| pathway/ | KEGG PATHWAY (daily updated) |
| | map/ | Reference pathway maps |
| | ko/ | Reference pathway maps (KO) |
| | ec/ | Reference pathway maps (EC) |
| | rn/ | Reference pathway maps (reaction) |
| | organisms/ | Organism-specific pathway maps |
| | pathway | Pathway entries (text data) |
| | map_title.tab | List of pathways available |
| module/ | KEGG MODULE (daily updated) New! |
| | ko/ | Reference module maps (KO) - to be added |
| | organisms/ | Organism-specific module maps - to be added |
| | module | Module entries (text data) |
| brite/ | KEGG BRITE (daily updated) |
| | ko/ | BRITE hierarchies for KO |
| | br/ | BRITE hierarchies for the other categories |
| | jp/ | BRITE hierarchies for the other categories in Japanese |
| | organisms/ | BRITE hierarchies for organisms (converted from KO) |
| genes/ | KEGG GENES (daily updated except oc) |
| | ko | KEGG ORTHOLOGY (KO) database |
| | genome | KEGG GENOME database |
| | taxonomy | List of organisms |
| | organisms/ | KEGG GENES database with manual (KOALA) annotation |
| | organisms_new/ | New data for KEGG GENES in preparation (no annotation) |
| | organisms_draft/ | KEGG DGENES database with automatic (KAAS) annotation |
| | organisms_est/ | KEGG EGENES database with automatic (KAAS) annotation |
| | fasta/ | FASTA sequence files for GENES, DGENES, and GENOME databases |
| | oc/ | KEGG OC: ortholog clusters computationally generated from KEGG SSDB (updated a few times per month) |
| ligand/ | KEGG LIGAND (daily updated) |
| | compound/ | KEGG COMPOUND database |
| | glycan/ | KEGG GLYCAN database |
| | reaction/ | KEGG REACTION database |
| | rpair/ | KEGG RPAIR database |
| | rclass/ | KEGG RCLASS database |
| | enzyme/ | KEGG ENZYME database |
| | ligand_update.lst | Update status of C/D/G entries |
| medicus/ | KEGG MEDICUS (daily updated) |
| | disease | KEGG DISEASE database |
| | drug/ | KEGG DRUG database |
| | edrug | KEGG EDRUG database |
| xml/ | XML files of KEGG pathways (daily updated) |
| | kgml/ | KGML (KEGG Markup Language) format files |
| | kgml+/ | KGML+ format file for the global map |
| release/ | All of the above (weekly updated) |
| software/ | KegTools |