Multiple job openings are available at Dr. Liping Wei’s joint lab at Peking University and the National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS), Beijing:
Child psychiatrists and psychologists
We have multiple openings for talented and dedicated postdocs with a background in human genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, psychiatry, or psychology to study the genetic basis of autism spectrum disorder using the next-generation sequencing technologies. We have established a world-class human genetics and genomics lab as well as bioinformatics facilities, and have established a collection of blood and DNA samples from Chinese autism patient in cases, trios and multiplex families.
Requirement: Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree, a strong background in human genetics, genomics, and/or bioinformatics, and interests in finding the causes of childhood neuropsychiatric disorders. Both experimental and computational scientists are encouraged to apply.
We have multiple openings for talented and dedicated child psychiatrists and psychologists to join our team to characterize and subtype autism spectrum disorder at a finer level, and to work closely with our genetics and genomics scientists to find the etiology and targeted therapy of the subtypes. We have a network of over 150 autism treatment centers with thousands of autistic patients.
Requirement: Candidates with clinical experience in child psychiatry are preferred; Candidates with M.S. or Ph.D. degree in psychiatry/psychology with strong background in the design and execution of behavior tests are also welcome.
Peking University and NIBS provide an exciting and stimulating scientific environment as well as competitive salaries and benefits. Interested candidates should send a complete CV, a description of past experience and future research plan, and detailed contact information of three references to Dr. Wei at weiliping@nibs.ac.cn. Pre-application inquiries are welcome and should be addressed to Dr. Wei.
本课题组现招募博士后,欢迎各位研究背景为遗传学、基因组学、生物信息学、精神病学、或心理学的优秀博士毕业生加入我们团队。本课题组的主要研究方向为利用新一代测序技术研究孤独症的遗传基础。我们在北京生命科学研究所建立了世界一流的人类遗传学、基因组学和生物信息学实验室和中国孤独症病人血液和DNA样本库(包括case/control, trios 和multiplex家庭样本)。
北京大学及北京生命科学研究所拥有国际一流的科研条件,为优秀的申请者提供优厚的工资和福利待遇。有意者请将简历、过去研究经历、未来研究计划、和三位推荐人的详细联系方式发送至魏丽萍博士电子邮箱: weiliping@nibs.ac.cn。如需申请前问询,请与魏丽萍博士邮件联系。