By MicroRbt Martinez PhD
These functions provide a mechanism for handling unusual conditions, including errors and warnings.
tryCatch(expr, ..., finally)
withCallingHandlers(expr, ...)
simpleCondition(message, call = NULL)
simpleError (message, call = NULL)
simpleWarning (message, call = NULL)
simpleMessage (message, call = NULL)
errorCondition(message, ..., class = NULL, call = NULL)
warningCondition(message, ..., class = NULL, call = NULL)
## S3 method for class 'condition' S3 method for class 'condition'
as.character(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'error' S3 method for class 'error'
as.character(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'condition' S3 method for class 'condition'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'restart' S3 method for class 'restart'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'condition' S3 method for class 'condition'
## S3 method for class 'condition' S3 method for class 'condition'
withRestarts(expr, ...)
computeRestarts(cond = NULL)
findRestart(name, cond = NULL)
invokeRestart(r, ...)
tryInvokeRestart(r, ...)
.signalSimpleWarning(msg, call)
.handleSimpleError(h, msg, call)
参数c介绍: a condition object.
参数call介绍: call expression.
参数cond介绍: a condition object.
参数expr介绍: expression to be evaluated.
参数finally介绍: expression to be evaluated before returning or exiting.
参数h介绍: function.
参数message介绍: character string.
参数msg介绍: character string.
参数name介绍: character string naming a restart.
参数r介绍: restart object.
参数x介绍: object.
参数class介绍: character string naming a condition class.
参数...介绍: additional arguments; see details below.
The condition system provides a mechanism for signaling and handling unusual conditions, including errors and warnings. Conditions are represented as objects that contain information about the condition that occurred, such as a message and the call in which the condition occurred. Currently conditions are S3-style objects, though this may eventually change.
Conditions are objects inheriting from the abstract class condition. Errors and warnings are objects inheriting from the abstract subclasses error and warning. The class simpleError is the class used by stop and all internal error signals. Similarly, simpleWarning is used by warning, and simpleMessage is used by message. The constructors by the same names take a string describing the condition as argument and an optional call. The functions conditionMessage and conditionCall are generic functions that return the message and call of a condition.
The function errorCondition and warningCondition can be used to construct error conditions of a particular class with additional fields specified as the ... argument. warningCondition is analogous for warnings.
函数errorCondition和warningCondition可用于构造带有指定为...参数的附加字段的特定类的错误条件。 warningCondition与警告类似。
Conditions are signaled by signalCondition. In addition, the stop and warning functions have been modified to also accept condition arguments.
The function tryCatch evaluates its expression argument in a context where the handlers provided in the ... argument are available. The finally expression is then evaluated in the context in which tryCatch was called; that is, the handlers supplied to the current tryCatch call are not active when the finally expression is evaluated.
Handlers provided in the ... argument to tryCatch are established for the duration of the evaluation of expr. If no condition is signaled when evaluating expr then tryCatch returns the value of the expression.
If a condition is signaled while evaluating expr then established handlers are checked, starting with the most recently established ones, for one matching the class of the condition. When several handlers are supplied in a single tryCatch then the first one is considered more recent than the second. If a handler is found then control is transferred to the tryCatch call that established the handler, the handler found and all more recent handlers are disestablished, the handler is called with the condition as its argument, and the result returned by the handler is returned as the value of the tryCatch call.
Calling handlers are established by withCallingHandlers. If a condition is signaled and the applicable handler is a calling handler, then the handler is called by signalCondition in the context where the condition was signaled but with the available handlers restricted to those below the handler called in the handler stack. If the handler returns, then the next handler is tried; once the last handler has been tried, signalCondition returns NULL.
globalCallingHandlers establishes calling handlers globally. These handlers are only called as a last resort, after the other handlers dynamically registered with withCallingHandlers have been invoked. They are called before the error global option (which is the legacy interface for global handling of errors). Registering the same handler multiple times moves that handler on top of the stack, which ensures that it is called first. Global handlers are a good place to define a general purpose logger (for instance saving the last error object in the global workspace) or a general recovery strategy (e.g. installing missing packages via the retry_loadNamespace restart).
Like withCallingHandlers and tryCatch, globalCallingHandlers takes named handlers. Unlike these functions, it also has an options-like interface: you can establish handlers by passing a single list of named handlers. To unregister all global handlers, supply a single 'NULL'. The list of deleted handlers is returned invisibly. Finally, calling globalCallingHandlers without arguments returns the list of currently established handlers, visibly.
像withCallingHandlers和tryCatch一样,globalCallingHandlers也采用命名处理程序。与这些函数不同,它还具有类似于optionscc的接口:您可以通过传递命名处理程序的单个列表来建立处理程序。要注销所有全局处理程序,请提供一个“ NULL”。删除的处理程序列表将不可见地返回。最后,不带参数调用globalCallingHandlersc会明显返回当前建立的处理程序列表。
User interrupts signal a condition of class interrupt that inherits directly from class condition before executing the default interrupt action.
Restarts are used for establishing recovery protocols. They can be established using withRestarts. One pre-established restart is an abort restart that represents a jump to top level.
findRestart and computeRestarts find the available restarts. findRestart returns the most recently established restart of the specified name. computeRestarts returns a list of all restarts. Both can be given a condition argument and will then ignore restarts that do not apply to the condition.
findRestart和computeRestarts查找可用的重启。 findRestart返回指定名称的最近建立的重新启动。 computeRestarts返回所有重新启动的列表。两者都可以被赋予一个条件参数,然后将忽略不适用于该条件的重启。
invokeRestart transfers control to the point where the specified restart was established and calls the restart's handler with the arguments, if any, given as additional arguments to invokeRestart. The restart argument to invokeRestart can be a character string, in which case findRestart is used to find the restart. If no restart is found, an error is thrown.
invokeRestart将控制权转移到指定的重新启动已建立的位置,并使用作为invokeRestart附加参数的参数(如果有)调用重新启动的处理程序。 invokeRestart的restart参数可以是字符串,在这种情况下,使用findRestart查找重启。如果找不到重新启动,则会引发错误。
tryInvokeRestart is a variant of invokeRestart that returns silently when the restart cannot be found with findRestart. Because a condition of a given class might be signalled with arbitrary protocols (error, warning, etc), it is recommended to use this permissive variant whenever you are handling conditions signalled from a foreign context. For instance, invokation of a "muffleWarnings" restart should be optional because the warning might have been signalled by the user or from a different package with the stop or message protocols. Only use invokeRestart when you have control of the signalling context, or when it is a logical error if the |