = ""将略微快于read.table默认。

read.table is not the right tool for reading large matrices, especially those with many columns: it is designed to read data frames which may have columns of very different classes. Use scan instead for matrices.


The columns referred to in as.is and colClasses include the column of row names (if any).

Because this function uses pushBack it can only handle character strings which can be represented in the current locale.  So although fileEncoding can be used to specify the encoding of the input file (or a connection can be specified which re-encodes), the implied re-encoding must be possible.  This is not a problem in UTF-8 locales, but it can be on Windows — readLines or scan can be used to avoid this limitation since they have special provisions to convert input to UTF-8.
由于此功能使用pushBack它只能处理字符可以表示在当前语言环境的字符串。因此,尽管fileEncoding可用于指定编码输入文件(或重新编码,可以指定一个连接),隐含的重新编码必须是可能的。这是不是在UTF-8语言环境中存在的问题,但它可以在Windows  - readLines或scan可以用来避免这种限制,因为他们有特别规定转换为UTF-8的输入。


Data for models. Chapter 3 of Statistical Models in S eds J. M. Chambers and T. J. Hastie, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

参见----------See Also----------

The "R Data Import/Export" manual.

scan, type.convert, read.fwf for reading fixed width formatted input; write.table; data.frame.

count.fields can be useful to determine problems with reading files which result in reports of incorrect record lengths (see the "Examples" below).

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180 for the IANA definition of CSV files (which requires comma as separator and CRLF line endings).


## using count.fields to handle unknown maximum number of fields[#使用count.fields的处理未知领域的最大数量]
## when fill=TRUE[#当填写= TRUE]
test1 <- c(1:5, "6,7", "8,9,10")
tf <- tempfile()
writeLines(test1, tf)

read.csv(tf, fill = TRUE) # 1 column[1列]
ncol <- max(count.fields(tf, sep = ","))
read.csv(tf, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE,
         col.names = paste("V", seq_len(ncol), sep = ""))

## "Inline" data set, using text=[“内联”#数据集,使用文本=]
## Notice that leading and trailing empty lines are auto-trimmed[#请注意开头和结尾的空行自动调整]

read.table(header=TRUE, text="
a b
1 2
3 4

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